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Session 3: There's fire! Report

General Summary

The convention was starting to wind down. Cindy offered the team dinner in one of the hotel’s restaurants. After dinner, Cindy handed everyone a hotel room key since she did not know anyone’s preferences for roommates and said that everyone was free to do whatever they wanted for the night.   Casper reminded Cindy that she had agreed to swing by Casper’s room after the mission for some exploratory good times. Blushing intensely, Cindy just nodded and walked with Casper and River towards their rooms. Katie took her key and headed off to her room happy for the upgrade over last night’s stay while Honey just accepted her key with a solemn thanks and headed off for her room with no emotion.   Being experienced as she was, Casper wasted no time in laying out and displaying her many toys in front of Cindy once they were back to her room. Cindy did not bother wondering why Casper had decided it was necessary to bring along all these toys on a security mission as she figured she would not be satisfied with the answer. She just glanced nervously at the many different designs and colors of objects she did not recognize and could not begin to imagine their intended usage.   Casper smiled at the fascination and interest Cindy was showing in her collection and playfully asked her, “Which one interests you most? Which would you like to try out?” However, for Cindy they were all new and unusual and she had no idea where to begin. So, she just stammered out, “U-um I-I’m not sure. Can you just pick for me?” Casper’s smile deepened as she selected her flogger and said “I’m going to introduce you to some light pain tonight. River, hold her down for me.”   River wasted no time in complying and was eager to please. Cindy offered little resistance, as she ultimately reminded herself that she had agreed to come here and walked in with them. At least pain did not sound too weird to her. She felt several impacts on her back and ass but noticed that they were well within her tolerable range. Her fears of this being too intense started to ease up a bit.   After going at a comfortable pace for a little bit, warming Cindy up, Casper then instructed River to let Cindy up and told her to get undressed for this next part. She hesitated for a moment but realizing everyone’s female around her helped make her feel more comfortable and so she complied, undressing fully. Then Casper handed Cindy a bite guard to wear, as she said the pain levels were going to become more intense and thus it would be helpful to have something to sink her teeth into. Intense, huh? This is what Cindy had worried about, but the bite guard made her feel that she would at least have some sort of control, something to ground herself with. So, she accepted, and Casper helped put it on around her head.   Finally, she laid back down on the bed, and River once again held her arms down. This time the flogger was swung with much more force and against her naked flesh, so she felt each swing more keenly. They left a strong burning sensation that just kept building up. Though, the intensity was varied, so it was not a constant dull or sharp pain, but a mix that just kept building up and reaching a warm burn overall. Though sometimes Casper would intentionally swing quite a bit harder out of nowhere to get a small yelp and spasm as a reaction to the pain.   As it was beginning to become something that Cindy could get used to, Casper than said the session was over, and said River could let her go. Still stinging from the repeated hits, Cindy then got dressed gingerly and thanked Casper for the experience. She then headed off to her own room, her head filled with new thoughts of what sexual experiences can entail.   That night, Katie slept soundly, River and Casper had their own fun times together, and for some inexplicable reason Honey decided she needed to stay up and watch out her window for any suspicious activity, despite being very high off the ground, in a hotel with its own security department. Honey seemed to be very paranoid about something. Is she that afraid of a possible attack that she cannot even sleep? Or is something chasing her from her past that she has not told anyone about?   The next morning, Cindy invited everyone downstairs to have breakfast with her at the hotel’s buffet. They were serving a wide variety of foods. Everyone ate to their contentment. Cindy seemed to be in a cheerful mood. After breakfast everyone headed upstairs to the convention hall.   It was the 2nd day of the AniAni convention. The convention seemed even busier than the previous day. Cindy once again handed out security assignments to the group. They were pretty much the same as the previous day. She mentioned that she hoped nothing did happen, as she would be just as happy to pay everyone for standing around doing nothing.   Once everyone had taken up their assigned posts, Honey decided that she needed an outfit change to better blend into the crowd. However, not any outfit would do, it had to be a unique and special outfit, to better blend in of course. She went in search of a vendor stall that specialized in antique anime outfits and happened to find the goldmine for her. They were selling a Spike Spiegel outfit from the famous 1998 television show Cowboy Bebop. A show that by today’s standards took place a while ago, even though when it came out took place in the distance future. The show is nearly 100 years old by now, so finding a cosplay outfit is a miraculous find indeed. However, that just goes to show how popular and lovable the characters were.   For such a rare find, the vendor has put an outrageous asking price. Though a true fan would still pay for it without a second thought. A thousand credits. Whereas most ordinary clothing only cost in the price range of under a hundred credits. However, poor Honey did not have enough credits to afford the outfit. So, she went to her best friend, Katie. Katie remembered that on their very first meeting, the first thing Honey said was that she hated Texas and greatly insulted Katie and her country. She has done little to mend things since then except for a half-hearted apology that felt quite forced as Honey was desperate to find a 4th person for her freelance missions. Katie politely reminds Honey to piss off and find someone else.   