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Saving Lord Gunthar

General Summary

As the heroes answered the summons to the Temple of Paladine, they were greeted by an acolyte who escorted them into a meeting room. In attendance in the room were Astinus Lorekeeper, Scaramouche, Harbard uth Farnan, Lord Knight of Palanthas, Riva Silvercrown, Knight of the Sword and Peyton's sponsor, and Jabkar Elizard, Head Cleric of Miskakal.

The room was filled with hushed tones and promises that all would be explained when Crysania arrived. Just then the Revered Daughter entered the room. She was resplendent in her white robes. She also wore a white bandage around her eyes as she had been blinded during the Blue Lady's War. On her shoulder was a pure white hawk. As she moved about the room effortlessly, the hawk let little clicks and clucks out seemingly in coversation with the cleric.

Also entering at this time as Sir Liam Erling, the private adjunct to Lord Gunthar.

Lady Crysania sat on her high backed chair as refreshment was brought in for everyone. When her acolytes left the room and shut the doors, she began.

"You all have been summoned due to a great emergency that has fallen upon the knighthood. An emergency that holds dire consequences for all the Whitestone forces."

"As you may have surmised, Lord Gunthar is not well." At his Sir Liam bowed his head in sad acknowledgement.

"Several years ago, during the war, he found off an abomination known as an intellect devourer. The effects of this encounter were not immediately known, but over the years, Lord Gunthar has seen a growing lose of memory. At first, the clerics of Mishakal were able to stop the memory lose, but that only lasted for awhile. In time even their most powerful restoratives proved ineffective.

"I have prayed to Paladine on Lord Gunthar's behalf and I was given a vision by his consort, Mishakal. The goddess of healing has told me of a special place on Krynn, where flows healing waters that can cure the Grand Master of his affliction. You have all been summoned because you all play a part in what I need to ask of you.

Crysania turned, as if to face Peyton, though she didn't actually see the young man. "Squire Wheatbringer, you and your associates have serviced this city well. In keeping with that, we again ask a service of you and your associates. Since it is time for you to go forth to earn your knighthood, Sir Liam has agreed that this quest will serve that purpose as well.

Since you are familiar with the forests around the city, you are most suitable for this grave task. You will need to travel through the monster infested hills to an old monastery, recently occupied by clerics of Mishakal. There, they will help guide you to a magical font known as the River of Healing. From the river you will be able to draw a small vessel of its waters."

At this point Scaramouche spoke up, presenting to the room a nondescript container, "This vial is enchanted. Anything placed inside will not decay. The liquid you bring back in this container will be as potent as if you had just extracted it. It is from my personal collection, and remember, if 'I don't sell it, you don't want it!'" She handed the vial over to Peyton with a slight grin and a wink.

Lady Crysania continued, "Time is of the essence. Revered Son Jabkar of the Church of Mishikal believes Lord Gunthar has only 3 weeks left before he fully looses his mind and is beyond saving." Looking at Peyton and the rest of the heroes she ended with, "Take your rest now, then gather what you need and be under way. We will assist you in any manner we can."

With that the room broke up into smaller conversations and as some of the people in attendance took their leave.

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