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Session 6: The Monkey Report

General Summary

After receiving their latest mission to retrieve and deliver the rare albino monkey to the animal blogger, the team prepares to depart from Caesar’s Palace. Casper gets in her power armor and climbs on top of Honey’s rugged Toyota SUV and fires a grappling hook through the roof to anchor her in place. Honey complains at the damage to her car, but Casper just dismisses her complaint. Katie gets in the rear and River gets in the front seat. Once the team is loaded up, they depart and head for an old amusement park to pick up the monkey from an exotic animal dealer. Once the monkey is secured in the back of the vehicle, the real journey can begin. As they take off, Katie cannot help but admire how cute the monkey looks and sneaks a quite headpat. The monkey tries to bite her, but she is too fast and pulls her hand back before any harm is done.   They make it onto the freeway and notice there is some traffic on the road, making it impractical to speed too fast, not to mention they are not in a particular hurry to get to the ladies’ house. The drive is going smoothly, so Casper uses her armors optical magnification to scout behind them to look for anything suspicious that they may have to be wary of. She spots a ganger pickup truck speeding right towards them with a mounted machine gun. Sensing the possibility of a threat, she uses her mounted machine gun to fire first and aims for the engine block of the rapidly approaching truck. However, with everything going on between the movement of the SUV and the distance plus hitting something so precise she misses completely.   Casper informs the rest of the occupants about the truck and how it is going to be on them in a few seconds and to prepare for an attack when she gets a devious idea. Deciding to push her armor to the limit, she undoes her grappling hook and jumps off the SUV and straight at the truck. Thanks to the fact that the truck was going so fast, it caught up with her and she lifted her legs right as it impacted her. She instantly crushed the driver and side passenger to death and knocked the middle passenger unconscious. With the driver dead the truck swerved out of control and going at such high speeds it immediately tumbled several times with Casper stuck firmly inside before finally crashing and bursting into a large explosion. Despite this, the armor survives, and Casper does too. She manages to extricate herself from the wreckage and walks away from the burning carcass of what was previously the pickup truck. Then runs to catch up with the now stopped SUV. Carefully she gets back into her previous position, placing the grappling hook in the same hole to not cause further damage. The team takes off again and faces no further issues on their trip.   After successfully delivering the monkey unharmed to the blogger, the lady is overjoyed and immediately starts to take pictures and talk to herself and the monkey about how cute it is and how famous it will make her. Realizing she is completely ignoring the team and their payment, Casper and River speak up about the job. The blogger casually pays everyone their credits and goes right back to her pictures and chatter. Everyone packs up and heads back to Caesar’s Palace to talk about their next mission.   Realizing they completed that mission in record time thanks to Casper’s instant decimation of their pursuer’s, they checked the time and saw that it was only lunchtime and they probably had enough time to at least start another mission if not finish it depending on the complexity of it. So, Casper called up the fixer again and as has begun to become the norm he congratulated her and the rest of the team on yet another successful mission. He mentioned that he now had 3 remaining missions available. Deciding they wanted something with a bit more action, they accepted another security mission. He gave them directions to meet the client at a warehouse. Katie felt that Allen’s combat training might prove useful on this mission, so she called him up and asked if he wanted to come along. Allen was ecstatic that he was being asked to join on an official mission and said he would be over right away. Allen showed up shortly after dressed up rainbow fatigues, looking like he is trying to take the mission seriously but not understanding how to at the same time. At least he did not show up in cosplay, Katie thinks to herself.   