Honey then approaches Casper and tells her that she will even pay interest on the small loan of credits. Casper sees the opportunity to make a quick buck since she knows the woman will get paid at the end of this mission and accepts. With additional credits in hand, Honey quickly rushes over to the antique vendor stall and purchases the outfit and immediately goes into the bathroom to change. Luckily, the outfit is an excellent fit for Honey, and she walks out looking very much like a female version of the character. She even has short, poufy hair to match.   Cindy then comes up and finds Honey has changed her outfit in the middle of her shift and is visibly annoyed at what this implies. She then confronts Honey about this, who then explains exactly what she just did. Cindy is furious that Honey would not only abandon her post, not only go shopping while abandoning her post, but that she wouldn’t have enough money to support her shopping addiction and beg her allies for money to support that addiction. Honey tries to explain it’s not an addiction, that she just wanted to blend in better, but Cindy doesn’t accept it when she points out that Honey went out of her way, way out of her way, to buy an extremely expensive, extremely unique, outfit that doesn’t blend in at all but in fact stands out more than what she was wearing before. Cindy warns her that if she catches her so grossly ignoring her simple guard job again that she is fired from the mission. Cindy then storms off simultaneously hoping she doesn’t have to fire one of her guards because of lack of manpower but also hoping she does have to fire one because then she wouldn’t have to pay her and could teach her a lesson.   Katie sees Allen again, this time wearing a different, yet equally cute cross play outfit, acting very feminine as has come to be the usual associated with Allen and calls out to him. Allen is very excited to hear from Katie and eagerly comes over to talk to her. Katie then decides to give Allen a mini interview to determine his skills and qualifications to see how useful he might be to the party. This turns out to be a major bust for Katie, as Allen’s best skill is how well he passes as female when dressed up. This is very disappointing for Katie, as she was hoping that Allen might have had combat or technical skills. She then pats Allen on the head and says that he needs to stay as far away from the field of combat as possible or he will likely die. Allen is just happy to be able to talk to Katie again and does not seem fazed by her disappointment.   Katie then sees David again; he is wearing a different Blood Throne hoodie with blue jeans. She remarks to herself that at least he changed outfits. She asks David to remind her why he gave her his contact info again, trying to see if maybe he has any interest in joining the party perhaps. He eagerly explains that the reason is to assist her in Blood Throne should she decide to join. He goes on to explain all the different ways he can help a new player in the game, to which Katie just mumbles a not all too enthusiastic affirmative response. David does not seem to care, if Katie considers his offer.   Some time passes and it is soon approaching the afternoon, when suddenly the sound of automatic gunfire pierces the room and causes everyone to go quiet. An eerie quiet suddenly fills the room where just a moment ago it was filled with an endless drone of noise. Shouting can be heard, those closet to it can make it out as “Everyone get down! We’re taking over this place!” Suddenly, all the doors to the main convention hall close on their own. The doors are the type that can be controlled remotely in case of fire and have magnetic locks. This instantly confines everyone inside the main hall from escaping while also locking out Cindy’s drone from coming to assist. Cindy’s connection to the drone remains and she reasonably estimates she could fire through the doors, possibly enough to destroy one to let her drone through. However, she quickly realizes with how crowded it is, collateral damage is almost certainly a given, and decides against it. She then realizes she is too far away from any of her security team for protection and is instead standing in the middle of the hall, far away from everyone who is more skilled than she is at combat. She is able to see the freelancers she hired moving into position to confront the group of men who have attacked the convention and decides it’s not safe to move about at this time and ducks with the crowd for cover.   The group of men are composed of one leader in the back who is giving orders, three people who look like his main specialists, and then three more guys who appear to be the primary muscle of the group. With some quick hand signals, the boss motions at one of the men. He takes one of the other muscle guys and heads to the nearest door to start doing something to it.   Katie sensing her chance immediately heads to the door nearest her, which is some distance away from everyone. However, her sudden movement catches the attention of one of the men at the center of the hall, and he fires a warning shot at Katie. Katie ignores this shot and just crouches and continues towards the door. With all the tables in the way, the sharpshooter loses his line of sight and gives up for now. Katie then attempts to hack the door in front of her, overriding its lockdown command. However, she realizes that whatever code was used to lock it down is too advanced for her and she is unable to crack it.   Honey drops into the prone position at the first sign of danger, something she seems apt to do, and crawls under the nearest table to her and takes up sniping position targeting the leader of the armed men. However, she hesitates to take the shot and instead just lies there in position.   Meanwhile, Casper walks straight up to the group of men and demands to know what they are up to. The leader responds that they are taking over this convention and then begins to explain further when suddenly Casper pulls her whip out and slices the man standing before her into pieces. His arms and legs come off and he falls apart. The sharpshooter wastes no time and unloads into the deadly woman with his assault rifle. However, he ends up missing most of his shots and the only one that does hit does little more than minor damage to her.   