7/13 - Spare Time for Spiders Report

General Summary

Upon Tuckland's the return, group debated what to do.
"What do we do with this ratman?" Said Remus.
Wilziver responds, "If we let him go back won't he tell them about how many of us there are?"
Tuckland speaks up, "Let's have the lad lead us out of this cavern. Then he can head back and we'll be home free"
The group nods and murmurs in agreement, and they head further down the tunnel back to the sewers.
As they get to the smaller entrance back to the sewer tunnels, the small twitchy man says, "Remember don't go to the left, the spiders are down that way"
Anders inquires, "what is the problem with them exactly?"
"Oh, they have captured and killed some of our men, some of my friends... We tried to block the tunnel to prevent them from coming in, but then the men setting it up were killed.
Anders, Tuckland and Remus head down the tunnel while Koless and Wilziver guard the exit and their twitchy friend.

  As they cut and trudge through the thick webbing covering the cavern walls and floor, Tuckland and Remus notice a very large spider on the back wall of the cavern, while Anders occupies himself with the thick webs.
Remus notches 2 arrows and lets them loose upon the giant spider, his arrows pierce the beast's hide and it screeches in pain. The group readies themselves for action as Tuckland moves up to affect the creature with Dissonant Whispers. The spider instantly reacts, going completely mad scratching at it's own head trying to remove the whispers from it's mind. As it's head starts to vibrate, it bursts ichor all around it as the spider collapses, dead.
Tuckland notices a light purple glow further back in the cave, but fails to see another giant spider to his right, which Anders notices as he runs around the corner, the webbing slowing him down. He quickly notices 3 more spiders in the cavern as well, the light purple glow from behind them lighting them from behind, as the Sunstone Crystals that Tuckland now carries, illuminate them from the front.
Anders flies into a rage and begins to hack away at the spiders. Remus moves up, summoning a bow from the shadows, his fingers licked with white flame, unleashing Hellfire Arrows at these creeping monsters.
Suddenly, emerging from a large hole at the back of the cavern, an enormous orange spider reveals itself, covered in spikes, screeching with a horrifying sound, it runs towards the group as one of it's fangs launches out from it's mandible straight at Remus. It's hits Remus slightly above his heart, injuring him severely. Only after this fang rips into Remus' flesh does the group realize the fang is still attached to the horrific beast by a thick cord made of some kind of web, as it starts pulling Remus in closer, wrapping him up. Remus now restrained and severely injured is right next to this enormous spider right in the midst of all the danger. This is a Harpoon Spider.
The beast fires it's second fang towards Tuckland, it whistles past his face, missing him entirely. The beast it screeches in anger.
The other giant spiders make their way towards the other group members, 2 of them making their way to Anders and one of them approaching Remus, now that he is helpless and tied up by the harpoon spider. It attacks Remus successfully biting him, injecting him with some poison as well. One of them attacks Anders but doesn't manage to sink his fangs into him, instead biting his axe in the blur of combat.
Koless hears the screeching of some kind of beast, and the sounds of combat. Wanting to help his friends, despite being weary about the web and spiders, as well as despising the disgusting creatures, he launches a fireball at the webbed hallway clearing out most the webs. He starts to run over to his friends to assist them.
Wilziver stays back at the entrance, guarding their 'guide', so he doesn't run away. Not quite sure of the danger his companions are facing.
Tuckland moves closer to Remus, touching him while chanting a spell of healing, and cures his wounds slightly.
Remus realizing his predicament, uses his training as a Horizon Walker to teleport away. He is briefly surrounded by a silvery mist, and then disappears, fang and webbed cord dropping where he stood. He appears safely 30 ft down the entrance from where they came, albeit still very injured. In retribution he fires 2 arrows towards the hulking harpoon spider. However needing to aim a bit higher to not hit the other spiders, and still suffering from his wounds, he aims too high and misses the creature, Hellfire arrows dissipating as they slam into the cavern wall behind it.
Anders seeing his best friend Tuckland in danger, moves around the spider nearest him to get between it and his friend. He then continues in his rage and smashes his axe into the spider's abdomen. As he pulls the axe out he rips it down towards the spiders head, shredding the thing to pieces as the spider falls. Anders takes another step closer to the enormous harpoon spider. He attempts to slice the creature, however it's armor is much tougher and his axe glances off some of the creatures impressively strong spikes.
Tuckland moves closer and attempts to blind 2 of the spiders with a spell, however it fails. The irritating webs slowing his movement, he simply pulls out his Viol and plays an inspiring tune for Anders, hoping it will help him remove these creatures from existence.
The spiders take action, one of them skittering towards Remus in his new position, successfully biting the already injured Aasimar. Remus is severly injured, he isn't looking good. The harpoon spider launches 2 more fangs at Tuckland and Anders. Tuckland evades the fang once more, but the other one lands into Anders side, pulling him closer to the harpoon spider wrapping him up in the webbed cord. Another giant spider tries to bite Anders as well, not finding purchase on the large man's skin.
