Session 92: The Prisoner Report

General Summary

Reolus wakes up first and then wakes up Anselma. After which Reolus throws pebbles at Eleia's door and at Grimmaz's door. The group worried finds a local guard which informs Reolus that he had seen Grimmaz wake up early and heading to the inn. Eleia goes to the smithy for the new daggers. The rest goes to the inn and order some food.   In the Inn they meet Grimmaz who was already eating, Grimmaz expected it to be a long/busy day which made him decide to get up early.     Eleia visits the smithy and the dwarves are happy to see her.   The new daggers named romulus and remus are done. The blades are modelled to the K9s of wolves. The pearls shimmering and looking fancy. A bit of silver covering parts of the grips/handles. Eleia pays 12 gold coins for the work on the new daggers, and one of the dwarves uncles (childric) is friendly with Grimmaz and suggests that he will have a word with Grimmaz later.     Eleia super happy with her new daggers, walking with the daggers in hand through the street. Approaching the inn, Eleia gets told by a member of the thieves guild to put away her new daggers, which Eleia promptly challenges that she will see who is able to steal her daggers.     Eleia sits down at the table and gives away her breakfast to Reolus, after which she orders a bottle of wine.     Reolus asks Eleia how it went at the smithy and Eleia is super happy that she has new daggers. Grimmaz uses this to ask about the dwarves family and that they had good times in the past.     The group finishes food and decides to go to the towns council.     At the council Grimmaz hears that it seems that someone took out the quack doctor from the castle to the east. Seems like some sort of accident. Fleur says that the group was back before it happened, so they took the liberty to say that the group from Eshbach didn't do it.     The council mentions that there are a few interesting characters in the prison which say they murdered someone and then denies it. The authorities inside Orleans are looking for him as he seems to have committed a few murders there.   After checking the woods they found a young suspicious male there, he is also locked in prison but he seems to be a natural born survivor. Many locals have feelings about his kind. So they suggest Grimmaz finds out what he is doing there.     Grimmaz mentions that the reports about spiders should cease now. Reolus mentions that Father Tossil is taking care of a book that Nine brought back from the doctors fort. Reolus gets notified that the brewery is nearing completion and the basics are taken care of. Thus things are needed for recipes. The council reports that the person who died isn't known. Seems to have been an outsider who came from the North. The man seemed to be from the North from the direction of Aachen.   It will take a few days to get a proper answer who he was. Eleia jumps in on this and asks if the prisoners are responsible for the murder, but that doesn't seem to be the case.     One came from the west and both didn't seem to know the victim from the North.     The group decides to go to the prisoners. On the way they see the dwarves being super happy, and when crossing the bridge to the barracks Reolus can see the new brewery standing there.     Once across the bridge a market is taking place around a big oak tree.     At the barracks 2 man come up to Grimmaz and report for duty. Seems like the sergeant of arms got promoted to captain. Mikhael tells the group of man to line up and great their commander/captain and lord.     Reolus uses misty steps to suddenly turn up behind a new recruit and warn them to pay attention as danger is everywhere. Which the commander enforces and Grimmaz acknowledges.     The group leaves the new recruits and heads down towards the jails.     In the prison they see a young lad, with reddish skin, horns, and a lions tail, wooden antler horns on him. Grimmaz recognizes the lad as a Thiefling. After Eleia starts to recognize that it's a thiefling and wants to approach Grimmaz holds Eleia so that Eleia can't approach.     Grimmaz asks if the thiefling has a name, but he just glares at Grimmaz.     The guard mentions that he killed a couple of chickens to the SE of there. Seemed to be more hungry but the guards didn't know what to do with him being a thiefling. Grimmaz mentioning that it's strange to have 2 thieflings at once. Asking again do you have a name.     Grimmaz leans into Eleia and mentions you do know how thiefling's are seen in these lands, the only reason that you can walk about with some impunity is that you're under my protection. You don't remember how you were treated?   Eleia; it was just a couple of chickens, why can't he just be put under your protection?   