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Lord Gunthar Comes to Town

General Summary

After returning from his sojourn across the southern lands of Solomnia, Peyton was completing the final preparations for his upcoming knighthood ceremony. To that end, Lord Gunthar Uth Wistan was in town to help arrange for the final quests for squires to complete before being granted full knighthood.

On this day, Lord Harbard uth Farnan (Lord Knight of Palanthas), along with Lord Gunthar, wanted to see how the Project: Warforged specimen (Theta) performed in battle. A friendly (non-lethal) competition was arranged with Theta and Peyton on one team, and few other squires, Adlan, Bevin, and Collant, on the other.

As the battle began, Peyton and Theta stayed close together while the other knights spread out on the battle field. Adlan and Collant moved up cautiously, while Bevin was quick to charge his opponent's left flank.

Adlan was the first to engage with Peyton, and the young polearm master made quick work with squire. Collant attacked Theta, but his weapons bounced off the warforged's armor with no lasting effect.

From the viewing stand, both Rose Knights looked favorably on the fight.

Bevin attacked savagely, but was also put down by Peyton's weapon mastery. Peyton turned to check on Theta and Collant. With a second wind of energy, fueled by hate, Bevin rose up behind Peyton and attacked him with deadly force. Peyton spun around and re-engaged the dishonored squire, knocking him back to the ground. Meanwhile, Theta defeated his opponent without any bloodshed.

After being treated for his injuries, Riva congratulated Peyton on his combat skill and display of honor on the field, something that could not be said for his opponent. She then took her squire over to meet Lord Gunthar, the knight who was so instrumental in her own path to knighthood.

Upon meeting, the Grand Master didn't seem to recognize Riva, only to be confused thinking that she too was a squire ready to receive her final test of knighthood. Before the matter could be fully resolved, Lord Erling, Gunthar's aide-de-camp ushered the older knight away claiming that Gunthar had important business elsewhere.

With that the rest of the group took their leave as it was time to start getting ready for the ball to be held at the Tolstoff Manor in Palanthas in honor of the visiting knight.

Missions/Quests Completed

Theta and Peyton proved their worth in battle

Character(s) interacted with

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