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Lost Book of Names

General Summary

After the events of the last adventure, the heroes took time to recover, especially Theta who needed Lias to repair some of the core damage one of the ogres had previously inflicted.

During their downtime, some of the party found themselves interested in various articles in the city's broadsheet. Peyton was interested in a scandalous book (What I Saw and Felt) that claimed to expose the carnal behaviors of various members of high society. He was unable to find a copy by normal means -- all the local booksellers were sold out, but Kiara found a copy her adopted mother had been reading. After a casual glance, Kiara felt like her mother was less interested in the salacious parts of the book, and more in trying to uncover who was being described in various passages.

The other article of interest was the upcoming visit of Lord Gunthar Uth Wistan. Kiara was interested in getting invited to the party the Tolstoff twins were to host in the Grand Knight's honor.

A few days later, the party agreed to meet up at the The Great Library of Palanthas, each for their own purposes.

Kiara shows up a little ahead of the agreed time as she wanted to research "The Black Parade", something she overheard her parents mention previously. She was unable to find anything, and when asking the Aesthetics [librarians] about The Black Parade, Kiara got nervous glances in response.

Eventually, everyone arrived -- Peyton at the exact minute agreed upon -- Theta and Lias, shortly thereafter. Derwin stayed outside entertaining people passing by since his access to the library had been "temporarily" suspended.

A short time later, the party (along with Derwin) was summoned into the sparse chambers of Astinus, head librarian; chief scribe; and (according to some) god-who-walks-among-men. The chief librarian asked the party to do a small service on behalf of the library, to retrieve what appeared to be a lost book found in the nearby village of Ryn, along with any other books that may be found. In exchange, the party would be granted access to the Private Collections in the library, where very few are allowed.

After accepting the quest, the heroes were loaned the use of horses and a small cart for their journey. They set off the next day, reaching the town of Yaris by early evening. Yaris is home to Peyton's parents, and the young squire sent word the day before that he and his friends would be arriving in the evening.

Peyton's mother, Savik, was on hand to greet everyone warmly, while the reception from Peyton's father was the complete opposite. After dinner, Savik shared stories of Peyton as a young boy, and his friends shared more recent stories of Peyton's kindness and bravery. The next morning the heroes headed out, journeying further south to the High Clericist Tower, a major stronghold for the Knights of Solomnia. During the War of the Lance, a major battle was fought here, the result being one of the major turn points of the war.

Along the way the heroes came across a magnificent site carved into the eastern mountain range. Standing almost 200 feet tall and over a thousand feet wide were the crude likenesses of the various Heroes of the Lance. The works project was intended to be completed in time for the 15th anniversary of the end of the war. The dwarves were making progress every year, and more and more of the massive sculpture was taking shape before the eyes of anyone traveling this road on a regular basis. Unlike the other figures being carved on the mountain, the figure of the famous (infamous?) mage, Raistlin Majere, was fully complete -- a "gift", rumor has it, from Dalamar the Dark, done in secret several years ago. With the huge hourglass eyes of Raislin following the heroes, they made their way in the evening to the High Clericist Tower.

There they spent the night and even engaged in a little light gambling. Derwin's attempts to personally "influence" the dice were fortunately not seen by the cheerful (read: slightly inebriated) knights. During the evening, Theta spent some time reading several volumes of The Measure, the twenty-six-volume code of conduct all Knights of Solomnia are expected to know and follow. After his reading, Theta was well versed in every custom related to how a knight should great and treat peoples of all stations while traveling on the roads and rivers on Krynn.

The next morning, the party headed out, beyond the gate and into the open frontier.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Lord Astinus - Master Librarian
  • Bertrem the Aesthetic - Librarian and personal assistant to Lord Astinus
  • Savik Wheatbringer - Mother of Peyton
  • Tiberius Wheatbringer - Father of Peyton

Promise of a New Day
Report Date
09 Apr 2021
Primary Location
Lord City of Palanthas
Secondary Location

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