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Session 5: Recovery Report

General Summary

Now that the attack is well over, Cindy rallies everyone around her and starts giving out orders. She declares that everyone who is injured is going to be taken to the nearby hospital for medical care, including herself. Noticing that Katie is completely knocked out, she calls for an ambulance to take the girl there. Honey offers to carry her there herself but is simply too weak to carry the 100lb girl as she is too weak to wield her sniper rifle properly. The ambulance arrived shortly after and carried Katie’s limp frame away safely to the hospital.   Before Cindy left to the hospital, she told the convention attendees who were still there to go home and not to return until next year. She told them to convention was officially cancelled and there would not be any more con activities for the rest of today or tomorrow. Some of the most diehard fans made obvious sounds of disappointment, completely unfazed by the events that had just transpired earlier. The sharpshooter took this as his cue to exit the stage and leave unnoticed by anyone. Cindy had some cars arrive to take her and anyone else who wanted to come with her to the hospital.   Casper declined the ride as she was eager to get her armor upgraded. So, she instead headed off to a nearby mechanic’s workshop to drop off her armor. Realizing that the amount of credits that her client was willing to offer up was only enough to cover the labor, not the parts, for the upgrades, left Casper in a bit of a difficult situation. She herself did not have enough credits to cover the cost of any advanced weapons systems either. However, she did know how to improvise and persuade! So, she approached Cindy at the hospital and asked her very nicely if instead of receiving payment for the mission, she could receive that big machine gun that was mounted underneath Cindy’s flying drone. At first Cindy was taken aback at such a request. Doing this would leave her drone defenseless until she could replace the weapon. However, Casper had almost single-handedly defeated the terrorists in the mission and introduced Cindy to her first intimate encounter. Reluctantly, Cindy agreed and sent her drone off to the mechanic’s workshop for the machine gun to be removed.   Katie underwent surgery as she had only just barely managed to stop internal bleeding and it could start up again if she were to move about too much. Unfortunately, there was too much shrapnel lodged in her right leg and the surgeons were not able to remove all of it. They were able to save the leg itself though. It was determined that Allen had only suffered a mild concussion and would make a full recovery with enough rest. David and Cindy’s injuries included several burns and some fractured ribs, but with advanced skin graphs and taking it easy for a while they too would make full recoveries. In River’s case, the bullets went right through her it seemed, so with some expert stitching and bandages, she too would make a full recovery, including her injured left leg.   Several days passed while everyone recuperated from their injuries. When Cindy was finally feeling better, more capable, and alert, she went around to check on everyone’s status in the hospital. First, she checked on Katie to see how she was coming along. Katie was conscious again and recovering nicely, except for her right leg. Cindy remembered the payment for the mission and promptly paid Katie the 2,000 credits now that Katie was awake to receive it. Katie’s fans cheered her on in the background of her stream as she received one of her largest mission payouts yet. Cindy checked on Allen who was also awake, though still in a hospital bed. He was in a cheerful mood despite what happened. He was still eager as ever to be of assistance to the freelancers. Cindy just shook her head, unsure of what to make of his enthusiasm. Believing it will eventually lead to his untimely death.   Dreading this moment, Cindy then went to speak with Honey about her performance in the mission. Honey wore a relaxed demeanor, unaware of what she was in store for. Cindy nodded at Honey, then took a deep breath to prepare and steady herself, before saying to honey in a very serious and straight tone, "You're fired." Honey looked at Cindy with shock, unable to process what she had just heard. "Since you're probably questioning why and how you are fired, allow me to explain. During my recuperation, I had ample time to review all of the security footage from the hotel cameras plus Katie's stream as well as footage from my own drone. So I could get the full picture. First, you were found to be harassing guests to such an extent that other security guards were called on you and you almost got yourself kicked out of the convention. On day one no less! That's strike 1. Then you abandon your post without telling anyone to go shopping and do a wardrobe change because you thought it would help you "blend in better". It did nothing of the sort. That was strike 2. And finally, in the middle of combat, you directed myself and David to seek shelter in a known hot zone that was the most likely to receive enemy retaliation because you had just fired from that position, knowledge you forgot to mention to us. This action nearly costed us our lives. That was a big strike 3. 3 strikes. You're out. I don't want you working on any future missions of mine again either. I obviously can't trust you with my life, I can't trust you to follow orders, and I can't trust you around others. Therefore, due to your gross negligence on this mission, your pay has been forfeited and your contract terminated. Do you have any questions? Well too bad, I'm not in the mood to answer them. Hopefully you change things around for your next employer or you're going to find yourself without jobs soon. Now, I have other people to check on. Goodbye." With her head held low, Honey walked out of the hospital and disappeared completely.   Cindy then checked on David, who was in the middle of playing Blood Throne on his tablet. If it were not for the fact that he was in a hospital bed, still hooked up to an IV drip, she would not have guessed that he was injured. At first, she was amazed at his rapid recovery, but then quickly realized her mistake when he had a coughing fit. She realized instead that he was just that dedicated to playing his silly game that he would still play even in such an injured condition. She wondered if he was an idiot. Concerned, she approached him and asked, “David, why do you push yourself so hard to play this game? You are clearly not in a good enough condition to be playing right now. You should be resting instead!” Undeterred and only occasionally looking up from his tablet, he simply replied, “You wouldn’t understand. It is the 2nd most important thing to me in this world. And the 1st is…something I’d rather not talk about.” She gave a heavy sigh in response and simply nodded her head and replied, “You are right about that. I don’t get it. But maybe someday you’ll be willing to tell me more about that number 1 thing. It’s got me curious, for sure.” Without looking up, he put his hand to his chin and said quietly, “Maybe…” before returning his attention fully to his game.   