Wilziver tells the ratman to stay put, as he makes his way closer, running at full speed hoping to potentially help out his allies, but they are quite far away and he is unable to make it too close.
Koless now realizing the dire situation, starts to conjure a large ball of fire in his hands. He levitates off the ground slightly as flames wreath his body and feat, eyes looking like fire, he launches the fireball at the far end of the cave, hoping to burn these awful creatures to ash. The giant spider near the orange spider is lit on fire and takes a massive amount of damage, it starts to screech not knowing how to manage this new state. The harpoon spider is also blasted by the burst of fire, but it's strong hide protects it significantly from the flames. However Koless then activates his glyph as the symbol of Glasya flares up with a deep red fire, the flames around the harpoon spider burst and explode with heat searing the beast even further.
Unfortunately, Anders found himself within the blast radius as well, getting blown back a bit by the searing heat, but managing to make it through the pain, his rage sustaining him.
Remus still wounded but angry, runs into the middle of the cavern instead of away from the danger. He tries to shoot the harpoon spider again, but the Hellfire arrows simply dissipate as the slam into the thick carapace of the harpoon spider.
The harpoon spider reels Anders slightly closer and tries to pick him up, however the beast of man that Anders is, resists the spiders strength and pushes him away. The spider in the entrance tunnel, no longer seeing Remus, moves towards Koless and tries to bite him. Koless instinctively turns his shoulder and his hellish Tiefling heritage activates a burst flame as the spider bites into his flesh. Koless fearing for his life activates his glyph, the flames of Glasya once again flaring up increasing the heat of the Hellish Rebuke. The spider is thrown back into the cavern wall from the burst of energy, it's legs curling up as life leaves it's body.
Tuckland, realizing the power of this creature, decides to try and mess with it's weak mind. He once again uses his Dissonant Whispers to confound the beast. The enormous harpoon spider fails to resist this trick of the mind and instantly starts scratching at his own head running as far from Tuckland as possible to the other end of the cavern, screeching in pain as his mind is wracked with dark whispers.
Koless then runs into the room, chanting a spell and waving his hands as 3 flaming rays burst forth from his hands flying at the Harpoon spider. Some of them don't seem to penetrate his thick hide, while the others manage to. He once again calls upon Glasya empowering the flames making them explode with heat around the disgusting creature.
Remus then seeing the creature cowering, it's mind wracked with pain, unleashes a Hellfire arrow right at it's eyes. It rips through the creatures head emerging on the other side, while simultaneously igniting the volatile insides of the creature with Hellfire as the creature is consumed by flame from within, it's empty shell falls the the ground of the cavern.
Anders sees the remaining spider to his left, rushes towards it and with a leap cleaves the beast in 2, both sides of the spider falling to either side of Anders ichor-covered Greataxe.
The group victorious, gathers themselves. Tuckland makes his way towards the Purple crystal near the now deceased Harpoon spider. He picks it up examining it. It glows with a deep purple color. Koless asks to investigate it, which Tuck allows. He then casts the identify spell, pulling out a large pearl and an owls feather, taking a minute to mutter the incantation and wave his hands in the proper manner. He learns that this is a purple leyline crystal, a type of crystal that allows you to travel upon the leylines of the world at incredible speed. There are limitations of course, but they need to learn more about it. He relays this to the group, and Remus with his training as a Horizon walker recognizes the mention of a leyline crystal. He explains that Poralium is actually a leyline nexus, a place where all types of leylines converge, and that the wizards there would definitely know more about this crystal.
Anders makes his way over to the body of the harpoon spider. After having seen this creature reel him and Remus in closer, decides to try and figure out if he could possible do something similar, he rips out the fang, and with it 20 feet of the strong weblike cord substance attached to it. Koless uses his learning to explain they can likely fashion some kind of handle from the fang and cord, and perhaps attach it to a weapon to allow it be thrown and pulled back. It's just an idea and they will need to find an expert weapon crafter first to see if this is possible however.
Remus looks over the other spider corpses successfully obtaining 3 websacs from them.
The group heads back to the twitchy man who is now hiding behind the rocks they tried to use to block the tunnel entrance. Surprised at their return he inquires of the spiders. Anders gruffly informs him that they are dead and this service they've provided to him and his friends is now complete.
Injured and weary, the man leads them back through the sewers, and the group emerges into the evening daylight of Razminak once more.

Rewards Granted

Purple Leyline Crystal (Tuckland)
Harpoon Spider Fang / Web-cord (Anders)
3 Websacs (Remus)

Missions/Quests Completed

Defeated the spiders in the tunnel for the group of Lycanthropes, and likely for the city of Razminak as well.

Dream Team

Koless Vitorach

Report Date
14 Jul 2020
Primary Location

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