Session 14: Of Seraphim and Snookums Report
General Summary
Reaching Rexxentrum, the Righteous Brand are guarding the gate, including a guard named Anders. They explain that a grey render has been spotted so they have the graveyard shift. When Roderick attempts to give them a few silver for drinks later, they refuse but mention they wouldn't mind a drink waiting for them in the Smiling Gorgon later. The group arrive at the Western Walk, the waystation that Theia's family runs. Bardock the grizzled tiefling smith can be heard working late in the distance. While the group don't go and meet him, he is described as missing two fingers from his right hand and most of his left horn. Her father Bernard Reinhold and mother Alyssa await within, and aside from a moment's hesitation at how to handle Theia's absence, their worries are soon swept away by the overbearing relief and vivacity of Alyssa's welcome. The group are introduced and seated around a dining table, where Theia shows her newfound abilities by lighting the candles on the table, which stills the joviality and leaves the parents looking ashen faced. It's clear they know what is afoot, and aren't happy about it. They launch into an explanation on how Alyssa was unable to have children, but twenty years prior they were blessed by the man now known as Uncle Kad, a man of the cloth who was revealed as a seraphim of Sarenrae after Theia's birth. His real name Kadmiel, he kept vigil over the family and agreed to mask Theia's Aasimar nature in order to protect her from the laws of the Dwendalian Empire, until such day that she had the strength to reach her own destiny. Tears are shed in fear for what may become of such an obvious change - she clearly cannot stay in Rexxentrum any longer. The group finish their meal and settle, while Roderick announces that he must visit a local shrine for his order and then will meet everyone in the Smiling Gorgon later. Upon arrival, he prays to each of the gods in turn as is tradition then is told Sarenrae's verse by a stranger. He adds it to his mental roster as the stranger leaves. The Smiling Gorgon is packed, three deep at the bar and a talented quartet (Duke's Ransom, fronted by a Freddie) are playing, keeping the crowd animated. On arrival, Roderick announces to the bar that he's paying for drinks to the cheer of all. Several gold is spent and the night passes in a flurry or revelry and singing. Ongar is confused by a lengthy retelling of "What's in a Bottle of Elfish Wine" and explanations from Jakuki and Theia doesn't help matters. Past midnight, the friends leave the tavern into the cold of the night and wend their way back towards the Western Walk. Theia's vision shifts, blurs and becomes monochrome as the others she was holding a conversation with slow to a crawl and sounds become muted. A silhouette - seemingly Uncle Kad but in fully angelic countenance and sporting a burning, glowing halo - reveals himself to her. He asks if she is ready for what awaits her, and expresses his regrets for the subterfuge throughout the years. He promises to do what he can to aid her journey and while may not be able to answer every question, will be on hand as her guardian. The world fades back to normal and Gwen, previously talking to Theia, is taken aback by how she suddenly appeared several paces further forwards from where they were talking. Explaining what happened, they return to the Reinhold family home for the night.