Cindy then went to check on River and found her happily chatting away with Casper. Happy to see River’s recovery coming along so well, she paid her the 2,000 credits she owed her for the mission and went along her way. Satisfied that she had checked in on everyone who was injured, she went back to her own hospital bed to get some more rest.   Daniel showed up at the hospital to look for Casper and inquire about the spaceship. He had previously betrayed his boss in the terrorist incident for promises of epic space adventures with sexy women and fortune. Casper quickly came up with the excuse that without an appropriate space mission, there was no need to go to space. They will go to space, in their spaceship that they definitely have, just as soon as they receive their next space bound mission. Daniel took a moment to process this. He mumbled to himself, “Space, mission, carry the 2, divide by 0, uhh, no wait, that can’t be right, it’s carry the 1 then divide by 0, and umm….ahhh this is so complicated!” In his frustration he gives up and admits he cannot actually do math and agrees that what Casper said makes sense. He thinks. He is not entirely sure. But that is because he cannot math too well, he assures her. He agrees he will wait patiently to go to space and is ready to assist with the next mission. Or whichever mission Casper decides she needs him on.   A few more days pass. Cindy stretches and finally feels mostly healed up. She is discharged from the hospital and free to leave. Casper shows up in her newly upgraded armor wielding Cindy’s old gun from her drone. At least Cindy still has her drone around, she just needs to re-arm it. She thinks to herself that she will give it something even nicer than before. Her company owes her that much after nearly dying for this side mission. She sees Katie appear, in a shiny new wheelchair being pushed by Allen with a big smile on his face. Katie looks none too pleased to be confined to the chair but looks to be slightly less upset with Allen pushing her everywhere she wants to go. Cindy wonders if their relationship was always so…one-sided? A rugged looking SUV pulls up outside the hospital doors and out of the driver side comes Honey, looking quite a bit different than before. She looks like she gained some more muscle mass, lost the sniper rifle but in its place is sporting dual-pistols and has a new aura of confidence about her. Honey simply walks up to the group and says in her best imitation of Spike Spiegel, “Hey, you guys need a ride?” Casper bursts out laughing at Honey’s attempt to be cool. The laughter is infectious and soon everyone is laughing, even the usually serious Cindy. Honey looks deflated and mopes back to her vehicle. Casper, Katie, and River all load up. Cindy says she cannot come, she has to report back to her company on the status of this side mission and wait to receive her next orders. David walks out and wishes everyone good luck on their next mission and says to contact him if anyone is interested in trying out Blood Throne. Allen asks if he can come, but Katie tells him its too dangerous as he is now. Katie tells Allen that if he wants to be useful to the party, he should learn and practice basic hand to hand fighting skills. His face brightens up at this and he nods enthusiastically. “Will do, Katie-senpai! I won’t let you down!” he says cheerfully. He runs off, skipping along the way, while humming some anime opening theme song.   As they depart, Katie speaks up and says she doesn't want to be bound to a wheelchair all her life, especially not on an upcoming mission. She declares that she would rather cut off her injured leg and replace it with a shiny new cybernetic leg instead. She insists that they drive her to the nearest cybernetics clinic for an immediate operation. Honey obliges Katie, eager to try to get on her good side after her many indiscretions against her in the past, and drives her to nearest clinic. There Katie opts for a simple model of leg with ligament enhancements that can increase her speed. The operation is a success and Katie's injured leg is no more. However, because only one of her legs has the enhancements, she can't fully utilize the speed enhancement. To compensate, she comes up with the idea to utilize a skateboard to go faster. She has the Texas flag emblazoned on the bottom of the skateboard to show off her Texan pride. Satisfied with her mobility upgrades, she rejoins the group and says she is ready for the next mission.   Honey drives the group back to Caesar’s Palace, back to where it all began, so they could enjoy a nice couple of drinks at the bar before contacting the fixer for another mission to get right back into the groove. Casper reaches the fixer with ease and the first thing he does is congratulate them for another successful mission! He comments that he loves doing business with them so far as they have had a great 2 for 2 track record so far. “Keep it up and you’ll go far!” he says. He lists out the available missions. They note that all the missions are ones that they have seen before. “Yeah well, just because you’ve been off on the big fancy ones doesn’t mean the little ones went and solved themselves. Sometimes you gotta all that’s available are the little stuff.” he comments. They decide to take the easiest of the 4 missions available, a simple milk run, deliver a package across town. This one involves picking up a rare albino monkey from an amusement park and delivering it to an animal web blogger on the other side of town. Seems simple enough, right? What could go wrong?

Rewards Granted

2,000 credits to everyone except for Honey and Casper
Casper accepted the machine gun from Cindy's drone as payment
Honey was fired from the mission and received no compensation
Level up for everyone!

Missions/Quests Completed

Provide security for an event - Completed
Deliver package across town - In progress

Status Delta - Uprising
Report Date
13 Oct 2020
Primary Location
Las Vegas

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