The Dragon of Icespire Peak

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The Unforgettable Realms
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Ander and Thistle Barthen (Perlarys)
    You see two dragonborn kids a boy (Ander) and a girl (Thistle) - maybe 2 feet tall and bright blue. They’re still chubby with baby fat and eyes sparkle with mischief. They’re dressed in little red tunics which were clearly clean at one point, and indeed clean spots can still be seen amongst the dust, paint and grubby finger prints. They like to help carry everything - and will offer to pack all the PCs bags and fetch everything. They like to pickpocket and then excitedly show the victim what they did. They are in awe of the party.
  • Arabella De Bolbec
    Arabella de Bolbec is a 38 year old female human furrier. She has cropped, wavy, brown hair and brown eyes. She has rough pink skin. She stands 137cm (4'5") tall and has a round build. She has a round, ordinary face. She smells severely like rain. Personality Traits She zealously worships Oghma, God of knowledge, invention, inspiration, bards. (True Neutral) She changes subject very often. She is very cowardly. She stretches the truth to tell a good story
  • Azriel
    Azriel works as a clerk at The Halls of Justice Weedy, glasses, very unasuming, soft spoken and almost simpering Azriel works as an agent for the De'Ath family as he is well placed to recieve all the news in Neverwinter or can get said information without suspicion. He is well paid and 100% loyal to the family -he has elaborate escape plans in place to get him to the Keep should he need to escape Neverwinter He is keeping track of the bounty on [[Orpheus]] [[The Bounty on Orpheus]]
  • Bronn Taylor
    Leader of the Order of the Merciful Sword Basically I picture him as Aragorn so speaks like him and acts like him. Tired old warrior turned beaurocrat - very protective of his charges
  • Coppa, Dolly and Sam
    You met these dwarves at Casino Night Coppa was the croupee at the Hand of Fate table (well braided beard and slicked back oiled bushy hair with soft brown eyes) Dolly was Coppa's cousin who got very competetive against Cilian but ultimately ended up losing all her money. (spitting image of Coppa but with lighter eyes) Sam was Dolly's human fiancee (looked like Aragorn)
  • Declan
    Friend of Cillian at the Halls of Justice A few years older Training to be a blacksmith Shy and modest cute
  • Drax
    Friend of Cillian Very studious Found most often in the library particularly interested in celestials and the histories of the gods big muscly boy Not from the Sword Coast
  • Eck
    You see an pudgy aarakocra with an snowy owls head and puffy brown and white feathered wings. They wear a simple beige vest with a travellers coat belted across across their rotound belly. They have kind eyes and carry a needle and thread and in a bag around their waist you can see bottles of creams and balms. VOICE: Soft and respectful - uses honorifics - my liege for everyone PERSONALITY: Calm: submissive, deferential Stressed: fiery, authoritative Faith: broken heretic - Eck doesn’t truely believe and is desperately looking for any sign Flaw: exagerates details
  • Eli Banaran and Gorick Cafour
    Dark haired, dark eyed half elven couple soft spoken newly engaged have coins to turn into rings Thunder in the Morning's best friends
  • Elizabeth they/them
    Human Friend to Cillian in the Halls of Justice Joined at the same time as he did Very sexy bit of a party animal touchy feely loves animals and works most often in the stables with the horses has a ferret which they always have with them called Pyjamas
  • Elmar Barthen
    You smell the strong strong scent of apples and vanilla, you don’t just catch a whiff, it almost bowls you over. You see a muscled red dragonborn -sharp watchful eyes - his scales shine as if they are freshly polished but his hands are rough and caloused. He has a huge grin on his perfectly unwrinkled face showing shining white, just a touch too sharp teeth. Just between his nostrils and his mouth he has what looks like a shiny red gem - completely natural and embedded into this skin - What catches your attention beyond the strong perfume and immaculate presentation is his height - he’s barely 5 and a half feet tall. PERSONALITY: Agreeable and Forgiving but very very hard bargainer Persuasion 17 Absolutely dotes on his kids Stressed: becomes spiteful and critical of anyone he perceives to be weak Prejudiced: Orcs Flaws: has a short temper VOICE: Very well spoken and posh and very polite RELATIONSHIP: Elmar and his wife Ellie found Ander and Thistle on a supply run from Neverwinter - their cart was knocked over with not a soul in sight apart from quiet gurgles - found the twins as babies. Adopted them and bought them home
  • Goldfinger
    Goldfinger runs the Trade of Blades with an iron fist - he advocates for the mercenaries who are fiercely loyal to him as a result but often gets into conflict with the city as a result. **Physical description** Goldfinder is a 35 year old male goliath Mercenary. He has a bald head with bulky tatoos and green eyes. He has rugged white skin. He stands 227cm (7'5") tall and has a muscular build. He has an edgy, very average face. He is allergic to halflings. **Personality Traits** He discretely worships Cyric, God of murder, lies, intrigue, strife, deception, illusion. (Chaotic Evil) He always keeps score. He is very courageous, to a fault. He knows all the gossip around town. Ability Scores Strength - 18 [+4] Dexterity - 10 [0] Constitution - 17 [+3] Intellect - 7 [-2] Wisdom - 9 [-1] Charisma - 10 [0] Relationships Sexual Orientation - Straight Relationship Status - In a relationship Alignment Tendencies Good: 0 Lawful: 6 Neutral: 4 Neutral: 3 Evil: 10 Chaotic: 6 Plot Hook He is looking for his lost childhood friend.
