Lateras Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Lateras
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Supporting Cast
  • Aldric Eisenhart
    The head of logistics and security for the NWP, he serves and protects his fellow party members using his superior intellect and strategy. A former graduate from the illustrious White Citadel Military Academy, he plans out himself and his parties every move.
  • Armani Lors'ka
    The 400 year old elf encumbent of the Porth Badden Merchant's Party. He has remained in power in Porth Badd since the end of the Great Demonic Incursion of Lateras over a century ago. He often flaunts his wealth and uses it as a crutch for a very surface level personality. Many believe he pays for political favor and votes.
  • Octavia Shadeheart
    Head of Marketing and Advertisement for the NWP. She has a queen bee personality and is known to be favorably known by most everyone in politics on both sides of the aisle. Many think she is the most politically center managing NWP member ever. Some even think she is more Merchant's Party, given her lavish lifestyle and spending habits.
  • Qhick Zooqil
    A beautiful young Aarakocra whose family is known as the political savants of the High Council of Lateras. Her youth brings her passion and courage, giving her the strength to take on political obstacles others would run from. But her passion is also her downfall, as she has fallen for a young political incumbent named Vincent Hartmann. She is one of the two Ambassadors to the High Council of Lateras.
  • Seraphina Nocturne
    Head of information and chief librarian of the NWP, she is always the smartest person in the room. She is known for her condescending attitude towards others who do not share her beliefs. Rumors have been going on for months of her partiality to Encumbent Vincent Hartmann, as many assume they are having a romantic relationship
  • Torman Oswald
    A greying man seasoned with political and combat experience, he is one of the two encumbents for the NWP this election cycle. He is the more popular of the two, as his years in politics have gathered him many supporters. He is considered the best candidate for the NWP, as he is more traditional than his counterpart and has the ability to persuade the other side of the aisle.
  • Vincent Hartmann
    The young superstar of the NWP. He comes from a lineage of politics as his parents were the most popular NWP encumbent's to date before their assassinations. He continues this lineage through his passionate speeches and moving testimonials to what it means to be Porth Badden. He is often called "Bright-Touched" as his rise to power and the success of his political career has made people think the gods favor him.
  • Yed Zooqil
    The standoffish twin of Qhick, he is the cooler more reserved head of the Ambassador duo. He believes in the political process and studiously applies persuasive and political theory to his endeavors. He is the mastermind behind the scheme to protect the Merchant's Party.

Scheduled Sessions

Tue 12th March 2024 14:00

Session One: Welcome to Lateras

Sessions Archive

2nd Feb 2024

Election Night

It is election night in Porth Badd. Tensions run high as the Ambassadors of the High Council of Lateras desperately try to swing the election in favor of the Porth Badden Merchant's Party. The party works as aids, security, and advisors for the ambassadors, and death, subterfuge, and betrayal walk in their shadows. At the worst possible time, whispers of a mole in the ranks of the High Council threaten to ruin their plot. Can the party keep the powder keg from exploding? Can the party survive the night?

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Ser Hans Luther Eagel


Lawful Neutral Owlin (Rune Carver)
Sorcerer 9
65 / 65 HP

Drunken Outlander Iranad Losi

8 / 8 HP

Mu'tal Blox

Mu'Tal Valek

None Leonin (Soldier)
Fighter 9
85 / 85 HP

Mephistopheles Faust