The team once again loads up in the SUV and heads off to the warehouse. After they arrive, several of the team members argue with Honey about the impracticality of bringing the SUV inside the warehouse and insist that she leave it outside. She eventually relents and agrees to park the SUV outside. The group heads inside and meets the client, unsure of what to expect. They are greeted by a man dressed in a business suit except he is not wearing a tie and the suit is not buttoned up. He has a lot of energy and moves his hands around a lot as he speaks and seems very upbeat and happy to see them. “Welcome, welcome! Glad you came! Today we’ll be buying DRUGS!” he says in a cheerful tone, with heavy emphasis on the last word. “That’s right, we’ll be buying the drug known as Tank’n’Spank from a local gang. I heard you are a trustworthy group from the fixer.” He pauses for a moment to take some pills from a bottle he pulled out of his jacket’s pocket and then smiles. “So, I have here a nice looking silver suitcase full of credits that I’ll be trading for the drugs. It’s your job to ensure nothing bad happens to me and that I make it out of the trade alive.” He takes the suitcase and opens it to reveal a considerable amount of credits, far more than he’s paying the group for this mission, and then closes it up again. “They should be here any moment. Remember, until they start shooting or I say something, don’t fire or provoke them. We’re here to do business. Okay, let’s do this!” he laughs as he says this, obviously high on something and having a good time.   The other gang shows up. There are 6 members armed with sub-machine guns and pistols and heavily tattooed. One of them walks forward with a nearly identical looking silver suitcase, begging the question if they bought them from the same store or something. They both open their respective suitcases to show each other the goods and then exchange suitcases and walk away from each other to begin inspecting what they received. The ganger is busy counting the money while the client suddenly takes on a serious look while he counts and inspects the drugs. Then they finally finish, look at each other and give themselves each a nod of satisfaction and begin to walk away. Suddenly two very loud explosions go off at both entrances of the warehouse, the side the team came through and the side the gangers came through. The blast was powerful enough to knock some of the team members down to the ground, but not enough to cause any injuries.   Rushing through the gaping holes come 4 different gangers on both sides armed with assault rifles and one member armed with a large melee weapon. On the team members side is a ganger armed with a katana and on the ganger’s side is a ganger armed with a chain sword. The new gangers declare they are here to kill everyone as revenge against the team for their many transgressions against the gang. For they are the Wraiths of Iniquity and they are done being killed by the freelancer team.   Eager for a fight, Casper immediately moves into position to begin firing onto the new targets. Her machine gun cuts through one of the gangers, killing him instantly. The gangers on the other side begin decimating their rivals with their assault rifles, taking out 3 of them in an instant. Katie moves to hack the one nearest to her and sends a massive amount of Shrek audio ear rape into the poor victim. Unable to bear thousands of Shrek’s spoken dialogue being blasted at loud volume, the grown man collapses and starts convulsing. Katie then moves away, heading towards the nearest control panel. Allen finally decides to show off his hard work and moves to attack. He launches his most powerful move, a karate chop to the neck! Unfortunately, it seems Allen still has some ways to go, as it was not very effective. The ganger with the katana moves in and goes to attack Honey, but Honey narrowly dodges the attack. In retaliation, Honey shoots the ganger to death with her pistols. River wants to make an attack but realizes she would hit her allies as well since everyone is so clustered together.   The drug dealing gangers fire back with their weapons and take out some of the attackers. It is a gang war! Casper fires her machine gun again but misses this time. Katie reaches the control panel and has the brilliant idea to turn out the lights since it is nighttime outside by now. Everything goes dark. Katie takes out her little drone which has night vision and places it on her hat. Casper is unfazed by the sudden change in lighting as she also has night vision both from her implant and her armor. Everyone else however is blinded. Being blinded, no one else can effectively shoot anyone or attack anyone as they miss. Honey utilizes the fact that Katie is always streaming to see from her drone’s vision to gauge her attacks to continue fighting. The three of them methodically move about from enemy to enemy, brutally killing them when they cannot see them or fight back in any way, until they are certain everyone who could oppose them is demolished. Katie restores the lights, and they inform the client that they are safe and that the mission is complete. The client realizes this is true, thanks them immensely for them stepping up and keeping him safe. He then immediately pays them their credits and runs out of the warehouse to his car.   Two missions completed in one day! Wow a new record for the team.

Rewards Granted

300 Credits paid to everyone
800 credits paid to everyone

Missions/Quests Completed

Deliver package across town - completed
Provide security for a trade - completed

Status Delta - Uprising
Report Date
17 Oct 2020
Primary Location
Las Vegas

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