Session 84: Making it Back Report

General Summary

Grimmaz and Reolus visits the town council.   Bjorn is leading the council of 3. Alfrie is also at the council. Finally noticing that both Grimmaz and Reolus make it.   Anselma goes to the tavern the tavern is now called The Eshbrook Shields painted in the coat of arms or the town. The inn-keeper Baldwin, some burgeaters and a master brewer is in the inn. Anselma orders some breakfast and pulls out her bag. Anselma starts some sketching in the book.   Alfie mentions all of you were gone for a full week, nobody warned you either of the effects of mortals in the feywild. Thus a week has gone past since Alfie spoke to all of us. It doesn't affect the fey people, but it does affect others.   Bjorn; So you all managed to bring down a big part of the cavern leading to the city of the dead.   Which Grimmaz confirms. This will hopefully keep them silent for some time. Alfie filled in the council as best as she could after being all healed up.   Am told by Emma Duckthorn that the Wyvern has hatched. It's a nasty piece of work.   Grimmaz suggests to see the wyvern if nothing important is going on. The council mentions that before they go, Master Brewer Elvira Appel is still in town. Took a quick trip and is back again. She went up as far as Aacken. She's possibly setting up stuff for a brewery here.   They are sending down the people from the Crown Court of Aachen with a diplomat, as the Crown is interested in diplomatic relationships with Anselma's people.   Grimmaz suggests talking to Baldwin to see if he knows anything about brewing.   Father Tossil walks in, wondering what happened and he has a couple of minor things he wants to do. Father Tossil asking how the language leaning is going on… Reolus can now speak Infernal.   Eleia gets handed a book, the book has to do with a bit of history of the local region involving Romans, local tribes & a Wizard's Tower.   Eleia gets hit by the tail of the wyvern.   Reolus gives a fish to the wyvern that it gladly takes. Eleia wants to take the griffon with her which Emma agree's with but only up to 4 hours. Eleia brings the griffon around to people. The griffon doesn't do anything to Reolus, or Anselma. But starts scratching itself a bit. When Grimmaz goes to pet/tickle it the griffon it softly bites into the finger of Grimmaz.   Grimmaz suggests to take the griffon to the inn to serve it some beer.   Elvira Appel comes for a brewery to Reolus. For different types of drink (primarily local beers but cider is also mentioned).   We'll supply the plans, intial work, staff, and in the long run to offset some of the payment. You can set it up run it anyway you want in the long run but you have to put our mark in the bottom or the corner. A small mark which looks like a circle with a dot in the middle. Around the edges it says, M. D. B. The fee M.D.B. takes is a 10% cut. It can cost you a few gold all together to get it up and running. It won't be build overnight. The 10% is after tax., but you'd have to talk to your local lord. Your local lord might be able to do something for that. (he does like beer after all).   Propably won't be too much so we both will benefit. Just come up with good recipe for it.   The location needed needs access to the stream, about 1 to 2 miles up to have a clean source of water. With filters build in to prevent issues. Any waste material, you can sell it or pass it on. Molasses and such can be sold to local farmers.   Let me know when and if you want to start and what finance up front. We can give you some gold up front.   After some time Father Tossil comes walking in the inn and walks up to Anselma and talks in Gaulish.   The group heads to the Northern exit and Eleia leaves the Griffon to Grimmaz to bring back to the groove while Eleia is going to get her new rapier.   The rapier is called Silverbane and gives +2 damage and +2 attack.   Eleia asks the blacksmiths to make 2 daggers with a pearl in the handle.   Grimmaz waits until the group is combined and heads out. Some large stones carved into a shape of a building slightly overgrown with a hole in the ground. A rope is dangling into the hole. When going down the hole. It seems like wooden structures are build in a circular room. There are some stone boots on the ground.   In a circle in the center of the room. A bit of earth is disturbed near the boots. The boots look like stone and appear to have stone ankles / feet in them. Shortly after, Grimmaz spots a stone-like lizard about 8 or 7 feet long with 8 legs altogether. It wakens up and Grimmaz attacks.   Eventually Reolus & Eleia attack it to. Turns out it is a Basilisk & tries to oetrify Eleia but Grimmaz blocks it. During the fight, Reolus accidentally stabs Grimmaz in the butt.   Reolus finds an old Roman document tube buried in the middle of the room. A Germanic shaman took over the tower after the Romans left after their empire collapsed. The documents inside are beautifully done pages from a Bible, a note saying that the tower was damaged deliberately & the basilisk put in to protect these. There is a papyrus page with details of the Order of the Gash.   There is a note to say that the book shelves near stairs running up far wall contains many classic books. They seen to be made up of Greek classics & tragedies, and related books. All are wrote in either Greek or Latin.   These were passed to Father Tossil. The basilisk was pulled out by the team to be butchered and used to feed the recently hatched creatures. Grimmaz orders some of the workmen nearby to open up the remains of the tower as it may be of some use down the line.

Rewards Granted

10,200 XP.

9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

Reolus Rhin

Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Folk Hero)
Rogue 20
143 / 143 HP

Grimmaz Fyrwin

Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
16 Feb 2024

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