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Missing Schema: Session 4 Report

General Summary

A phenomenal session was had. The party explored the Buildling cottage and discovered the mysteries within.   Standing within the Buildling mid transformation sent a couple memebers tumbling out of the abode. Except Korva, who's lack of care towards his own death allowed him to dodge the debris as the creature deconstructs itself. The players entering through the front door were greeted by the business end of the arcane cannon. They managec to discover what it did and how to use it.   The body of Thelonis was discovered as well as the artifacts inside that point to the nature of his research, Ymir, and a brief history of giant lore connected to Ymir. Ironbloom made contact with Ymir, breaking the news of they're friends death. They managed to find the rune stone that opens the door to the forge. Bloom asks how Ymir could communicate with everyone and Ymir replied that the answer lies inside the forge.   Vanni called Pops to request a ride back. He was apologetic for not remembering his previous call and offered to pick him and the party up. Everyone agreed that Vanni should delay asking for help unti they find out more about Ymir. A moving base could come hin handy. Vanni told Pops that he could manage with his help and Pops agreed, urging him to get back safely. The party long rests.   Garthen Daela and Haras Kant arrive on soarsled the following morning. The party got some sleep and found some good old stinky cheese. Hez found 20lbs of Gouda, VERY IMPORTANT. Hez and the party confronted Daela about their ordeal and how grossly underpaid they are. Daela and Kant agree after moment of awe struckness, paying the party 500g each.   Hez used the rune stone to enter the forge, discovering the site of the first creation forge. Various materials and machines lay dorment, in waiting. Tiv managed to open the components chest and gifted it to Vanni, who in return promised to craft new items for them.   They discover Ymir's warforged body on the table, dragonshard heart removed. They place it all back and spir up the forge, both of them. Ymir enter it's body and beguins conversing with thev party. Haras becomes aggitated, urging Garthen to wrap things up. Just then, an airship enters the scene. Arthemis has arrived, having used Haras for the information. The party has one minute to prepare. They set the arcane cannon radiant damage and placed ball bearings and a cannon ball inside. They wheel the cannon to the door way, creating a choke point from which to defend.   Arthemis approaches with a convoy of armed men. Seeing the party's defensive state, he calls his guard back and puts up his hands. He says he comes in peace and only wishes to retrieve his property - the schema. Hez tries to lie, claiming they dropped the schema during the journey.   DC 21 Deception Check is required   End of Session

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