Session 43: Tunis and the Mines Report

General Summary

Fleec eventually got on to the Tunis docks. Looking around his companions and him travelled a short distance into a market area where they were approached by a couple of young locals. They offered to take them to a side area where is a market run by High Elves, for the use primarily of Elvenkind. They also point out a couple of Loxodons nearby too saying that they are usually found in the roles of religious & civic matters. Fleec then persuaded the young men to see if he could get a meeting with some. They are took down to the market / bizarre where they are introduced to a High Elf that helps those fresh in the city of Tunis. This place is also near the old ruins of Carthage.   Here Fleec gets rid of a number of items he had with him, and managed to get two magic rings. Both are rings of cooling preventing himself & George the Monk from suffering from heat exhaustion. Fleec's surname is familiar to the High Elves in the region and they refer to the Old Snow Mines where their distant ancestors worked and brought them here. Fleec sees about getting a couple of scouts and equipment to go out to the mines.   They are also set up in a boarding house where they can change and freshen up. During this they are invited to meet with a Loxodon and a Mohammod al-Algier, a Governor's assistant. When introduced they are informed that there were up to three copies of the deeds in perpetuity for the mines and one was stolen by two cousins of his & destroyed. They have fled to the Levant and he would need to travel to the mines to get his claim, and the local government will hunt out the remaining copy they have so he can have full documentation. Also, they will provide guards to accompany him as the place is riddled with bandits & worse.

Rewards Granted

4700 XP, two rings of cooling.

9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

Fleec Snow

Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf ()
Rogue/assassin 8
61 / 61 HP
Report Date
06 Feb 2023

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