Session 4 Report

General Summary

As the group was wrapping up their conversation with Septimus, Magdala gave him the directive to research the Haarlock legacy and dig up information on the Widower and the Spider Bride. When Septimus knew his task the group was alarmed by the sound of four men breaking into the librarium's reading room. They all presented as Heron masked individuals but on closer inspection their masks where made from cheap metals and hides of unknown origin.    They spoke "“Forgive our master’s jest, but is time for the pawns on the Regicide board to play their parts; now give us the old man and you can go back to the dance…”. Clearly they had been read in on some secrets but the acolytes didn't bother to find out what as they bounded into action. Of the four interlopers one of the men was a psyker and the others may have been psychoactive because when they took off their masks the strange ritualistic scar and cuts on their faces seemed to swirl and coalesce into horrifying images that flooded into the minds of the acolytes. Magdala and the Voice resisted, possibly due to the Voice's ocular lens's in his case but Magdala showed pure force of will.    As Magdala and the Voice fought the now unmasked men Roth recovered and joined the fray firing stray bullets into the now crowded room. Miriria eventually lost her cool to the warp energies and she retreated to the corner to cower, joining St. Pius IV who's faith in the god Emperor was never secure enough to lead him through the arch-enemies trickery.    The Voice was a whirling dervish of blood and gore as he sliced cleanly through flesh and bone, unbinding legs from torsos and making quick work of the heretics. Roth was able to contribute by wounding the psyker and Magdala eventually brought the quickly overcharging rogue psyker down just as he was about to unleash raw immaterium into reality. Luckily the man died before the warp could burst forth any more that is was.   As the unsanctioned psyker hit the floor a cool breeze wafted around the room which hoarfrost grew into thick shards as a warning farwell to the acolytes reminding them of the potential distruction that they had narrowly escaped by killing the man. As they looked around they noticed that Septimus was no longer among their number and they assumed he ran off somewhere to hide or comeplete the tasks Magdala had requested of him. In any case the group considered what to do next. After some discussion about meeting the Spider Bride they decided against it and headed to Gabriel Chase hoping to gain access to the hallowed halls of the Rogue Trader family.    On their way they passed by a street preacher named Obadiah Psalter. Most of the group was perfectly happy to ignore him until they heard him yelling “Listen not to the voice of the false prophet; he is a liar, a liar I tell you. He will betray you when the black night comes! Trust him not, whether he wears a pleasing face or it be covered by the Heron Mask! Shun him in the Emperor’s name, and you will be saved!” The group abruptly changed drection and spoke with Psalter who turned out to be invaluable in their search for information.   They found out that he had arrived on this planet as he had traveled with a Noblewoman from Malfi who had traveled here to Quaddis in search of something or someone, sparing no expense. Obadiah had no money to speak of so he had taken refuge in the collapsed palaces when he arrived. He had started a small congregation in honor of the emperor but it was growing until the Heron masked man calling himself 'the Beloved' had seduced most of his congregation away. After that the group began operating on a more nefarious wavelength and they soon gathered a great flock of people and led them astray. They had infected many echelons of society now according to the preacher.    Miriria and Pius believed that the noblewoman might know something important and decided the group should change tack and seek out and find her so that they could then interrogate her for more information about the Pilgrims of Hayte, the widower, the Heron mask and whatever she was looking for all in one go. All the while the ticking of the steel clock counted down inaudibly towards the time when the Emperor's light would stop touching the planet and all hell would break loose.

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Character(s) interacted with

Septimus Dexter - The White Scholar
Obadiah Psalter - The Firebrand Preacher

Maladies of a Fractal Empire

Miria Mildritha Scarx Haarlock


Saint Pius the Fourth

Report Date
25 Nov 2023
Primary Location

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