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Droldrud Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Droldrud
March 19th (ish) | Full
Supporting Cast
  • (Captain) Gaelin Porthouse
    [b]Gaelin Porthouse[/b] - Halfling - Captain - 45/45 HP - 13AC - d10 hit die - Professional bouncer/bodyguard turned to a life of sailing after discovering an undying love for the sea. Resides in Camp Meadland when not on a job.
  • (First Mate) Gru'Bol Iglot
    [b]Gru'Bol Iglot[/b] - Half-Orc - First Mate - 25 HP - 11AC - d8 hit die - Sent from ? to keep an eye on the southern region and got a job assisting Gaelin as it provided decent social interactions for information gathering in this unpopulated region of the world. Resides in Camp Meadland when not on a job.
  • Chumbo Glendew
    [b]Chumbo Glendew[/b] - Halfling - [b]Desin Cheeseswallow[/b] - Halfling - Monk - 17HP - 12AC - BG: Was imprisoned with Mee Maw many years ago. Resides in camp Portburrow.
  • Dale Mc'Keen
    [b]Dale Mc'Keen[/b] - Human - Craftsman - 13HP - 11AC - Maintains camp Portburrow.
  • Dandon Leafkettle
    [b][/b] - Halfling - Camp Elder - 25HP - 13AC - Decision maker for camp Portburrow.
  • Desin Cheeseswallow
    [b]Desin Cheeseswallow[/b] - Halfling - Monk - 17HP - 12AC - BG: Was imprisoned with Mee Maw many years ago. Resides in camp Portburrow.
  • Dorai Farlen
    [b]Dorai Farlen[/b] - Tiefling - Druid - 21HP - 14AC - Young druid residing in camp Portburrow. Studies plants and animals in the area. Has been researching the undead near the Elven altar.
  • Frosalin
    [b]Frosalin[/b] - Ghast (empowered) - +12 AC (total: 25) temp. for 24hrs. 27/40hp from acid shart. [b]Frosalin[/b], a Fright Demon, emerged from [b]Nameresa[/b]'s body after she was brutally slashed across the neck by [b]Varis[/b] on a boat from camp [b]Meadland[/b] to camp [b]Portburrow[/b] before it wrecked ashore but after all the inhabitants fled.
  • Kiralin Vendai
    [b]Kiralin Vendai[/b] - Half-Elf - Prostitute - 8HP - 5AC - Namareesa's sister. Presently resides in camp Portburrow.
  • Miralan the Succubus Queen
    [li][b]Miralan the Succubus Queen[/b] - ??? HP - ?AC - d? hit die - [/li]
  • Namareesa Vendai
    [b]Namareesa Vendai[/b] - Half-Elf - Merchant - 00/17HP - 10AC - Carried Necklace of Dark Ambitions which was lost and found by the heroes on the ship ride over to [b]Tenelisand[/b], stolen by [b]Mee Maw[/b], given to [b]Varis[/b]. [b]Varis[/b] slashed her throat open with sickle killing her, releasing [b]Frosalin[/b] the demon become physical Ghast and empowered by the insanely brutal death.
  • Skeletons (animated Halfling & Half-orc)
    [li]Halfling & Half-orc Skeletons (animated) - +4hit - 1d6+2 dmg - 9 total:[/li] [ol] [li]3 sword & shield 15AC. - 00/8HP - 9/9HP - 5/5HP - [/li] [li]3 spear & shield 15AC. - 00/11HP - 00/6HP - 16/16HP - [/li] [li]3 shortbow 13AC. - 00/10HP - 00/13HP - 13/13HP - [/li] [/ol]
  • Succubus (Amani)
    [b]Amani[/b] - Succubus - 25/66 HP - 15AC - d10 hit die - Failed charming a Young Silver Dragon fought her and she fled towards altar. She had previously successfully charmed a Silver Dragon Wyrmling before trying for a better target. Actions:[/li] [ul] [li]Claw (fiend-form) - +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.[/li] [li]Charm - One humanoid seen within 30 feet must succeed a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be magically charmed for 1 day. The charmed target obeys the fiend's verbal or telepathic commands.[/li] [li]Draining Kiss - Kisses a creature charmed by it or a willing creature. The target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw against this magic, taking 32 (5d10 + 5) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.[/li]
  • Umlut Gorbin
    [b]Umlut Gorbin[/b] - Half-Orc - Cook/Hunter/Forager - 18HP - 10AC - Collects and cooks the food for camp Portburrow.
  • Xarthos
    [b]Xarthos[/b] - Tiefling - Necromancer - 12AC - 70/70HP

Scheduled Sessions

Fri 21st April 2023 20:00

Session I (G2): Introduction/Wreck Ashore

Sun 9th April 2023 12:00

Session II: Adventures of Adon Lirr

Discover the mysteries of the shrine of Adon Lirr

Sessions Archive

18th Mar 2023

Session I: Introduction to D&D

Start to familiarize ourselves with playing the game and getting some seeds of the story sewn.

This story is told by