Greyhawk - The Golden Age of Adventure Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Oerth
Saturday April 23rd 2022 5:00 PM | Full


  • Midwood Vale (Players Map)
Supporting Cast
  • Amelia Ryser
    Amelia is wearing an apron that used to be white, and a white hat. She has dark skin and hazel eyes. She has medium-length straight light white hair. Her big, strong hands are surprisingly quick. She is 59 years old (adult), 5 ft, 9 in (175 cm) tall, and weighs 175 lbs (79 kg).
  • Belarual Melett
    Belarual has smooth unblemished skin the color of coal. Her facial features are fine boned. High cheekbones, a small pert nose upturned on the end, and a muscled jaw, make her face beautiful as well as memorable. Bel’s eyebrows are high and thick with the same shockingly white color as her hair. Her hair is worn long, below her waist, and is well brushed and decorated with hair pins of silver and amethyst at her temples. The pins hold her hair from her long sharp pointed ears the color of coal that are pierced in three places with silver rings. Almond shaped eyes are deep wine red that she accentuates with a metallic golden eye makeup. Bel’s lips are full and pouty and naturally a pale bluish color. She paints them a wine color that matches her eyes. Her neck is long and strong, and she often wears a choker made of silver wire woven like lace with a single tear-drop shaped amethyst gem dangling on the front. This is a gift from Pandergost and provides protection magics as well as driving him nearly insane with lust when he sees it. She has the body of a dancer, standing 5’2” tall and weighing in at 95 pounds. Bel’s breasts are small and firm with high pointed pale blue nipples. Her belly, arms, and legs are all well-muscled, but small boned. Bel wears thin gauzy lilac colored silks, and muslin dresses, when she chooses to wear anything at all. About her waist she wears a leather belt that has two large dagger sheaths and a tether that holds a black leather whip coiled tightly against her left hip. The belt is dyed black and has tiny silver bells dangling from it that tinkle sweetly when Bel dances. The daggers are long, and leaf bladed of a dark metal with leather wrapped grip and silver pommels that hold large amethysts. When dancing Bel goes bare foot and wear silver anklets with silver bells attached. Other times she wears knee high black leather flat boots with laces of purple silk
  • Co-Owner of the Dancing Dove Caleb Henderson
    Based on Caleb's clothes, accessories, and demeanor, you'd guess that he is an innkeeper. He has tanned skin and brown eyes. He has short, wavy blond hair. He is quite tall. He is 18 years old (young adult), 6 ft, 5 in (196 cm) tall, and weighs 257 lbs (117 kg).
  • Eania Graham
    Eania is wearing flashy, revealing clothes and too much makeup. She has pale skin and golden eyes that shine and sparkle like gems. Her curly silver hair is tied in a Long braid. She is athletic, but very thin. She is 24 years old (young adult), 6 ft, 3 in (191 cm) tall, and weighs 148 Lbs (67 kg).
  • Co-Owner of the Dancing Dove Erin Henderson
    Based on Erin's clothes, accessories, and demeanor, you'd guess that she is an innkeeper. She has coppery skin and blue eyes. Her Long wavy blue-black hair is tied in a ponytail. She is in pretty good shape. She is 46 years old (adult), 5 ft, 11 in (180 cm) tall, and weighs 155 Lbs (70 kg).
  • Gwendys Krey
    Based on Gwendys's clothes, accessories, and demeanor, you'd guess that she is a tavern server. She has pale skin and blue eyes. She has short, straight light brown hair. She has a face that's seen a few fights - broken nose, scarred ear. She is 26 years old (young adult), 5 ft, 9 in (175 cm) tall, and weighs 175 lbs (79 kg).
  • Hundraetalyn Mountainpike
    Based on Hundraetalyn's clothes, accessories, and demeanor, you'd guess that she is a tavern server. She has deep brown skin and deepset hazel eyes. Her wavy red hair is tied in a short braid. She is 37 years old (young adult), 3 ft, 10 in (117 cm) tall, and weighs 125 Lbs (57 kg).
  • Panu Dieter Göstason
    Pandergost has pale skin naturally due to his Suel heritage and his wizardly pursuits have not helped much. He does have a smattering of freckles across his plump pale face. When he does get sun, he tends to burn and peel rather than tan. His nose is somewhere between average and short with a slight upturn. His eyes are light hazel-green and thin almond shaped, not too round. His lips are thin and a pale pink with an impish grin that causes dimples on his bearded and mustached face. His face rarely shows any other emotion than joy. Pandergost’s chin is sharp with a second chin hidden in his beard. His hair is thick, sandy blond, and wavey. He wears it shoulder length and his widow’s peak hairline is beginning to form as he gets older. His beard and mustache are thick and the same sandy blond as his hair with a few white highlights, and neatly trimmed as it fades into his hair. Pandergost enjoys his life, he eats too much, drinks fine wines, and loves beautiful things. At 5’10” and over 300 pounds, Pandergost is obese, but he is also large boned. His shoulders are broad and his neck thick. His arms are strong and lightly muscled and his hands long fingered and flexible from his magic work. His weight lies primarily in his chest and belly, since adventuring and other activities keep his legs and arms lightly muscled. Pandergost’s body is covered in a fine hair, like many of his northern brethren, that keeps him warm in the icy chill of his homeland. His preferred clothing is voluminous wine-colored robes, with sturdy woolen breeches underneath. At times he wears a large wide brimmed wizard’s hat in the same hue as his robes. On his feet are usually sturdy leather boots with winingas from boot to knee. He carries a wooden staff made dark stained oak that has been carved with many arcane runes that have been chased in silver. At the head of the staff is a nest of branches that hold a large glowing amethyst crystal.

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 24th July 2022 12:00

Aftermath of the Raid on the False Temple of Merikka

Expeditions Unlimited made a nighttime raid into the Temple of Merikka. Stealthfully handling all opponents in the courtyard and first floors. They worked their way through the basement handedly taking down the Ogre ambusher in the maze, then discovering that there was a shrieker guarding the way forward they backtracked to prevent the second floor from flanking them. On the second floor they made short work of the Skeletons guarding the first room but Thunk, raging as he was charged ahead of the party into the next room which appeared empty so he kicked his way into the next room, which provoked a goblin ambush from both rooms. He was torn nearly apart before the rest of the party was able to pull his bacon from the fire. Realizing they were out of healing and not nearly finished in the Temple the party retreats back to the Mayor's homestead with their proof of the Temple's complicity in the Troubles surrounding Orlane.

Sat 21st May 2022 17:00

Orlane - Something Wicked is Afoot

The party arrives in the town of Orlane.

Before the Adventure, ...before the Ashes, ...before the Wars, there was and era of heroes and villans; a Golden Age. The Flanaess was still hopeful and heroes stood against overwhelming odds and won! It was a heady time where adventurers determined the fate of the world, amassing fame and fortune on grand adventures that shook the world. Join the luminaries, like Mordenkainen, Otto, Tenser, Sir Robilar, and Quij. What! You haven't heard of Quij the orc servant of Sir Robilar? We must remedy that soon...

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Chaotic Good Half-Elf (Noble)
Druid 1
16 / 16 HP

Owein Diwrnod Rhydd

Neutral Variant Human (Old Faith Initiate)
Bard 1
9 / 9 HP

Kierna Nickelplenty

Neutral Good Forest Gnome (Family Artisan)
Wizard 1
9 / 9 HP

Thunk The Barbarian