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Session 4: Burn it down! Report

General Summary

The convention hall is still crowded with attendees amidst the shootout happening, with everyone quite terrified for their own wellbeing. A deafening explosion has already gone off, further scaring everyone that they might not make it out of this alive.   The sharpshooter takes his assault rifle, flips a switch on it, and fires a 3 round burst directly into River. This hits her soundly in the gut and leg and immediately knocks the woman to the ground. Meanwhile, Honey sets up her bipod for her sniper rifle on top of a nearby booth table, facing the opposite direction from River, not paying any attention to what is happening over there.   Casper finally clears the smoke cloud and finds River, whom she has grown rather found of, splayed out on the ground bleeding profusely, and the still smoking barrel of the sharpshooter’s assault rifle pointed in her direction. She hurls herself into a rage and unleashes a barrage of whip attacks against the sharpshooter, causes numerous injuries to him in the process.   David picks himself up from the wreckage and finds Cindy and helps her to her feet. He then helps carry her away from the blast zone to someplace he hopes is safer for the two of them. Daniel, the traitor of the terrorists, looks around and realizes he can’t see anyone due to the smoke cloud and is unsure of what to do next, not having traded contact information with anyone yet, so he remains in place to not cause any trouble for anyone.   Katie takes aim and shoots the bomb guy in the dick, wounding both his pride and his body greatly. Her viewers go wild on the stream with joy and emotes. Severely injured with few options remaining, the bomb guy has a brief discussion with Katie in sign language about how atrocious she is for shooting him in the dick. Katie simply responds that he is a terrorist and deserves it. Realizing he has few, if any options remaining with his injuries, he decides to commit fully to the terrorist idea and decides to blow himself up to try to kill Katie. He gives her a final salute in the form of a “Go fuck yourself” in sign, and switches the detonator to the deadly ALL function and presses the switch. All C4 already planted plus all the C4 remaining on his body simultaneously detonates. This obliterates the bomber while also taking out the life of his partner who was lying on the ground next to him. The blast sends Katie flying and knocks her unconscious. She is bleeding severely and needs immediate medical care.   River survives the gunshot wounds, but with the shot to her leg cannot walk so well. At least she remains conscious, but incapable of further action. Cindy is glad to be alive though quite upset at the sound of more explosions and continues to walk with David to a safer location when she notices Katie’s body fly right past her. She immediately rushes to Katie’s side to begin to perform basic first aid to try to stop the bleeding. Unfortunately, Cindy has never taken a first aid class in her life and only has references to anime to guide her. She fails to put any significant dent in the bleeding.   The sharpshooter is unable to bring his assault rifle to bear at such close distance and instead draws out a switch blade and attacks Casper and misses by a wide margin. Casper retaliates, inflicting serious injuries on the sharpshooter, enough to knock him down to the ground.   The boss runs away towards the locked doors, where he can be heard yelling that the doors be unlocked and then re-locked once he is on the other side.   David also rushes over to Katie and tries his hand at stopping the bleeding. However, just like Cindy, his only reference to healing is from Blood Throne and while he is able to perfectly recite the incantation to the most powerful healing spell he knows, complete with hand gestures, it fails to stop the bleeding.   Seeing the other two fail to stop the bleeding, Honey decides she will also attempt to stop Katie’s bleeding. However, her knowledge of first aid being completely non-existent, she only manages to get blood all over her hands and thinks about how icky it is before the reality of the situation snaps her back to focus and she just shrugs and gives up.   The sharpshooter loses all hope of succeeding in the fight and begins praying to god that he will survive while on his knees. Suddenly the locks on the nearby door undo and an all-black fully armored power armor appears, complete with an auto-cannon gatling gun mounted on its right shoulder, a riot shield, and a heavy machine gun in its right hand. It stands taller than 6 feet high and looks incredibly intimidating to all attendees who can see it. The few who still believed they were going to survive this encounter immediately lose that hope upon setting eyes on the walking armor. The armor is piloted by the boss, as he can be heard over a built-in speaker, as he powers up the autocannon and takes aim at Casper. However, due to his lack of training with the armor, he misses his shot. So, he then fires with his machine gun and misses again. Finally, he turns on his riot control light to blind Casper, but Casper’s cybernetic eyes allow her to see in the infrared spectrum and she can easily see the heat emanating from the suit.   Now that the doors have been destroyed from the bomb, Cindy’s drone is finally free to come in and provide support. She immediately commands it to head towards the sound of gunfire hoping she makes it in time. Unimpressed with the armor, Casper destroys the main armament, the autocannon on the power armor, greatly reducing its firepower and its threat level to her. The boss takes another shot at Casper but misses again and swears profusely with his frustration.   Thankfully, Katie’s bleeding managed to stop on its own. However, it is obvious from observation that her leg is badly injured, with shrapnel sticking out of it.   Realizing against the odds that even with the armor he can’t win, he runs towards the closed doors, once again yelling for them to be unlocked and then re-locked on the other side, and throws down a smoke grenade to cover his trail as he exits the battlefield. Casper prepares to give chase by readying her whip to cut through the doors in her way when suddenly a loud gunshot is heard and a bullet pierces through the locking mechanism on the doors, allowing them to swing open with ease. Before Casper even has a chance to look around to see who did that, Honey chimes in over the comms saying, “There, are we even now?” Greatly annoyed at this unwanted assistance followed by an immediate request for a favor, Casper yells back over the comms that Honey should have stayed out of it and continued to do nothing, like she had done for entire fight. Honey tries to retort that she fired one other bullet at a bad guy, and it hit, but this only upsets Casper more and she ends the comms.   Casper chases after the boss, pushing past the smoke and descends downstairs following the sounds of the heavy armor. At the bottom of the stairs, Casper encounters the armor again, but it does not look like it is moving. She approaches it cautiously, fearing it might be a trap, but quickly realizes that the man just abandoned it in a hurry to aid in his escape. Losing interest in continuing to pursue now that the armor can be hers, she immediately hops in and boots up the armor system. Finding out that she immediately loves the feeling of being in power armor, even if it does smell a bit from the previous occupant, she proceeds to climb the stairs back up wearing the armor.   Reunited with the team, Casper notices there is still one terrorist alive, though taking no hostile action. It is the sharpshooter who was praying to god he survived earlier. Deciding to give him a fate worse than death, she insults him about his size. Yes, his dick size. For someone as prideful as this man, being insulted about his penis size after being sounding defeated by his enemy, who was also a woman, was just too much for him. He felt completely demoralized. To further add insult to injury, Casper took Katie’s streaming drone and brought it up close to the man and told all of the viewers about his tiny dick so not on would his face become well known on the internet but so would he be forever known as the tiny dick terrorist. He just looked down at the ground, emotionally broken. That is when Casper told him he was free to go. She was not even going to finish him or try to turn him in for a bounty. However, he was in too much shock to even acknowledge this gesture and continued to stare off into the distance.   Finally, Casper calls in a favor from one of her biggest paying clients if he would help her repair and upgrade the armor, to which he agrees to at least try, if it is not too costly.

Status Delta - Uprising
Report Date
03 Oct 2020
Primary Location
Las Vegas

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