Masks of Nyarlathotep

A Call of Cthulhu game In the world of Earth - Early 20th Century
| Full
Supporting Cast

Mario and Luigi Walk Into a Club/Bar

Sessions Archive

18th Oct 2020

Documents without Provenance

mysterious documents appear

7th Jun 2020

Back to the Basement Future Again

17th May 2020

Into The Basement

After being attacked by furniture, Virgil and the crew finally head back to the basement.

10th May 2020

Into the House

Finally getting into the house

19th Apr 2020

A House No One Wants

into the house?

22nd Mar 2020

A New Start in Arkham

An old friend pays you poorly for a job beneath your stature.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Valentino Ratti

Criminal Smuggler Valentino "The Rat" Ratti ( 40 / Male ) from Brooklyn

Virgil Constantine

Rosemary Whitman

Museum Curator Rosemary Joy Whitman ( 35 / Female ) from New York, New York

Bernadette Schroeder

Lawrence Perry Jr.

Book Dealer Lawrence Perry Jr. ( 34 / Male ) from New York City, New York

Milton Buxton

Federal Agent Milton Buxton ( 29 / Male ) from Boston, MA

Dalton Cross

Jace Grim

Muriel Brock

Zookeeper Muriel Brock ( 31 / Fremale ) from New York City, New York