Session 01: Adventuring We Go Report

General Summary

Norick obnoxiously knocks on the door of the misfits party, Archi being the one to open the door. Norick is asking about the mission that they received. The group explains the mission that is given to them by the council.   Magnar knocks on the door, at which point Arne opens the door and welcomes Magnar in.     Arne mentions that the council tasked the group for a mission…     The group travels to the caravan location/direction. Once there they see overturned Germanic caravans with arrows in them. The horses that pulled the caravan seem to have been killed with arrows. The group stops the cart and Arti goes to investigate the wagons. Most of the stuff from the wagon has been stolen. There don't seem to be any bodies, but there are 5 graves visible along the path. 2 smaller ones and 3 adult sized.     Magnar and Norick move up front and the group moves North following the trail from the wagons. There Rook sees an encampment which is reported back to the group. Norick is trying to get Rook to drop a stone on the leader of the encampment, but Rook doesn't want to get hit by an arrow. Rook doesn't succumb to the pressure of Norick.     At least 6 bodies in Saxon style clothing are seen in the encampment.     Norick giving up on Rook throwing the rock, gets Magnar to play hurt to draw the attention.     3 Saxons notice it and they will approach Magnar. After successfully drawing their attention, Norick and Archi will start the fight against the 3 Saxons.     Norick goes up to one of the captured Saxon and seems like wanting to murder is. Arne and Archi come up and try to stop him, after which they tie the Saxons up.     There are different Saxon bodies around the camp. It seems like the Saxons killed the people from the caravan, but the 7 Saxons got attacked in the night by crude weapons.     Magnar asks the Saxons who attacked them. The Saxons mentions that they got attacked in the middle of the night by creatures about 3 to 4 foot long. A bunch of them came from the woods and attacked us. By the time we realized the attack, 7 of us had been killed.     The group discusses to take back the Saxon to be charged by the council of Eshbach, which Magnar, and Archi agree to. They send Rook back to Eschbach to get some transport for the Saxon prisoners.     While searching the encampment they find footprints from small creatures. They are serving some new master. The small clawed creatures came from the East and headed to the East when returning. Which we came from.     Norick sees a person standing near a bush and asks the person to approach.     Sunnybirdboi (Agatha) is introduced.     After a short introduction Agatha is convinced to join the group to help with her mace hitting.       Calith is up front and sees a main road and a stream. The trail has ended there and the rest join him.     Once there the group sees a trap which might be built by kobolds. They throw a stone at the trap and they see a few eyes coming from a hidden location. Norick approaches the Kobolds and asks if they want to trade. The Kobolds agree, Norick explains that they are looking for a flute. About 5 kobolds mention that the flute is with another group. They have the flute.     Norick ties himself to one of the Kobolds and gets them to show them to the others.     Archi and Arne call forth their servants and check out the spot that the Kobolds came from. They find 7 gold which they divide 4 for Archi, and 3 for Arne. Afterwards they follow the rest of the group to the other Kobolds.     Once there the groups evades a small attack. Then the other Kobolds came out of hiding. After some discussion a Kobold goes to take the flute from the bag, offering it as exchange. The flute is a gift for their new master. The new master is to the South, avoiding the town that she is living besides.     The group investigates the flute to find out what it does. It seems to be related to the undead.     After some discussion the group decides to move with the kobolds as exchange for the flute.     The kobolds move towards Eschbach and move to the groove at Eschbach. The groove is in use with Germanic priests and druids where they don't want to go on. The Kobolds are scared of the druids and priests. At which point Arne recognizes Edward the priest. At which points he will send a message to Edward explaining that the group has 10 Kobolds in tow and want to get into the groove.     Edward distracts Emma Duckthorne which lets the group enter the groove and get into a cavern. Inside the cavern the group introduces everyone to each other.     Magnar sees the dragon and explains that now it makes sense as the dragon just got born. Following which Magnar explains the situation of how a griffon, wyvern and a dragon ended up in Eschbach.     Arne speaks to the dragon and explains the situation, after which the Kobolds get the chance to show their stuff to the dragon.     2 emeralds, a small rug, and the flute.     The dragon responds to the flute, nearly any mortal shouldn't touch that flute. It's likely that the people who hired you want to put that away so evil can't touch it. Or destroy it before it can be used. There is one place that knows the tune for it. It's in a book which is rumored to be up in the NE hidden in the mountains. An ancient book.     The group discusses what's up with the flute, which makes them decide to talk to Edward. The kobolds make a secret exit at the back of the cavern which they use to exit the cave after being acknowledged by the dragon.     When the group exits the cavern Edward the priest has distracted the group long enough. The group talks to Edward about the council, as the group wonders why the council wants necromancy magic. Edward explains that it is fairly common for the council to ask about dark materials to keep safe.

9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

Fleec Snow

Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf ()
Rogue/assassin 8
61 / 61 HP
Report Date
14 Jun 2024

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