Session 99: Nearing the end of a chapter Report

General Summary

Owl got afflicted with the love of Stichscar. This isn't a suitable relationship for him as it will mean that he will die in a few days. To prevent that we'll need to get some passions kiss and a few other ingredients so that father Tossil can do his magic.   Grimmaz stands up early and gets to eating in the tavern with a morning stout. Reolus wakes up Anselma and they also go to the tavern for some breakfast. At that point they explain the situation of Owl to Grimmaz who is already somewhat aware of what happened. After which the group heads to Father Tossil.     Father Tossil explains that he needs from the NW of the fort on the central mastive from a holy stream which is blessed by the saint of pixies a vial of water. There may be a guardian there in the form of a fey creature or related creature. Reolus suggests to perhaps run past the grooves which hold the Griffon, Wyvern and Dragon. Which might be a good chance for it to move with the group to learn a bit/bond.     The group visits the groove and check in with the animals, after which they move on to the fortress and check in if there's anything concerning going on.     After checking in the group heads into the plains to search for the stream. Reolus finds some traces and points them out.     In a bit of a forested area after a few ups and downs, they come across a small stream a few feet width, clear a few feet deep.     On a stone, some sort of cat is depicted with 6 legs with tentacles coming out of it. Reolus comments that the artist seems to have foretold his coming, a bit terrible but okay-ish with this cat type creature.   Anselma gives Grimmaz the vial to be filled with the sparkly "holy" water.     Reolus still engrossed in the stone and the terrible depiction of himself, doesn't notice a cat like creature with 6 paws, and 2 tentacles stalking Anselma and Grimmaz.     It looks like a kitten to Reolus. But a bit oversized. After distracting it, the group heads back father Tossil, and father Tossil asks about the guardian. The group shares the experience and hand over the materials to father Tossil.     Father Tossil gets Owl to drink the brew, which cleans him of the connection to Stichscar.     In about 2 days the result of the potion will be seen.       The group gets notified that something has been found in the tower. When coming to the tower the group finds some Infernal and Abysal letters forming 2 words.   The Infernal reads Shiva, the Abyssal reads Nergal.   Nine mentions that the walls seems strange. After which Nine explains that Nergal is tied with east religion close to babylon. Nergal was a god of destruction. Shiva fulfilled different roles, also destruction. Shiva is part of the Hindu religion close to the silk roads. But the god is being related to multiple things, not just destruction.     After checking the wall the group finds that there are letters on the wall. Grimmaz gets help with the languages to press the right buttons to make the names of Nergal and Shiva. After which a staircase appears.     After the group heads down the staircase they come in a room that has different statues and a book written in Latin. Grimmaz reads the book.     The book explains about the treasures hidden in the chamber and how to get them. Besides that the book also explains the history of the tower and what makes Eshbach special in regards to laylines.     Shiva's chest contains 2 very old scrolls written in a strange language, they seem to be spells. And 3 gold rings, a golden necklass with a bit of jade. A small statue in the form of Shiva made of gold, jade and jet.   Reolus notices the statue moving a bit, after which Reolus falls back and the statue comes to live. Reolus falls back and starts attacking the brittle statue and gets close enough to destroy the statue.     Anselma opens the other chest of Nergal. The chest contains 2 very old scrolls written in a strange language, they seem to be spells. And 3 gold rings, a golden necklass with a bit of jade. A small statue in the form of Nergal made of gold, jade and jet.     Grimmaz exchanges 3 gold coins and takes the 3 gold rings out of the chest of Nergal. The rings have a very fine line of jade. Nine takes out the spellscrolls from Nergals chest. The rings from Shiva's chest have jet on them. For which Grimmaz also exchanges 3 gold coins.     Nine gets in the middle of the room and casts a spell to the east, followed to the west, followed to the North, and followed to the South. After which a pillar arises from the floor. Wrapped around the pillar is a 2 foot by 2 foot hide. Nine retrieves it from the pillar. The hide shows a map on it with weird symbols which look like ancient spells.     It explains that magical ley lines are spread over the world and existed since the world was first born. These attracted magic, powerful creatures, strange occurances & substances, and suchlike at each point. It shows the Necrocult's City of the Dead in the Urals, Tara in Ireland, Anglesay off the coast of Wales, ancient Babylon, Alexandria, Luxor, the Valley of the Kings, and what is now Cairo, one in Jersualem and one in the arabian peninsula, it seems to make triangle with ancient babylon. Those that fight to balance the light & darkness in the world are either born there or are attracted unknowingly to them.     Nine remarks that the magic seems to fizzle out. So that shouldn't be any problem/issue.     Reolus suggests that after Grimmaz dresses up in the gold rings to clean out the chests besides the payment and then move out and close the temple.     The group decides to leave the 2 statues with fater Tossil. And Grimmaz slowsly turns into the dark ages A-team's mister T with all the gold he got.

Rewards Granted

12000 XP, and: 6 gold rings, 2 gold necklaces one with a bit of jet and the other with a bit of jade, 2 statuettes.

9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

Reolus Rhin

Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Folk Hero)
Rogue 20
143 / 143 HP

Grimmaz Fyrwin

Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
24 May 2024

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