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Ghosts of Saltmarsh

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Eltareos
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Anders Solmor
    Anders Solmor is the youngest person to be elected to the town council. He recently inherited his family's fleet of fishing and trade vessels, and his energy and ambition have made him a folk hero on the docks. On the other hand, he openly opposes smuggling.
  • Eda Oweland
    Eda Oweland is the current senior member of the town council and a traditionalist. She is a gruff, pragmatic woman who has lived in saltmarsh all her life. She owns several fishing boats and is respected by many in the fishing industry.
  • Eliander Fireborn
    Eliander Fire born is a staunch loyalist council member and the captain of the Saltmarsh town guard. He is a veteran of the Galleran army and walks on a finely carved wooden peg leg. He is somewhat of a local celebrity due to his facility with languages and he sometimes serves as a translator for important meetings.
  • Ferrin Kastalar
    Ferrin Kastalar is an elderly halfing druid who resides in a small shrine among the grove of trees outside of town. He always keeps an eye out for word of monsters in the wild. He sometimes hires adventurers to hunt and kill a creature if it is near Saltmarsh.
  • Gellan Primewater
    Gellan Primewater is a well-spoken, dapper older gentleman who is a traditionalist on the town council. He is both the most prominent merchant and wealthiest man in town. He garners a great deal of popular support from the many feasts, festivals, and other entertainments he supports with expenditures and donations.
  • Keledek
    Keledek the Unspoken is a human mage who came to Saltmarsh from a distant southern land. He is held in a mixture of contempt, mistrust, and fear by the locals. Rumor around town is that speaking his name allows him to listen to your conversation.
  • Manistrad Copperlocks
    Manistrad Copperlocks is the leader of the dwarven mining operation in Saltmarsh and a loyalist on the town council. She occupies her position because the crown decided that the miners needed a political voice in Saltmarsh. She is a firm believer in the worth of the mine, thinking that the veins of silver found in the cliffs are indicative of more valuable metals deep in the earth.
  • Wellgar Brinehanded
    Wellgar Brinehanded is a powerful human priest who runs the temple of Procan. He has a sharp memory for every storm, lost ship, enormous catch, and other notable goings-on in the sea around Saltmarsh, and knows many fanciful stories. He is rarely interested in matters on land, but knows of many shipwrecks and interesting ocean sites.

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 17th June 2023 20:00

Session 7: Raising the Stakes

Diem, the god of fate, seems destined to present the characters with their hardest mission yet.

Sessions Archive

14th Mar 2023

Session 6: Disputed Duties

A threefold decision of mission is hung upon the characters

1st Feb 2023

Session 5: Salvage Operation

The characters embark on a high risk-high reward adventure in the hopes of making themselves rich.

1st Jan 2023

Session 4: Protecting for Profit

The characters look for adventures around Saltmarsh

28th Dec 2022

Session 3: Reptilian Reconnaissance

The adventurers have captured a smuggling ship, rescued a sea elf prisoner, and found the presence of lizard men on the ship. What will they do next?

Read the Report
23rd Nov 2022

Session 2: Seaborne Smugglers

Continuing the adventure!

Read the Report
30th Jul 2022


Onward! To Adventure!

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Portia Tealeaf