The other guy who was standing watch next to the poor man who was sliced and diced looks at the corpse, then back at Casper, then back at the corpse, then back at Casper, a little unsure of what to do next. Casper senses the hesitation and says that she has a spaceship and that he should abandon this doomed group of terrorists and come fly away with her, in a seductive tone of course. This greatly weakens the mans resolve and he turns to his boss, unsure of what to do next. His boss angerly shouts at him to attack the woman or he will attack him next. Casper then mentions that he would be paid for joining her crew, and this makes him realize he is getting paid like shit for this mission. So, he turns towards his boss once more and his boss has had enough of this and fires his shotgun into him. Thanks to the thick armor he is wearing, the shotgun pellets barely faze him. That attack cements in his mind who he should fight for, and he fires his pistol back towards his former boss.   The two men finish their job at the door they were working on and head towards to the next door, which happens to be the one that Katie is struggling with. Allen shows up, standing in full view, though he is shielded from the main group of terrorists thanks to all the stalls in the way. He asks Katie if there is anything, he can do to help her. She says that he has no useful skills in this situation and that he should focus on keeping himself safe. While talking to Katie, Allen remains completely clueless to his surroundings and fails to notice the two men who are now directly behind him. The less armored of the two takes his sub-machine gun and uses the buttstock to bash the back of Allen’s head, immediately knocking him unconscious and onto the ground. He then looks at Katie and signals with his hands.   Katie, having studied sign language, understands that he is asking her what she is doing with the door. She explains in sign language that she is not doing anything. He then signs for her to move and get out of his way. She signs back that she will and gets up and moves away, giving him space to work. She then notices that he pulls out a bomb and affixes it to the door.   River uses her psionic abilities to blind the sharpshooter and the boss, making it incredibly difficult for them to attack back. In response to this, the boss throws down a hot smoke grenade that can block infrared vision from discovering his position and sneaks away. Honey curses under her breath, lamenting her initial hesitation at not taking the shot when she had one, as now it is impossible for her to shoot through the smoke and hit her target. So, she turns around to face towards the bomb guy and his ally and sets up a new shot.   Realizing the danger of the bombs on the doors, Katie thinks to herself that she must summon her courage and do something to stop them from planting anymore bombs on the doors, or they will be utterly screwed. She leaps into action an takes a cable from her wrist bracelet and inserts the other end into the back of the neck of the man standing next to the bomb guy and activates her attack code. Suddenly his vision is filled with countless, high quality images of furry pornography. However, this is not just any tier of porn, but it is specially crafted to deliver the most degenerate filth that is found on the Global DataNet. The sudden deluge of such imagery is too much for the mind of this man who is unaccustomed to such graphic detail and he collapses onto the ground in the fetal position.   His partner looks on in anger and pulls out his stun baton and swings at Katie, only to miss. At this moment, Honey fires, nailing the man right in the shoulder, injuring him. Honey then immediately sneaks out from under the table and moves to seek out a different position, giving up on finishing off her new target and leaving it all up to Katie to handle. Honey runs into Cindy in the crowd of people and asks what she is doing there. Cindy explains that without her drone, she is effectively defenseless. Honey also notices David nearby too and waves him over since it is clear there is no one within line of sight who can fire at them.   Honey tells David that it’s dangerous for Cindy to be out here, despite so far being safe among the crowds, and insists that David take Cindy with him to a hiding spot underneath the tables where it should be safer since they will be out of sight. David agrees with the logic that out of sight equals safer and does want to help protect Cindy. Honey then points out a very specific table, saying she knows for a fact it is currently unoccupied and perfect for hiding in. This being the table that she just came from after firing that last shot. Though she leaves this last detail out.   David nods, not realizing any better, and takes Cindy with him over to the empty table where they both hide out underneath. David tries to make small talk about Blood Throne to Cindy to help calm her down. The bomb guy is pissed that he just got shot in the shoulder and after taking a few moments to recover from the initial shock, decides to retaliate in the best way he knows. With bombs! He tosses one of his extra C4 in the direction of the shot and once it lands, he uses his variable detonator to select only the one he threw and detonates it. This blows up right next to David and Cindy, with nothing to protect them. They take severe damage and are badly injured from the explosion, but still alive. Cindy thinks to herself that Honey is so fired after this, if they all make it out of this alive that is. David is mainly in excruciating pain and tries to think about awesome moments in Blood Throne to help him through the pain. Honey sees the blast blow up the table and notices the two get blown away and immediately tries to deny that she was responsible or had anything to do with what happened to them to herself. She tries to convince herself that she has a clean conscience about the incident and should carry on with her original plan, ignoring the two critically injured people.   Katie sees an opening and rushes up to perform the same maneuver on the bomb guy with her wrist cord and injects countless images of pornography. It clearly affects him, but he does not collapse, as he has a tougher mental will to power through these kinds of things. While this happens, Casper rushes into the smoke cloud and takes some blind swings with her whip. To her delight, she feels one of them land and deals further damage to one of the men.

Status Delta - Uprising
Report Date
30 Sep 2020
Primary Location
Las Vegas

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