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Into the Sewers

General Summary

The heroes ventured into the sewers from the access point in the Tolstoff Storehouse. With Theta in the lead, they are able (after some time) to find a small side room along the sewer path.

Within are two sahuagin along with a third, this last one wearing a silver mask. She appeared to be standing in front of a makeshift altar, atop was the Pearl of Zeboim (as it had been described to the heroes) along with an array of fish guts arranged in what appeared to be some kind of ceremonial position.

Most of the party started making their way across the sewer canal. Kiara remained on the other side. Luckily, all the sahuagin were too busy on whatever they were doing at their alter to notice the advancing heroes.

The party rushed the steps and starting attacking, while Kiara stayed on the other side of the canal casting spells of her own.

Soon, the two sahuagin were defeated, and the priestess was struggling to keep the heroes at bay. Eventually, she too was killed, before she was able to complete her ritual.

After the battle, the party investigated the room. Along one wall, they found crude drawings of a female half-elf/half-squid monster that no one recognized. The priestess wore a large clamshell around her neck bearing the same image. It reminded most of the medallions that clerics often wear. On the altar, along with the Pearl, was a ritual diagram, which appears to be some kind of binding, or draining circle, its exact purpose unclear. The party also gathered up some treasure and trinkets the sahuagin had left behind.

As the heroes emerged from a nearby sewer grate, right into the middle of a busy Palanthian street, they were immediately accosted by a half-gnome. The man identified himself as Pong, the head of the Sewer Guild, and was irate that the party had been in the sewers without permission. The situation was quickly resolved and the party left to return the Pearl to the clerics in the Old Temple District. From the clerics, they learned that the half-elf/half-squid was a quasi-deity known as Sagarassi, one-time servant of Zeboim, who abandoned her goddess in search of her own greater power.

After dealing with the clerics, the party went to visit Scaramouche, looking for a pearl that could be used in certain magical rituals. The proprietor of Scaramouche Sorceral Supplies was able to sell Glass (after a bit of haggling by Kiara) a special pearl that would allow the artificer to cast identify spells in half the time.

At the end of the day, the party attended the installation ceremony where the Pearl was enshrined on a special pedestal along the waterfront. During the festivities, Derwin found a number of items that attendees had casually left lying around, including a fancy stick pin and a Khas piece that looked like some kind of fire warrior.

The party gathered at Homebrew for a relaxing drink, while Peyton went to visit his mentor Riva Silvercrown, during which he admitted he felt as though he was not honorable in his fight against the sahuagin priestess. Riva assured him that he was probably well within the Measure (the rules of conduct every knight is expected to follow) and that second-guessing himself in battle will end up getting himself or someone close to him hurt.

Rewards Granted

During the fight, Derwin used the new short sword he acquired and found it to be of magical quality (+1 short sword)

After defeating the sahuagin priestess and her minions, the party recovered the following:

  • Two harnesses worn by the sahuagin (lesser quality than the one previously recovered)
  • A scroll with a cleric spell on it (guiding bolt). Note, the scroll's surface is actually sharkskin, making the scroll waterproof.
  • A magical conch shell horn. Horn of Silent Speech (When blown, the horn produces no sound, but allows everyone within 60 ft to be able to communicate telepathically with each other for 1 hour). Usable once per day.

Additionally, the party bought an enhanced spell component - pearl from Scaramouche Sorceral Supplies, allowing the wielder to cast identify in half the normal time (cast or ritual)

Missions/Quests Completed

The party was able to retrieve and return the Tear of Zeboim back to the clerics and see the item properly installed as part of the shrine along the riverfront.

Character(s) interacted with

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