Session 19: Fun & Games with Saxons Report

General Summary

Grimmaz & Bjorn, with their trusty sidekick Kulug Jocki, left the Saxons under the guise of scouting ahead of them. They were told that the Saxon forces were building up in or near Eschweiler, east of Aachen. After a few hours travel, they came across a number of Saxons who were burning a sacred grove, and had massacred the Sprites & Pixies who called the grove home. Bjorn talked to the Saxon Thegn that was leading the men there. The Saxons appeared down, and saddened by what they were doing. They had to do it so that their shadowy allies could travel into the lands there. Bjorn also found out that some of the Pixies had escaped, and the ones that were killed where being transported to somewhere to be harvested for their pixie dust. The Sprites bodies were being burned.   On down the road, Bjorn heard what sounded like an insect buzzing around himself. Grimmaz & Kulug heard nothing. Down the road they stopped for a short rest, with Grimmaz finding the remains of another burned grove with a path leading away. When he returned Bjorn smelled wildflowers. After this, Grimmaz challenged whoever or whatever was around them. A Pixie by the name of Alfre appeared from behind a bush. She explained when asked, that she had followed them from the grove the Saxons had burned, and seen that Bjorn was good enough to follow. She didn't like Kulug though. She also said she is armed with a Spirit's long sword, which she slapped to make a point of being armed. Though doing this it appears more like a needle to the others.   After this she would sit on Bjorn's shoulder while they travelled down the path to a hamlet where a Saxon Frydman stood outside a door to the local elder's home. He hit the door with the butt of his spear, and three other Frydmen, and a Thegn appeared out the door. A fight was instigated by Grimmaz, who proceeded to kill the men with the help of Witchbolting the Thegn, of which the bolt appeared as lightning coursing through him. The elder showed them where the midden was and they burned the bodies taking anything of use. The found a few copper coins, and some hacksilver. They were given the bodies of some pixies that were taken and burned them too. The elder was given a copper coins, and said they would cover for them if need be, and asked for Woden & Asator to look after them.   After travelling for about a day or so afterwards they arrived to a road into Aachen, and came across the guard tower on the road. At this part, a Dwarf with orange red hair spiked up, and a long orange red beard had recently been whipped. As they got closer, Grimmaz recognised the Dwarf as Floki Bigbeard, and asked what had happened. Floki accidentally killed two Frankish soldiers when in a frenzy, and was punished by being whipped instead of beheading. Grimmaz explained to him, that they had knowledge of an imminent attack on Aachen and if he was interested. He said yes, was introduced to the rest of the team, and both he & the guards said they needed to talk to the counts in the city. When introduced to Bjorn, they talked in Old Nord, and Floki asked if he was one of 'those' types of runecasters. Bjorn said no. Floki didn't recognise what type of being Kulug is. Floki knew a few, and had to pick up a few 'friends' in a bawdyhouse before going into the city. This was so they had more than one person who could argue their case, and approach the most counts possible.   Going on in the barman was approached by Floki, while the others looked around seeing people eating, drinking, talking, and the women & the odd man dressed seductively. Floki went to the back of the room where there is a frosted glass window, with a couple of seats in front of it. On one was a man and a woman on his knee. Floki paid the woman who left at that point. Floki talked to the man, who soon stepped up and walked towards the adventurers. It turned out this was Mikeal Andolf, the sergeant at arms of the Burgeaters unit. He was going to help them with the job, get the Burgeaters out of the bawdyhouse, got introduced to the new members of our plucky team, and possibly fight too.

Rewards Granted

2,300 xp each, 12 copper pieces, and 6 bits of hacksilver.

Missions/Quests Completed

Fun & Games With the Saxons

Character(s) interacted with

Two Saxon thegns, 12 Saxon frydmen, Frankish soldiers, hamlet elder, Alfre, Floki Bigbeard, Mikeal Andolf.

9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

Stormthrower Bloodaxe

Chaotic Good Human (Norse warlock raider for hire across the continent)
Warlock 3
21 / 21 HP

Fleec Snow

Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf ()
Rogue/assassin 8
61 / 61 HP

Grimmaz Fyrwin

Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
17 Feb 2022
Primary Location

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