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Strange Aeons ISOS

A Pathfinder 1e game In the world of Strange Aeons
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Iliese Scaen
    Dr. Iliese Scaen, once a fine, upstanding member of Ustalav's medical establishment, now is obsessed with hacking up patients with gardening tools. WTF?
  • Tatterman
    At least he exists only in our dreams...right?
  • Vaustin York
    Vaustin "Captain" York is in charge of the guards at Briarstone Asylum. He carries himself with the discipline and confidence of a seasoned veteran, but his composure is starting to crack amidst the bizarre happenings at the asylum.
  • Winter Klaczka
    Cleric of Pharasma, sent from Caliphas to Thrusmoor as part of a team of investigators. Stranded in Baristone Asylum after the riot.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Crick Bleufir

Arabella Griggs