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Eberron Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Eberron
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Supporting Cast
  • Bonal Geldem
    A professor of Morgrave University, assassinated by the emerald claw.
  • Brother Garrow
    A powerful magic user and agent of the emerald claw.
  • Cutter
    A powerful agent working for the Lord of Blades.
  • Eranna
    Proprietor of the Broken Anvil.
  • Lady Elaydren D’Cannith
    Lady Elaydren belongs to the House Cannith family in Aundair. She has nothing against the Sharn-based family, but I she is here to further the efforts of Baron Jorlanna d’Cannith of Aundair.
  • Lord of Blades
    The notorious and secretive Warforged leader who is believed to be located somewhere in the Mournlands.
  • Rorsa
    Rorsa is a powerful dire wolf that the party saved from the secret House Cannith foundry facility, Whitehearth. The party reach an agreement with Lady Elaydren to have Rorsa and his pack relocated to a suitable location in Breland where they can live freely.
  • Saxif
    Smithy in middle dura
  • Viktor Saint-Demain
    Reknown investigator and inquisitive
  • Viorr Maelak
    Veteran spy in the Dark Lanterns.

Scheduled Sessions

Thu 19th May 2022 20:15

Eberron - the black coach

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Turok Kech’Dar

Hector Belakin