Session 9 Report

General Summary

The herald at the door shouted the names of the group as they entered after presenting their invitation. His raised and cocked eyebrows belied his reservation at announcing any of the acolytes at all. Beyond their largely low-born names, Lady Melua's finery had been badly damaged and dirtied in the attack by the Widower along with the other member of the team now posing as her entourage. Regardless of the announcer's trepidations, the companions entered the estate built by Haarlock. As they began to wander, mingle and explore the expansive grounds they noticed the important features. The main building was in the center of the estate easily a kilometer past the entrance they had been announced at. A winding path made its way through jungle-like forests and sun soaked fields, now the hue of blood as the light of the star above was slowly being consumed by the eclipse creating an unnatural sunset across the planet.   Man made rivers and brooks flowed across the grounds as well, created to look as natural as possible, you fathom this is what the planet likely appeared as before whatever devastation befell it save for this domed city. Servitors move among the crowd as they carry trays of expensive amesec to-and-fro as well as horderves purchased from exotic locations and shipped here to delight only the most expensive and refined tastes. The opulence of the guest's attire is only outshown by the estate itself. Three large crystal domes dot the land scape of the grounds creating specifc bioms for the owner to spend time in and acclimate themselves to the climates and creatures of far flung worlds. Outside the manse of the estate is a sprawling garden party where attendees are drinking themselves into a stupor seemingly while others run off into the nearby woods to delight themselves in other ways out sight.   The inside of the mansion could not be overstated in its expansive decadence. Incredibly high lofty ceiling soared above covered in golden filigree frescos depicting Haarlock being chosen by the Emperor of man to lead the way into a bright future, glittering space battle marking decisive victories for the Haarlock trade empire and the Imperium at large as well as other portraiture of scenes of piety and triumph throughout the millenium. A raised dias centered the room with an incredibly long flight of stair leading up to it from all sides. Atop the dias were three thrones, one for Haarlock himself and one for his wife and daughter. At first glance the group was shocked to see a woman and girl there greeting guests but on further inspection the two figures were nothing but incredibly intricate holograms projected from a nearby flying buttress. Cerubim circled overhead in a great flock, all praising the Emperor and Haarlock through rousing oratories and hymns through the faux sunlight of the mansion's own private star.   The team spread out across the rooms they felt needed to be explored. Pious, Ennaeus and Miria headed towards a the statuary while Magdala and Lady Melua headed out towards the garden party to see if they could find any trace of her brother. Inside, there was a commotion when to aristocrat types got into a shouting match with each other. Ennaeus and Saint Pious watched in disinterest while Miria kept looking for clues among the statues. Aparently the two men were fighting about a trade deal going wrong, or cargo being lost or some other mildly disinteresting thing that happened to make things go south. Eventually the wronged party whose posessions had been lost pulled a gun and shoved the other smaller man to the floor. The small man cowered while the larger one threatened him and promised that as soon as the revel of darkness began that his life was over.   Out at the garden party Magdala and Lady Melua passed underneath a large stone arch. Magdala spotted spider drone gun turrets all over the arch their aim centered on the people attending the garden party. He tried not to let it distract him too much from what his task was an followed Lady Melua into the crowd. They searched around for a bit and made small talk with each other and party guests as they inquied after the Lady's brother. As luck would have it they eventually basically stumbled directly into him. Being raised in high society made the chances of meeting him here much higher but the relative speed of finding him in the crowd and without conflict must have been divine providence from the Emperor himself. Magdala allowed the lady and her brother to speak for a few moments until he felt he should interject and the now trio moved off to a more secluded part of the estate. They found a farm with unused buildings and brought him inside. After he openly admitted to working with the Pilgrims of Hayte, Magdala was asked to leave the room for a few minutes as Lady Melua gained a grim demeanor and visage.   Doing what he was asked Magdala stepped outside.

Maladies of a Fractal Empire

Miria Mildritha Scarx Haarlock


Saint Pius the Fourth

Report Date
06 Feb 2024

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