Episode 15, On the Road Again

General Summary

QuestfinWhat's up with that?fin
Explore your infernal powers Big statue
Delve deeper into the Millich Mines Planeswalkers' Folly
Kill Incandus Carthelian Chess pieces
Chart the Stars Arcane wards in the crypt
Pathfinders' Legacy
Pyrem Carthelian may return


Dorian arrives in Millich (days) 15 of 28
Andromeda's Nature proficiency (days) 6 of 35
Lorelai's Medicine proficiency (days) 1 of 70)


Lunaris 7 to Lunaris 13, 3032: Year of Fire

The Omens left Helorix traveling northward once more to make Millich before their academic companion.   The trip, while mainly uneventful, was punctuated by an encounter with will-o'-the-wisps and two visions that came to Andromeda. The first came on the night of Lunaris the 10th. On a thin crust of gray earth, Andy stood below the sky full of stars she had always dreamt of, regardless of what the sages insisted. A radiant portrait of nebulas and swirling galaxies. The horizon was broken by a singular dark figure. In a slim coat which terminated above the knee, the figure faced away, head obscurred by a cloud of smoke, evidently eminating from the slender cigarette held between their lips. Little could be seen of their features but the knowing smile which played across their face.   As they turned to leave, Andromeda followed, but was unable to keep pace, though she ran while they walked. In the sky above, the stars winked out; slowly, at first, but as Andy began to sprint after the figure they flashed out faster and faster, until the sky above held no starlight and the ground beneath her snapped open to swallow her. But not before she beheld what lay beneath: a swirling network of Pathways that coalesced into a central Nexus.   Andromeda woke and sprinted out of the tent, looking to the night sky to seek the stars that had eluded her for so long, yet beheld nought but the Aurora filtering the light of a full Felicitus moon over a calm, snowy landscape. Amara, in the midst of her trance, cracked an eye open to check on her companion, and the two took a moment to debrief what had just happened in Andy's mind's eye before each returning to their rest. Though the night sky was empty of stars, Andromeda could not shake the feeling that there was something beyond the Totalis, watching her.   The next night, Andy attempted to recreate the conditions that lead to her dream the night before to some success. She found herself in the same dream, yet a malice filled the space. An air of unwelcome that came with forcing the connection. The dream played out as before, but this time, in the swirl of inky purple that filled the space between splintered lands, Andy could see a dark figure at its center, surrounded by the dark glow of energy that formed the Pathways.   To conclude the session, the Omens were confronted by a group of orcs riding up on them, headed by a leader astride a monsterous gray render.


Report Date
10 Feb 2024

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