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Ghosts of Saltmarsh

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Saltmarsh
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Allissa Naeris
    Wood elf from the forest close to Burle. Apprentice to Neba. Has an uncanny ability with magic when items are involved.
  • Anders Solmor
    He inherited his family’s fleet of fishing boats after the untimely death of his mother, Petra. He’s the youngest person ever to be elected to the council. Brash and inexperienced, Anders is a slight man with sharp features and a toothy smile. His recent forays into trade have made him a local celebrity. Anders owns both a fishing fleet and several trading vessels.
  • Eda Oweland
    She is a gruff, pragmatic woman whose graying hair is cut short and whose face bears the marks of a life lived outdoors.
  • Eliander Fireborn
    Captain of the Town Guard. Eliander suffered a tremendous injury to his leg in a battle and walks with a finely carved wooden leg.
  • Gellan Primewater
    is a well-spoken, dapper older gentleman with a neatly trimmed beard and a fancy wardrobe. With his cunning instincts, he has positioned his family to become the most prominent merchants in town.
  • Gimrak Stoneshield
    Butler hired for Neba. Injured miner and former soldier.
  • Ingo the Drover
    Disgraced general from a distant land.
  • Kanklesten Jilar
    Gnome female. Head of the carpenter's guild.
  • Kiara Shadowbreaker
    Commander of the Keoland Southern Forces. Commanding officer of the Burle Garrison.
  • Kiorna Kester
    Runs the tannery. Has a fondness for rogues and halflings.
  • Lundor Tana
    Cook hired by the Town Council for Neba.
  • Manistrad Copperlocks
    Dwarven woman. Manager of the mine and representant of the Keoland Crown in Saltmarsh.
  • Owen Windsong
    Bard in the Dreadwood spared by the party
  • Skerrin Wavechaser
    Ander's butler.
  • Squee Itaz
    Archmage of the Academy of Knowledge. Adoptive mother to Neba.
  • Variel Liadon
    Lieutenant of the Mithalqua, a ship that was captured by the Sea Prince. The rest of the crew have already been taken out of the cell and never returned.
  • Wellgar Brinehanded
    Priest of Procan
  • Xendros Rikaria
    Tiefling female who is here on a trade mission from Iuz.

Tower of Zenopus

Scheduled Sessions

Wed 8th April 2020 19:30

Session 13: The Next Move

This story is told by