  • Halia Thornton
    You see a woman well muscled, short for a goliath with wild red curls exploding from her head and down her back. One of her eyes is a soft brown, the other has been replaced by a black onyx stone. She has sharp pointy ears, with high cheeks bones and a mischievous smile. Her nose is slightly crooked as if it had been broken - her teeth too, if you look closely are slightly bent out of alignment. . She wears a red leathers - well cut and of the highest quality and on all of her fingers and thumbs are gold rings, several with red and yellow gemstones. Motivation: want to recruit more people into the Zhentarim - wants to be buddy buddy with anyone who looks like they could be powerful Motivation: wants to take over Phandolin - thinks Webster is too controlling and has done nothing to earn his place VOICE: soft seductive DARRRRHHHHLLLLIIINNNNGGGGG PERSONALITY: Calm: calculating, but mischievous - she always seems to be letting you in on a joke - fierce and money driven Stressed: Secretive - backstabbing Prejudiced: the powerful rich Flaws: Can’t resist flirting Phandolin Miner’s Exchange: Miners come here to have their valuable finds weighed, measured and paid out. The exchange also serves as an unofficial records office, registering claims to various streams and excavations around the area. PCs can come here to sell gems etc. ZHENTARIM: Halia is an agent of the Zhantarim (The Black Network) - a shadowy organisation that seeks to exert secret control over the North through wealth and influence - she is working slowly to bring Phandolin under her control - she can become a valuable patron to those who don’t cross her.
  • Illana Artanis
    Morganna's Mum One of the last of the Palid Elves Selective mute
  • Juniper
    Juniper - full elf - lives in the Neverwinter Woods off the Triboar trail House being attacked by Ettercap - covered in black webs Cottage -on the T of Triboar Trail - first time candles light up and goodberries grow - if Ettercaps are still attacking then is covered in black webs and stinks of rotting flesh Motivation - hiding from her clan - will trade food/time spent building her home over gold
  • Linene Graywind
    ** ![]( You see a thin, wiry young woman with greasy long black hair the colour of oil which is pinned back half up, half down. and slightly pale skin with freckles spattered across her cheeks and nose which has a delicate silver ring. Her eyes are heavy and lidded with big bags underneath as though she has not been sleeping well. She wears faded common clothing under her studded leather vest with the shield and lion motif burnt onto the chest. Motivation: wants to keep Phandolin safe - wants Phandolin to suceed - doesn't like Wester but doesn't want to break the peace - Personality: Calm: strict and short, uses as few words and possible, sharp tongued to anyone who cheeks her Stressed: loses her head - calls for help and becomes clumsy Faith: Outspoken cynic of all faiths - but is respectful Prejudices: doesn't like Halia Thornton Flaw: is sceptical of everything Voice: clipped and polite **
  • Lord Dagult Neverember
    The Lord of Neverwinter is named such for the constant streams of fire beneath his skin. Ruthless opportunist, imperialist, arrogant and greedy but not evil.
  • Mimos Allerdraak
    ITALIAN ACCENT Blue man w/ long white hair which is constantly swirling around him - long blue robes and long black nails Master of Ceremony for the Casino Night
  • Nanoka of Karr
    Zhentarim lieutenant
  • Pepin Stonehill
    Husband: Pepin Stonehill - Halfling - Inn chef - mute - sign language - soft and chubby - cheeks glowing from the heat - one lazy eye - ears with huge tufts of red hair - large red moustache Personality: Calm: agreeable Stressed: Glutonous
  • Ser Ezabeth Arden
    Knight of the Realm Member of the Order of The Gauntlet (Captain of the Guard) also the badass cleric with the knuckle dusters - enjoys a good tavern brawl always bets on herself
  • Sir Bendon Dannihyr
    Knight of the Realm Sir Brendon Dannihyr (Morganna's Commanding officer/ very stern but is more understanding of Morganna's frustrations)
  • Sir Ezra Dalton
    Knight of the Realm Sir Ezra Dalton - half-elf (Diplomatic emmisary for the Order/ frequent customer of Morganna's mother's shop and is quite friendly with Morganna)
  • Steve Greenman
    Steve is a young farmer - he lives with only his brother Mikey (trans) and Adabra the midwife who lives in the windmill on Umbrage Hill normally (party persuaded her to move there after a manticore attacked her house) Also now housing Big Al and his daughter Charlie
  • Thunder in the Morning
    Tabaxi Blacksmith in Phandolin
  • Toblen Stonehill
    DESCRIPTION: You see the innkeeper, he’s broad shouldered and barrel chested, over 7ft tall with a large elephantine head with a long trunk which hangs over a mouth which hangs slightly open. He has bright black eyes, two tusks, the right one snapped off short and stained brown in the break. His large ears are ragged with scars from multiple old piercings though you don’t see any now. Wrapped arong his neck is a long FAT cat black cat (Chewie) around whose neck is a silver chain with a large blue gem. Toblem is wearing a simple green shirt - though you recognise it as the latest style in Neverwinter with an embroidered wave iconography on the chest - and his huge hands dwarf the tankards around him. VOICE: slow and respectful PERSONALITY: Calm: Thoughtful and Open and speaks the absolute truth at all times Stressed: Destructive Faith: Quiet true believer in Hakiyah - goddess of Truth Flaws: is always eating Bonds: welcomes everyone but does not tolerate lying