Wildemount, Explored

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Wildemount
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • King Bertrand Dwendal
    Fiercely nationalistic and proud of his heritage, the king harbors a disdain for outsiders and their challenges to imperial rule, however Bertrand does genuinely wish to protect the lives of his people and be remembered as the best of his bloodline.
  • Carlton Lewis
    Meticulous owner of "The Friendly Flumph", an Inn/Tavern in Odessloe
  • Emerson Ithiliron
    The Captain of Bysaes Tyl's Elven Guard, the Eldamar-Tirith.
  • Layla Denwallop
    Deadpan mentor to Saeval Olaran. Talented spellcaster, loremaster, and teacher.
  • Vess de Rogna
    A public recluse for most of her life, Vess is both a brilliant mage and dedicated historian. She assumed this post after replacing her criminal predecessor, Lady Delilah Briarwood. As an instructor at the Soltryce Academy for over two decades, Vess has studied and unraveled a number of historical mysteries and pre-Calamity riddles — and hoarded some of the spoils for herself. Always eager to pursue forgotten lore and artifacts of eons past, Vess has been known to quietly vanish to Xhorhas for weeks at a time, returning with fewer guards and more uncovered secrets.

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 20th September 2020 14:30

Session 8: Circuitous Regret

After unintentionally releasing the mad maralith Sizlifeth from the Lash of Shadows, Last Resort must warn the nearby city of Odessloe.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Lucine Olaran

Jade Taluk

Saevel Olaran

Runt Swifthand