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Session 1: Introduction Report

General Summary

Our group starts off in the fabulous and recently rebuilt city-state of Las Vegas. Now mob-run by the Valenti family, Vegas has never embraced the moniker of City of Sin more strongly than now. With no police to enforce the law around, it truly is a whatever goes kind of town.   Our party finds themselves in the fine establishment of Caesar's Palace. Casper is at the bar enjoying a salad while looking for clients, River is by the slot machines, gawking at Casper, Honey is sitting nearby, looking out of place, and Katie is e-streaming for her fans.   Honey almost immediately takes offense to Katie's streaming antics and rudely asks her to quiet down, which of course gets her ridiculed and made fun of in the stream. Soon memes and emotes are made of Honey by Katie's fans, with the most prominent one becoming to be known as "Old Gunner" thanks to the fact that Honey carries around an antique sniper rifle from another era instead of choosing a more modern armament. Learning about this only further enrages Honey.   Meanwhile Casper finds a potential client at the bar who appears interested in darker activities and willing to pay for it, complete with a hotel room nearby. The two of time quickly make arrangements to head off upstairs together.   Honey gets fed up with Katie and proceeds to the bartender and asks if he has any work for freelancers. The bartender replies that they are but a simple bartender, but they have been instructed to hand out the contact information of a reputable fixer who can assist freelancers with work.   After struggling for a moment or two on how to contact someone, Honey finally figures it out and reaches the fixer. The fixer explains that Honey would be unable to handle the jobs that the fixer has by herself and would need additional people.   Reluctantly, Honey decides to attempt to recruit the only other people she sees around her, making the assumption that they must be quality freelancers just by looking at them.   Moments later Casper returns with a smile on her face, explaining she had good times with her client upstairs that involved beatings and whips and sees that Honey is trying to ask her something.   Awkwardly, Honey asks Casper and River if the two of them would join her on some unknown freelancer jobs for credits. The two, having nothing better to do and needing credits, agree easily. Honey doesn't want to, but she also asks Katie, whom she finds annoying, if she wants to join. Katie is eager to join as she thinks there will be violence, which she finds to be good for her e-stream.   With the party assembled, Honey asks Casper to contact the fixer instead to get all the details. Casper agrees and the fixer is happy to share the jobs they have. They offer 3 missions. Find a lost kitten, Provide security for a trade, or recover missing funds. At first, the group is taken aback by the kitten request. The pay is extremely low, and the description just sounds absurd. However, that just makes them all the more curious to find out if this job is really what it seems. So they agree to search for the kitten.   They're curiosity is rewarded by finding out it was actually a high paying, high risk job to rescue a hybrid cat girl named Kitten from a local gang named the Wraiths of Iniquity in the Northeast side of Vegas. They're told the general location is in some abandoned warehouses there.   Katie calls one of her entourage to come pick up the party and drive them to the warehouse district and the party sets off in style. Once they arrive Honey suddenly drops prone and starts scouting the location out. In the middle of the street. Without attempting to gain any sort of height or cover advantage. The rest of the group looks on in silence and continues to walk forward, ignoring her.   Once the group is close enough, they can tell there aren't any guards outside. Casper walks up closer and uses her infravision to see behind the thin wall and detects multiple heat signatures. Katie uses her spy drone to sneak inside and scope out the entire building as well as the locations of all the gang members inside. She even finds Kitten while she's at it.   Katie streams the entire event, including the drone footage, to her viewers. Casper makes sure to tune into her stream so she can get a live view. River seems uninterested and just follows Casper. Honey never bought the e-streaming app and so isn't able to tune in. To help make up for this, Casper lets Honey borrow her hyper book, which lets her live stream anything from her TAP to the book, and streams Katie's stream to the book.   Using the footage from the spy drone, Honey was able to line up the perfect shot and started things off with a loud bang right through the thin sheet metal walls and straight through the ganger that was slapping around the defenseless Kitten.   The man standing guard closet to the office went inside to investigate and barely held his lunch in when he beheld the horrid sight of blood and guts splayed all over the room. Making a hasty decision, he grabbed Kitten and decided it was time to leave. He asked one of the other gangers to join him in escorting the girl out of the building.   The guard in charge of the docks headed outside to investigate the source of the gunfire and was able to immediately locate the sniper and ran off to start taking shots at her.   Casper and the rest of the group take position at the front entrance. As soon as the guard opens the front door to check for enemies Casper let's her insanely sharp monowhip lash out, slicing the man in half. He never stood a chance. His body slides down into two halves.   Casper's team moves into the building while Honey focuses on shooting at the one target who came outside rushing towards her. Another loud bang, and another body hits the pavement.   Casper shows her expertise with the monowhip, viciously slicing enemies into multiple pieces whenever she meets them. While River shows off her true abilities as an esper, throwing groups of gangers into confusion. Katie however, proves she is more talk than bite, as she pulls out an impressive looking pistol only to miss every shot.   After more than half of the men are taken out, the two guys that are taking Kitten away realize their only hope is to book it to the nearest escape SUV ASAP. Recognizing that it would be incredibly difficult to chase them down should they make it to the SUV, Honey takes aim, and shots right through one of the front tires and into the front axle, destroying the car's ability to drive away.   Realizing their only escape option is lost, the men resort to threatening to kill their hostage is their lives aren't guaranteed. Using her esper powers again, River makes the gangers and unfortunately Kitten too, all have blurred vision. Casper finishes off the rest of the other gang members that were remaining, leaving these two as the last survivors.   Honey, not taking any chances, blasts away the one pointing their gun to Kitten's head on the left. They crumple to the ground. The last one standing recovers their vision and sees what happened. Realizing they are outnumbered, outgunned, and about to die, they take out their frustrations on Kitten with their gun at her head and pull the trigger in front of everyone. It seems like time freezes for a moment as everyone realizes they are powerless to stop this event from unfolding.   That's when they hear the sound. Not of a gunshot. But of a gun jam. Repeatedly. The ganger, overwhelmed by the situation, stops thinking rationally and looks down the barrel of his gun to see why it's not working. The gun suddenly goes off in his face. Since it was a misfire, it merely stunned him, but didn't kill him.   That's when Casper stepped in to deliver the final blow and decapitated him with her wickedly sharp whip. The group successfully rescued the very much traumatized cat girl.

Rewards Granted

1,000 credits each.

Missions/Quests Completed

Find a lost kitten - Completed!

Status Delta - Uprising
Report Date
10 Sep 2020
Primary Location
Las Vegas

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