Mortal Gods

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Earth (Mortal Gods)
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Supporting Cast
  • Angel (Kary)
    One of the last remaining members of the winged Annakki tribe, her family lineage was once blessed by a god, giving her light-based powers. She is now an esteemed paragon of Myriah
  • Atrika - God of War II
    A god banished to the Under-Place for her violence and cruelty. She now works for Veritae.
  • Beryl Hutchinson
    The Squire is Myriah's greatest Paragon, and earned her title through hard work, perseverance and dedication despite all odds. She uses a self-crafted arsenal of magyk-fueled tools and weapons, and wields them with great skill and expertise.
  • Blubbo
  • Coach
    Female stocky athletic build, with a buzz cut. Coach is the current Paragon Manager, handing out assignments, delivering briefings and training newcomers. She is well respected, and cares deeply for her paragons.
  • Cowman
    A macho, calculated gunslinger Paragon. One of the Terrific Trio with Silver Swan and Overgrowth
  • Captain Craig McTaggart
    The tightly wound leader of the Myriahn military, determined to win against Terriathan at all costs
  • Death
    A serious, work-savvy woman, death has been around since the beginning of life billions of years ago, and is Galea's firstborn. She escorts deceased souls to the Under-Place life factory for processing.
  • Dr Dimitri Sokolov
    One of the most intelligent minds on the Isle of Gods, Dimitri puts his alchemy and engineering skills to use by construcing tools, armour and weapons for the Paragons of Myriah.
  • Edge
    The angsty, deadly teen assassin of the Terriathan Rebels
  • Eugene - God of Gains
    A god from thousands of years ago, who was brainwashed by Veritae during his first attempt at Mortal domination. He was sent to the Under-Place with Veritae, but lost much of his memory and intelligence due to the brainwashing.
  • Fern Grisham
    The former mayor of Grashton
  • Mother of Gods Galea
    The first god, and the mother of all gods. She has an intolerance for unnecessary violence and cruelty against mortals.
  • God of Gateways Gampton
    A dark haired, emo looking god, currently worn down and disheveled. Gampton, in an attempt to please Veritae, convinced the Remained to help him stage a coup and imprison Galea. In doing so he brought on the great deicide, and was sent to the Under-Place, where he now slaves away for Veritae.
  • President Garthium Garavanche
    The current President of Terriathan, Garthium is determined to carry out the cell prophecy and unite humanity by any means necessary.
  • General Aslov
    The stern general of the Terriathan Military
  • Dr Grieg Somnus
    The head of Terriathan's project unity
  • Grungo
    The former leader of Grungo monastery before his followers force-fed him to death. In the Under-Place, Grungo survived by becoming a disciple of Veritae.
  • Heatwave
    A gruff, fire based Paragon.
  • Jermaine and Brighton
    Former Terriathan scientists who changed sides given the opportunity, and now assist Dimitri
  • Jimmy Riggs
    The young leader of the Terriathan Rebels
  • Jomprey March
    The envoy of the Molinytes, Jomprey oversees the trade shipments between New Molinyte City and Myriah
  • Joronofky Minisclplink
    A proud and long serving member of the Terriathan Rebels
  • Karaktos - God of Nightmares
    Veritae's left hand man and manipulator of dreams.
  • Karn Summers
    A cunning linguisomancer and alchemist, Karn Summers never reveals his true intentions. He claims to have found an ancient book written by the God of Words that contains the All-phabet, a secret alphabet containing 492 letters. The use of the All-phabet allows him to manipulate reality. Karn was working with Terriathan, but for his own personal gain. He aided the Remained in defeating the Grey All-Rot, and has not been seen since.
  • Kate Quimbly
    The busy, stressed out mayor of Myriah. She has little time for pleasantries and can often come off as rude, but she has Myriah's best interests at heart.
  • God of Time Korantine
    A god who is only whispered in myths, even for the rest of the pantheon.
  • Herald of the War Master Lieutenant Anvil
    One of Terriathan's fiercest leaders who was cut down by the Remained
  • God of Light Luxly
    The God of Light, Luxly is responsible for the movement of photons across the world.
  • God of Magma Magmus
    A fearsome and mighty god, and the Remained's old teacher.
  • Mister and Missus