Grimmaz; I have no idea who he is, why he's here. Until he answers some questions this is the safest place for him.   Eleia; I don't agree, you might run this place. But you don't know what can happen to him with all these stupid soldiers.   Grimmaz; he will be looked after well and he will be fed.   Guard; Yes we'll look after him until we're given the order to release him.   Grimmaz; says let's look at the other prisoner.     Grimmaz mentions that it's good that he isn't implicated in human murder, and walks off to the other cell with Reolus and Anselma.     Eleia stays behind with the other thiefling.     The other cell seems to have a person tied to the wall with chains. Grimmaz starts questioning the person in the cell chained to the walls. The man in the cell makes a change expression and refuses to have killed anyone. After which the prisoners complexion changes. Questioning Grimmaz if he misses his wife and child.     Grimmaz questions about the phrase one more left, the prisoner acknowledges it. Saying one more until he is free from the body.     Turning around to the guard, Grimmaz requests to double the guards and to kill first ask questions later if he escapes. If there are any issues, come find the lord.     Afterwards Grimmaz points to the lad, and mentions that having another prisoner close to that lunatic isn't good.       The creature seems to utter some information only the characters should know themselves. Thus Reolus suggests to get some help from Tossil.     After some time 2 new recruits come down at which point Grimmaz says that the prisoner tries to get into your head, that he's evil. The person changes to his normal persona. Saying he's killed 17 people, 5 noble born, 6 monks, and 6 commoners.     Afterwards Grimmaz mentions that he has to leave the thiefling in the cells for now, but he's working to get him out. Grimmaz heads out followed by Reolus,   Anselma talks to Eleia, as Eleia doesn't want to leave the other thiefling there.     Grimmaz talks to Father Tossil about Mulock. Asking what he knows about it. Father Tossil tells what he knows. Wondering why he's being mentioned. Thus Grimmaz explaining about the prisoner with the dual personality. Father Tossil reminds that there are noble-born people in the guards.     Grimmaz making hast to return to the prison.     Meanwile at the cells, Eleia is approaching the child prisoner. After which the other prisoner which is locked to the wall in the other cell asks Eleia how it is growing up on the streets, telling her to give the child to him.   The guards make a small thrust at him to make him go silent, which changes the person to the human character.     After some time they hear hasty footsteps approaching, Grimmaz, Reolus, and Anselma arrive at the prisons. The prisoner who is possessed is called Pier Fee-Noir, an old servant of the d'orleans family. Father Tossil starts the exorcism with chants and some holy water, and Grimmaz gets someone to bring some mistle toe blood cloth down to father Tossil.     The monks and the father are in the cell. The druid is standing back to provide support.     The group enters the town hall well after midnight, and it seems that it's still going on. At about 4 in the morning a tremor is felt which subsided very quickly. After about 15 minutes a burgeater comes running up barging into the town hall. The exorcism has been successful, except for one minor thing. The thing is out of Pier, part of the wall collapsed which fell on one of the monks killing him. Pier is still alive.     The group goes to sleep around 0415 after it gets quiet again in the village. The group sleeping in the town hall for the protection of the thiefling. XD     Grimmaz asks Eleia what the thiefling's name is, Eleia confirms with Owle if she is allowed to share his name, and she is as Owle nods his head. Pointing to Eleia, there are many strange things in these lands as I assume she has explained. Grimmaz remembering that he forgot to introduce himself, introduces himself.   At which point Grimmaz awkwardly thinks that Owle doesn't understand Grimmaz, so he looks at Eleia to translate. At which point Eleia asks Owle if he understands the common language or only Infernal.     Seems like the child can only speak Infernal. After which Grimmaz points to Anselma, and Reolus and introduces them. Reolus holds up his paw/hand, at which point the kid also holds up one hand and grabs Reolus paw.     Grimmaz and Eleia have a conversation about Owle and Reolus grabs a drink of water and offers Owle also some water.

9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

Reolus Rhin

Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Folk Hero)
Rogue 20
143 / 143 HP

Grimmaz Fyrwin

Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
06 Apr 2024

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