Session 10: Finishing off with the Cavern Report

General Summary

Grimmas & Fleec are nearing the end of exploring the caverns. Fleec has stayed with two militia in the centre of the cavern, while Grimmas has ventured with the rest down opposite to where they have just come from. There they find an old volcanic vent with rubble in front of it. Grimmas and one of the militia ventured down nearly abreast. There are steps that could fit two to three humans side by side leading down with a light source below. There is a stench of blood and excrement on the steps, getting stronger as they go down. They notice bones, blood & excrement on the sides of the steps, and three shadows moving at the bottom. They draw their weapons before getting down.   The first thing they see is a 500 yard tunnel-like area, with two pits, one on either side, with something glowing in them, and smoke / gas, and heat coming from them. Standing directly in front of them is three troglodytes, and at the end of the room, a mage (in this case Vitus Nhung), with his back turned in front of an alter. It is podium and on top of it a block of black stone (with a greasy covering), and a block of amber on top, all about 7 to 8 feet in length. The militia calls the others down while both quickly dispatch the troglodytes, and make their way down. They notice the pits have a small lip (about 1 foot) along them, and lava deep down at the bottom. Grimmas notices that the floor has been carved in a design that is obviously done by Dwarves, but unable to make a guess at what it means. It appears to show a landscape of stone passages on top of one another.   When they reach the end Vitus notices them, and turns round. He drops his book and casts Chill Touch on to Grimmas who is mildly injured by it. Grimmas & the militia immediately attack, with Vitus using his withering touch on both. The two are hit indiscriminately by Vitus who injured both quite brutally, especially Grimmas, though the militia pierces Vitus with his spear, and Grimmas finishes him off with a number of well-placed axe hits. By the time Grimmas is finished, Vitus is cut to bits, and his body dumped in the lava.   The others soon catch up, and Mikeal, the Sergeant-at-Arms that the two made quick work of the troglodytes. Grimmas examines the area, finding a bag, and Vitus Nhung's grimoire. In the bag is some money, a ring with a diamond or glass shield design on it, two ingots of a silvery metal, and a Latin document with a map showing the valley they are in the surrounding mountain parts, the woodland, and down to where the road leading south now is. It seems to cover an area of about 12 square miles.   Examining the altar, the bottom part is made of some type of black stone, with a greasy residue on it, and a brass / bronze style bracket at each corner used to hold the amber in place. The amber gives off a bad vibe, and has old & new blood stains on it. Bits are broken off, and in Vitus' bag id a small hammer and chisel. Grimmas bends one of the brackets to allow him to push the amber block off. he militia help him to push the block towards one of the pits on the side using their spears as rollers, and he shows his strength again by tipping it into the lava. When it hits a scream is heard, and a mist suddenly rises up & disappears.   After this they ascend the steps up to the middle of the area, rest up a bit, fill in Fleec what happened, and then travel along the unexplored part to examine there. They come across a granite pillar in the form of a crucified creature, with what looks like bones protruding from it's chest, along it's legs, and arms. It has been carved as well. The abdomen has been carved to show it has been disembowelled, and has a head showing a mouth filled with sharp teeth, and a strange helmet on. The front of it covers the area from the bottom of the nose up to the top of the head, and smooth. The rest is a row of small ribs on either side.   They make it to a large circular building made of granite with pillars every 50 odd yards, carved in the form of gigantic ribs, and an opening directly in front of them. It is an oval shape with a circular design where the sides meet at the top, and open enough for only one person at a time to pass through. A couple of steps lead up in. At this point, Grimmas and the men are ready to go in.

Rewards Granted

100 gold pieces, small hammer & chisel, bag, Vitus Nhung's grimoire, 2 ingots of silvery metal (adamantine), ring with a diamond-like shield design on it (Ring of Protection), and a document in Latin with a map of the valley, woodlands, and area surrounding these (deeds for the area (12 square miles), issued by the Vatican). 5650 xp.

Missions/Quests Completed

Vitus Nhung has been killed, and an amber sarcophagus destroyed in process too.

Character(s) interacted with

Vitus Nhung, Mikeal the Sergeant at Arms, the Burgeaters militia unit.

9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

Fleec Snow

Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf ()
Rogue/assassin 8
61 / 61 HP

Grimmaz Fyrwin

Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
02 Sep 2021
Primary Location
Caverns of the Crucified
Secondary Location
Lower Cavern of the Crucified

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