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Tuesday Night City Cyberpunk RED Campaign

A Cyberpunk RED game In the world of Night City
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Supporting Cast
  • Mama Wang
    Mama Wang is the matriarch of the Wang Haidao. She directs and coordinates their efforts in Night City
  • Sophia Bakhtenko
    Sofiya Bakhtenko is a notorious figure in the Night City music scene. One the one hand, she is one of the most successful talent scouts in the city, signing some of the biggest acts that Night City has known, including Smallie Bigs, Savage City, and Red Dawn. On the other hand, she has earned a reputation for cruelty and exploiting young and coming musicians to feed her endless hedonism. She cultivates a truly disturbing style, including an extra set of cyber-eyes implanted above her natural eyes and a forked tongue.

Chapter 13: South of Heaven

With their legal issues cleared up, the band sets down to get to work on recording their first official album for Metal Blade.

Sessions Archive

11th Jan 2022

Session 12: Seasons in the Abyss

The band holds a midnight market to sell a rare cyberdeck and hopefully lure out an underworld "fixer".

Read the Report
14th Dec 2021

Session 11: Folson Prison Blues

Network 54 FAST ALERT weather team predicts heavy rain and storms today and into tomorrow for all of Night City. Some storms may include heavy acid rain, so make sure you wear protective gear if you are out and about!

Read the Report
30th Nov 2021

Session 10: Postmortem

The band has to face the music following the hotel massacre.

Read the Report
16th Nov 2021

Session 9: Bleeding Outro

Is the the end of Drive Boi?

Read the Report
2nd Nov 2021

Session 8: The Last in Line

Family is bond, or is it?

Read the Report
19th Oct 2021

Session 7: Symphony of Destruction

Tonight is the opening season game for the Night City Rangers vs. the Seattle Cobras.

Read the Report
5th Oct 2021

Session 6: Master of Puppets

Carmen Sylvestri's death leads to more questions.

Read the Report
21st Sep 2021

Session 5: To Live and DIe in N.C.

They say history repeats itself. Will a tragedy from the past repeat itself in the Time of the Red?

Read the Report
24th Aug 2021

Session 4: Peace sells, but who's buying?

When the band gets caught up in a turf war, can they avoid a violent conflict?

Read the Report
10th Aug 2021

Session 3: Red Seas

An ancient feud rears its ugly head in Night City

Read the Report
27th Jul 2021

Session 2: Battle of the Bands

It is the night of the annual Battle of the Bands, and Drive Boi has the chance to win a huge cash prize and a gig playing half-time for the Night City Rangers.

Read the Report
13th Jul 2021

Session 1 "The Gig"

Read the Report
29th Jun 2021

Session 0

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Nathan Explosion

Nathaniel Woodhouse alias Nathan Explosion, a Rockerboy with Charismatic Impact rank 4

Makoto Suetsana

Makoto Suetsana alias Zero, a Media with Credibility rank 5

Hendrix Y. Spencer

Hendrix Y. Spencer alias Hyse, a Fixer with Operator rank 5

Iko Hatta

Iko Hatta alias Bikini Kill, a Med Tech with Pharmaceuticals rank 6

Cool Ranch


Trace alias , a with rank