Session XLIX: The Beginning of the End Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session XLIX: The Beginning of the End

General Summary

The crew of the crimson storm reunites! They shelved their interests on Spintir including Kokomi’s political endeavors, Wav’s bar and the revelation that Kampl would soon be an uncle. They met with Koletath and Thazia before departing on the storm towards Nar Shaddaa where Tenthaal claimed to have a lead on a Virile Chain kingpin.
  When they arrived, they found someone in the guise of Tenthaal. The transmission from Wav had been intercepted and Tenthaal captured. But the imposter was quickly dealt with and Tenthaal recovered.
  The kingpin Tenthaal was investigating was Ragribirrg the Hutt. a local crimelord who acts as the liaison between the Virile Chain and other criminal syndicates, including the Hutt clans. Now knowing who she is and where she makes her home, all that is left for the crew to do, is decide how to make their first strike against the Virile Chain.

The Storm Saga
Report Date
16 Oct 2021
Primary Location
Nar Shaddaa
Secondary Location

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