
A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Faerun
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Supporting Cast
  • High Councilor Alicair
    High Councilor - Dragonborn - M Fiercly inteligent and charismatic, Alicair made his name working through the temple of Milil, god of poetry and song, on the cliffs of selen. He was adopted into the church off the streets which has given him some small fame as a kind of rags to riches man of the people persona. He is mostly known for his acts of cunning, tolerence, and charity Though those who know him better would say it was his propensity for oration, performance and manipulation as well as his understanding of the common citizen that won him his council seat for eastern selen. Symbol of office: Cats Cradel Thread
  • Triton Ambassador Beltran Ahlolvath
    - Triton Ambassador - Triton - M Originally from the elemental plane of water, volunteered to cross over and defend one of the breaches when he came of age and through duty and service was appointed by the other soldiers to represent the Tritons of the Talithane breach.
  • Councilor Dolum Thyryl
    - East Selen - Dwarf - F An Academic through and through. Talumin native, born to a good family. Attended the Alfas Institute and graduated with a focus in magic history. Went to work investigating and recording histories from citizens within the city. After a few years she eventually gained some traction as a historical researcher for guilds and prominant noble families. After one failed run, won her council seat using her experience with the people. Works hard among the council to perserve sites of historical importance, promote education and ensure the continuation of traditional values of Talumin. Symbol of office: Key
  • Councilor Dun En-Lin
    - Repersentative for the Merchant Collective - Water Genasi - F Legendary pirate and hugely popular folk hero she got a reputation as the siren of the west that avoided capture for years. After a few close calls and a lover who turned her onto the piracy that is finance, she looked to retire from piracy. She won immunity in Talumin from her crimes after saving a vital cargo ship and its crew, and gained a citizenship. She has since turned her focus from raiding other peoples ships to savaging their ledgers and stealing their busisness. Almost single handedly monopolized the food shipments coming into talumin and when the merchant collective got the chance, the elected her to represent them. Partly because she is perfect for the job and partly to get her out of their collective hair. Doesn't go out onto the seas too much any more but she actively represents the interestes of the merchants of talumin bringing new busisness and trade into hte city as well as using her old criminal knowledge and contacts to assist in the plotting of trade routes and naval defenses. Symbol of office: Twin Swords
  • Flora
    Tall and well built from her days fighting in the arena. Now constantly covered oil, soot, and dirt from her trade as an artificer flora is always willing to lend a helping hand and normally has work for eager adventurers.
  • Councilor Gaiden Kor
    - West Alfas - Goliath - F Famous arena fighter of The Overhang in the alfas bay. Gained enormous populatiry and renowned for her passion, charisma, and skill. She is extremely dangerous with her spear, but her savegery in the ring is matched only by her charisma outside it. Strongly in favor of military cooperation and action, and using government funds for public works. Bit of a celebrety, only lets it get to her head a bit. Symbol of office: Lenses
  • Councilor Hastela Helel
    - South Talithane - Air Genasi - F Well educated and from a multi generational genasi family native to talithane. Attended the Alfas Institute and fell into an administrative role while working at during school. Almost immediately she began to draw attention to herself with a simple but effective hand on administrative style that spread quickly throughout the Institute and quickly other organizations in talumin. Entered civil service as an administrator and won her first seat 5 years later. One of the youngest council members ever to be elected partly because she has rapidly and radically overhauled nearly every organization she has been associated with as an administrator. Known for working a particular kind of magic on organizations that have become stagnant and bloated. She comes off as enthusiastic about her work and genuinely interested in learning. Primarly supports new infrastructure projects and agressive spending where necessary to keep branches of the government operating effectively. Symbol of office: Ring
  • Councilor Illune Oryelle
    - Religious Representative - High Elf - F Came to the temple from the fey wilds. She worked closely with the old high priestess for several decades and eventually recieved her appointment. Not much is known about personality by the public, though the priestesses of Ithane are denied nothing by their god. Her relationship to the council is largely ceremonial at this point. She has been high priestess for about 150 years now and has served on the council many times. The seat of the Religious representative can be filled from the ranks of any religious organization set within talumin, but when no particularly compelling candidate steps forward Illune is the fallback. Her current term ends next year. Symbol of office: Wax Seal
  • Councilor Kronim Skyhood
    - Alfas Academy - Dwarf - M Famously comes from a family of monster hunters. Talented mages and fighers, the skyhoods are trained as leaders in combat from practical experience with the border guard and more classical tactics from the alfas institute. The monster hunting comes from family contracts. Kronim in particular made a name for himself as a tactician establishing defenses along vulnerable supply routes and corridors. He eventually retired and became a teacher, and was eventually appointed to represent the academy after years of navigating the academies exhaustive internal politics. One of the older members on the council (at least relative to his species life expectancy) Symbol of office: Piece of chalk
  • Sabin Ralion
    Sketchy lookin halfling that works for the salnara government as a contract giver. Uses his eye as a grifter to size up potential adventurers for jobs and hands out payments if he was right about their abilities.
  • Councilor Tal Nor
    - City Watch - Tiefling - F An absolutely brilliant alchemist working for the watch, who over the course of a long career, largely pioneered the relatively new field of forensics. During the first several decades of her service her breakthroughs were both frequent and significant, and she became the head of a team specializing in the utilization of magic and alchemy for investigative purposes. Her insights into the needs of the teams working in the fields, as well as her years supervising what would go on to become the forensics division made her the perfect candidate to appoint to the council seat. Symbol of office: Dragon Mask
  • Councilor Tindel Ledleg
    East Alfas - Rock Gnome - M Morally bankrupt Industrialist out of alfas whos shady and risky busisness deals got him to the top, and have since resulted in a economic boom for Alfas. Though economic analysts predict that nature of the deals will lead to a sharp recession in the next few years. This lines up exactly with his reelection period and rumor has it that he's desperately looking for a way to avert the recession, or the consequences of it for himself. Symbol of office: Tome
  • Tordez Noneya
    Old and Grumpy but hands down the best at what as he does. Could make bank for big clients but wants to spend his last few years working to help give Salnara the best start it can get.
  • Councilor Tralen Whisperwind
    - East Selen - Dwarf - F An Academic through and through. Talumin native, born to a good family. Attended the Alfas Institute and graduated with a focus in magic history. Went to work investigating and recording histories from citizens within the city. After a few years she eventually gained some traction as a historical researcher for guilds and prominant noble families. After one failed run, won her council seat using her experience with the people. Works hard among the council to perserve sites of historical importance, promote education and ensure the continuation of traditional values of Talumin. Symbol of office: Key
  • Councilor Urileth Talis
    - Border Guard - Half Elf - M Amn native but moved with his father to Talumin at a young age. Father, in search of opportunities and training joined the border guard and was killed towards the end of his service period. He did however live long enough to instill a sense of patriotism and pride in his new home city in his son, who enlisted as soon as he was able. Not long after enlistment he became and officer. A combination of bravery and natural charisma won him the respect of his peers and, after a particuarly vicious surprise attack from the enemy he was retired to administrative work. Several years later he was recommended for the representatives seat on the council, making him the second youngest member. Symbol of office: Three Polished Stones

This story is told by

The Protagonists