    The leaders of the Minay Tribe in the Sanctuary Forest
  • Old Tom
    A shabby, stocky old man who defected from Terriathan after working in guntown A for too long. Thanks to the remained he was able to escape to Cerulina
  • Overgrowth
    An intelligent, conscious growth of vines that typically resides inside and puppets a porcelain mannequin when around humanoids. Part of the Terrific Trio with Silver Swan and Cowman
  • Percy - God of Seeing
    A former member of the Remained, who upon his death found himself allied with Veritae in the Under-Place.
  • Princess
    One of the few remaining Draxi's, and warrior of Haven Forest.
  • Reek Bookerton
    The resident healer for all Paragons.
  • Refracto
    Really just a mirror guy
  • Shekhinaga (Deceased)
    The original Shekinaga who died in Swampton Swamp. Upon reaching the Under-Place, he died again, his mortal avatar reduced to pure life energy. Percy made a deal with Veritae to restore Shekhinaga, placing them both under Veritae's command.
  • Silver Swan
    A graceful paragon with magykal ice-skates. One of the Terrific Trio along with Cowman and Overgrowth.
  • God of Parties Skiff
    God of Parties, old friend of the Remained and martyred deity of his own independent religion.
  • Skimberly Sklips
    Regular guy really
  • Party Bishop Skolff Lawrence
    The devoted leader of the Myriahn Church of Skiff.
  • Slint Beltrig
    A somewhat gullible, lazy member of the Terriathan Elite guard.
  • Slippery Jim
    A slippery guy (literally) and a member of the Terriathan Black Market.
  • Sophie Sorrows
    A young girl from Grashton, who looks up to Skadi
  • Stefan
    The timid "guy in the chair" for the Terriathan Rebels
  • The Chemist
    A genius with chemicals and alchemy, she operated as a paragon of Myriah. She focuses less on combat and more on practical solutions to problems around the city.
  • The Dreamer
    A villain of Myriah with psycho-active abilities gained from Tane Tane Island
  • The nameless one (Gary)
    A feared linchpin of the Terriathan Black market, and recent addition to the Terriathan Rebellion.
  • The Prophet of the White Owl
    Garthium Garavanche's sacred prophet and the speaker of the @[Cell prophecy](article:2127fd84-2dfb-48e0-b284-7b63bc31b7cf)
  • The Ram
    Last of the Ovisans, The Ram carries his peoples legacy with him as a fierce and deadly opponent in battle.
  • Thimberly Wixwell
    Once a manager of a rest stop near the great plains, Walkerman now travels the island spreading word of the Remained
  • Veritae - God of Truth
    A wordsmith and a schemer who believes gods should rule over mortals with force and fear.
  • Vic Petrol
    A young mortal weightlifter who died in a workout accident. In the Under-Place, he survived by coming a disciple of Veritae.
In the Age of Gods and Magic a mighty Pantheon stood watch over all life on Earth. Led by the Godmother Galea, they continually strove towards their sacred duty to guide and shape all life on Earth. To nurture, teach and inspire faith. In return, the Gods thrived off of their faith.   The magic that flowed through the Gods was exceptionally powerful, and when they deemed appropriate, they would share their power with the mortals. They gifted them their boons, their weapons, their blessings, and their seed. They also granted curses, death, pain and destruction. Galea tolerated cruelty so long as it was necessary to upholding the sacred duty. But she was soft on Mortals, and would often discipline Gods who did not care for the greater wellbeing of life.   It was the Eve of the Festival of the Gods, and a mass of faithful disciples gathered on the Isle of Gods, eager for worship. It was the first time in many lifetimes that the entire Pantheon would descend from their Above-Place and gather on Earth in corporeal forms. Creatures of all races, creeds and intelligence gathered for this occasion. The diversity of life was a thing of beauty. They did not always exist in harmony, but their faith in the Pantheon kept them united.   The Gods began to show, and the Valley of the Gods was their stage. Their followers wept and cheered, astonished at their beauty and their might. Almost the entire Pantheon had arrived, and anticipation was building, for Galea was the last that was set to appear. The crowd chanted her name, but she did not appear. The other gods struggled to hide their panic once they realised they were unable to return to the Above-Place. The entirety of the Isle of Gods observed their meltdown.

This story is told by

The Protagonists
