Session 45: Getting sand in the pants Report

General Summary

Fleec headed out with the 10 Tunis soldiers, Martine, Edward and two Elven scouts. They make their way on a road to a valley where a ruined temple to Baal is. There they find out that a small group of Bedouin bandits are encamped & quickly work out to get them to leave the group alone.   When there, and with the help of his allies, they manage to persuade them to stand down after talking to their leader. They manage to find out that Fleec's cousins had been there a few months before and were scared off. That and the leader will show them to where there is a mine. In doing so, they head off to a small area where the desert has took over part of the valley. When travelling they quickly work out that something is strange about the bandit leader and likely involved with the Yuan-Ti, and keep him from seeing inside the mine.   When they arrive the soldiers and bandit remain outside. To open the sandstone door, Fleec had to place his hand on a small circular area that rubbed the skin down enough to draw blood which caused it to recognise him as a part of the Snow clan. It opened and let them in. Walking in, they are in a well carved area that ramps down and then levels out. Old remains of tools and other equipment lay scattered around and a tunnel on each wall is investigated. The one on either side has been closed and collapsed to prevent use, likely with it being too dangerous to use any more.   On down the area is a 10 foot drop into a large cave roughly square / rectangular in shape. It could still be mined to a degree with traces of copper still present. Old gear is lying around falling apart, an entry way on down at the other side and a table made out of the local stone to one side. The adventurers climb down with Fleec uses his ring of feather fall to get down. When the others make their way down, he picks the lock to the chest and finds that the chest has markings saying that it belongs to the Snow family. Inside, Fleec gets a locket with the family crest, and a signet ring with the same design. The chest has the same crest on it. An old note lies in it too saying that it was abandoned after finding something that made them leave after they broke through, on down in this region.   After looking at these they examined the area that the miners had broke through. Strange cables & pipes hung to the walls and artificial lights of some type hung from the wall. A door to the left is present and the end of the corridor is out of view. The door had steps leading up to it made out of a metallic substance and a port to place the signet ring in. Wearing the ring Fleec placed it up to it, and small pinprick drew blood that made the door open. Fearing something was behind the door due to the noises of it opening, the group stayed back a few feet at first. When it opened, they were greeted with a standard bank-like vault. Copper ingots & ore was piled around in stacks and a small table with about 50 electrum coins on it. A few ancient artefacts lay around too with many being built in different designs, but with a distinct ancient Elvish & local design.   There this episode ended with them ready to push forward deeper.

Rewards Granted

5,600 XP. 10 electrum coins, access & proof of the mine ownership.

9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

Fleec Snow

Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf ()
Rogue/assassin 8
61 / 61 HP
Report Date
03 Mar 2023
Primary Location

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