Session 74: Finish up & New Travel Report

General Summary

Last time, down to Reolus and Anselma, they were going around the town a bit. Package had arrived for Eleia, which they opened. A big painting which had a letter with the letter K.       A new day breaks, and people start to wake up and meet up to decide what they want to do.   Eleia wakes up and goes to Anselma's place where Anselma is trying to learn Magmar a new language.   Reolus is eating a fish in the Inn.   While Reolus is eating his fish a young lad enters the Inn and talks to the inn keeper about performing there. The man has golden eyes and is about 19 years old.   The group is converged at the inn at which point the news of the baby griffin is. Reolus talks to Eleia about this K that is the sender of the message that came with the painting.   Reolus starts joking with Eleia that he could eat the griffin hatchling to get her moving a bit. As Eleia tries to go see the hatching first.   After arriving at the groove Eleia asks Emma if she can feed the Griffin and if the griffin has imprinted on someone already. Emma agrees that Eleia can approach it and give it some food.   Eleia moves close into the area of the griffin, and keeps giving food to distract the griffin. Eleia gets a bit too close and gets clawed by the griffin.   The wyvern egg will hatch in about 3-4 weeks. The dragon egg will take a few months still.   The group moves to the church to take care of the painting. A priest offers the blessing of the lord and/or other business. The group moves on to the back and they bring the painting out from the vault.   The painting is setup in front of the altar. Eleia reads the text on the painting, when I'm received willingly, all the damned will be released onto the world. On the bottom there are a few other letters in infernal and abysil. It seems to be Frankish letters which seem to say: P l M   Eleia thinks the words are a spell.   Anselma is worried about the painting and that she cannot trust it.   Jerimoth feels a strange cold around him at some point riling up his spine.   Reolus and Anselma remove the painting from the frame by removing the nails to get a clear view of the back and front without the frame to uncover any hidden messages.   Eleia expects that PlM is someone related to the De Reis family A merchant comes to mind. Eleia remembers what Plm stands for.   The group decides to go grab a drink while deciding on what to do with the painting.   Jerimoth a bard is explaining about history of some paintings after some time it comes down to Jerimoth being abducted by Eleia, Anselma, and Reolus (with only Jerimoth, and Anselma being sober) to the church.   Father Tossil joins at the moment Jerimoth casts dispell magic onto the painting. The paiting burns around the edges   The frame is created by LM2 (II)   Reolus stays in the church with Father Tossil. Sleeping on the rafters where father Tossil and the priests are trying to catch him.   Jerimoth, Eleia, and Anselma move to the messenger area. The return letter says, what a lovely picture of the underworld. I thought you would send some orders. I'm down on my luck lately. As I always feel a ghostly presence.   Afterwards Eleia hands the message back to the messenger to get it delivered back to Klaus.   After delivering the message the group heads back to church to check up on Reolus. Reolus has just been caught by Father Tossil and a few priests and while loudly complaining to them, Eleia asks Reolus if he wants to come to the griffon. At which Reolus asks if he can eat the Griffon.   After Reolus is bundled off to bed to sleep off the hard liquor, the rest get a horse each. They plan on doing a bit of travelling.   Druidess Emma Duckthorne explained to them that gobblins had moved in to the west. They are ex-slaves. The de Rais round them up for mine work or sell them on to slavers.   They travel to the where the goblins are in a mackshift camp and are told by them that they come from a mine to the north west in the Central Massif. The mine was near exhausted but they broke through to a hidden cavern. There was some type of ruined bone-like material there and some type of resin excreted by some 'thing'.   A chamber exits the other side but he goblins were too scared to go near it.   They went and grabbed some strange looking weapoins they could find. Fought their way out and escaped. Said it would be more heavily defended now. It lies about 3 to 4 miles west & 2 to 3miles north.   The three person party now went & searched for the area and found it at the end of a valley north west of the fort. Anselma made a rough map out of it and they returned to Eschbach to gather who & what they need.

Rewards Granted

8900 XP

9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

Reolus Rhin

Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Folk Hero)
Rogue 20
143 / 143 HP

Grimmaz Fyrwin

Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
01 Dec 2023

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