Episode 19, Party Crashers

General Summary

Quest fin What's up with that? fin
Delve deeper into the Millich Mines Big Statue
Kill Incandus Carthelian Arcane wards in the crypt
Chart the Stars Pathfinders' Legacy
Planeswalkers' Folly
Chess Pieces
Morgan is Illemnian


Lunaris 15, 3032; Year of Fire

Ambushed by members of the Nox Circle, the branch of the Black Suns specializing in assassination, the Omens and Thunderbirds were caught unarmed and spent of spellslots and stamina. The fight scared off the cosmopolitans of the gala, leaving the adventurers to face down the assassins to the vivacious music of Saylor Twift.   Scavenging the appetizers for spellcasting components, the groups were forced to make a strategic retreat after many of them fell in battle. Sir Reginald was first to fall, but not before Morgan called upon him as "Voryx," seemingly teleporting him to her in a blur of swirling magic and arcane armor. He used his Oath of the Crown to issue a challenge to all the attackers, forcing them to attack him, which they did. And he died. Morgan didn't seem too worried about it, stating "Illemnian soldiers never die."   Retreating to the locker rooms to drink healing potions, gather their belongings, and regroup, when the assassins followed they were met on the field and handily slain, though not before offering a deal; hand over your rogues and they would be willing to part without further bloodshed. This was met with a swift arrow to the neck of the speaker.   Following the battle, in a brief confrontation that was the conclusion of a series of comments from a very confused Morgan, she revealed herself to be Athena Valkyrix, Lorelai's missing, presumed dead, former mark and lover.

Missions/Quests Completed

Morgan is Illemnian - Morgan is Athena Valkyrix, a princess of Illemnor! (Lorelai's situationship who was presumed dead).


Report Date
30 Mar 2024

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