Session I: Salty Beginnings in Port Hammerclaw Report

General Summary

In the first session of our campaign in the Shattered Seas, the players found themselves converging on Port Hammerclaw, a bustling harbor on Kani Island. Æsch, a satyr warlock, encountered a shadowy spirit in a wedding dress that emerged from an amulet she had pilfered from Kiro's workshop. Seeking answers, Æsch resolved to visit Kiro the next morning. Meanwhile, Damir, a weaver monk, arrived in Port Hammerclaw on a mission to track down pirates who had raided Wee Mac, a nearby village to his monastery and home to his only friends outside the monastery. In the crowded streets, he crossed paths with Solaris, a Star Genasi cleric, who was fleeing from an unknown threat. Together, they ventured into town to find Solaris some new clothes.   Kiro, a Necco artificer, had been busy repairing his egg-shaped robot, Ruta-beta. His efforts paid off as he managed to extract the location of the island where he last saw his friends. Atlas, a Loxodon Tamer, joined Kiro, having discovered intriguing information about another individual using abilities similar to his own.   The paths of these adventurers converged at Kiro's workshop. Kiro was scavenging for junk to sell in hopes of acquiring a boat, while Damir and Solaris sought clothing among the items. Æsch, disguised, arrived to assess the situation. Just as introductions were being made, a swarm of harpies and stirges descended upon the workshop. The group quickly dispatched the monsters, saving a young dragonborn boy from a harpy on the roof.   Their valor caught the eye of Aldric, a member of the Unbound Claw, who led the town's guards in defending against the remaining harpies and stirges. Impressed by their skill, Aldric invited them for a drink at Goron's Grin and suggested they join the Unbound Claw Adventurers Guild to earn coin and reputation.   As the dust settled, our heroes found themselves with a potential new ally and an exciting opportunity on the horizon.

Into the Khaosian Seas
Report Date
02 Jul 2024
Primary Location
Port Hammerclaw

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