Expeditions Unlimited made a nighttime raid into the Temple of Merikka. Stealthfully handling all opponents in the courtyard and first floors. They worked their way through the basement handedly taking down the Ogre ambusher in the maze, then discovering that there was a shrieker guarding the way forward they backtracked to prevent the second floor from flanking them. On the second floor they made short work of the Skeletons guarding the first room but Thunk, raging as he was charged ahead of the party into the next room which appeared empty so he kicked his way into the next room, which provoked a goblin ambush from both rooms. He was torn nearly apart before the rest of the party was able to pull his bacon from the fire. Realizing they were out of healing and not nearly finished in the Temple the party retreats back to the Mayor's homestead with their proof of the Temple's complicity in the Troubles surrounding Orlane.