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Savage Fallout: The Jewel Valley

A Savage Worlds Adventure Edition game In the world of Savage Fallout
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  • Hand Drawn Jewel Valley Map
Supporting Cast
  • Abraham
    A man in his early to mid 20's, muscular, has acquired numerous scars along the way. Short brown hair, tries to stay clean shaven. Wears travel worn clothing, including faded fatigue pants. Is the older brother of Jezebel, and is very overprotective of her. He is generally rude and condescending to others, and frequently gets in people's face who he believes are bothering Jezebel. However, he has shown remarkable skill with weaponry and has served as a talented scout for the PTC. He frequently found himself leading aspects of the caravan's defense as a second to Cobra.
  • Atticus Radley
    Older man with grayed hair and trimmed mutton chops. Is untrusting towards strangers and isn't afraid to use force to keep the peace.
  • Cobra
    In charge of security for the Pyramid Trading Company and shows a knack for dealing with logistics. Also the partner, in more sense than one, of Marianne.
  • Cole
    Good Boy
  • Hunter Wilde
    A middle-aged woman who has greying hair and tends to stick to her worn leather armor. She tends to stick to the wagon she runs her kitchen from, generally wielding her knife as both a tool and a threat to slow workers.
  • Jezebel
    Early 20's young woman, dirty blond hair kept in either a ponytail or bun. Wears worn travel clothing, mainly brown, and tends to prefer hooded outfits. Is the younger sister of Abraham, who is very overprotective of her. She frequently stays at his side and accompanies him on most scouting missions. While smaller and seemingly timid, she has racked up enough kills while defending the caravan that people don't question her part of the caravan's scouts. She is generally quiet and shy, but has a knack for repairing and maintaining the caravan's mechanical items. She seems intelligent too, sometimes getting drawn out of her shyness to discuss tech specifics. Many in the PTC have requested her to leave the scouting group and remain in camp as permanent mechanic, but she has harshly refused.
  • Kristie
    A young woman, early twenties, with dark brown hair and a friendly smile. While most members of the town showed hostility or distrust towards outsiders, Kristie showed more compassion. She sought to help the Vault Dwellers, pitying their misfortune, and enjoyed speaking with the group. She is also a newly converted member of the Church of the Unstoppables after a recent visit to The Hub City, something that is not approved of by the majority of locals.
  • Lou Shin
    A common worker who has a group of men following him. Tends to lead the rowdier side of the PTC. Has a shitty mustache.
  • Lyron
    A middle-aged man with all grey hair but a youthful face. Only goes by Lyron, nobody knows his last name. Serves as a secondary leader underneath Marianne and Cobra, though nobody knows much about him. However he is a solid leader and has some freedom on how to act and assist the Pyramid Trading Company.
  • Marianne Hollyhock
    Woman in her mid 20's, light brown hair, with a charming face and personality. Tends to wear cowboy attire, though not the cowboy boots. While not the founder of the Pyramid Trading Company, she is the current owner. A known dreamer, she has been looking for a place where the business can flourish and believes The Jewel Valley will be the perfect spot. Doesn't like to be called Mary, claims her parents called her that when she was in trouble. Does call Cobra "Sis", with hissed "s" sound to reference a snake hissing
  • Ol' Bones
    A surly and terse Ghoul doctor who may be from Pre-war times, though won't confirm it. Walks with cane due to damaged left leg that won't heal. Wears very casual clothing, throws an apron and gloves on if working on somebody.
  • Owen Gillepsie
    A young 20-something, lanky pale man who grew up in Vault 120 and was forced to flee during an assault by mysterious robotic invaders. Was a member of the Scouts, which was an extracurricular group that focused on exercising and learning skills as a way to pass time, instead of just relaxing. So while in better shape than the majority of survivors, he's still very weak compared to non Vault Dwellers.
  • Pebbles
    A very tall, muscular man with flowing blond hair and a lot of body hair. However, nobody knows his real name or anything about him because he rarely talks, and when he does it isn't in English. Tends to stick to just pants and shoes, rarely wears shirts. Because of his lack of common language, Pebble (his nickname) generally serves as manual labor for the Caravan. Hauling, lifting, sorting and more are his common tasks for the day. However, he is quite timid and stays away from fights.

Scheduled Sessions

Wed 1st March 2023 18:00

Session 18

Return to The Hub and on to Vault 131

This story is told by