Episode 14, Your Journey Begins...

General Summary

QuestfinWhat's up with that?fin
Investigate the Carthelian Ruins Big statue
Explore your infernal powers Planeswalkers' Folly
Delve deeper into the Millich Mines Chess pieces
Pyrem Carthelian may return
Arcane Wards in the Crypt
Pathfinders' Legacy


Dorian arrives in Millich (days) 8 of 28
Andromeda's Nature proficiency (days) 6 of 35
Lorelai's Medicine proficiency (days) 1 of 70


Lunaris 6 to Lunaris 7, 3032: Year of Fire

Concluding their exploration of the Carthelian Family Estate, the Omens found the once great Incandus Carthelian hidden away in a subbasement below the grand hall. Activating a switch hidden in the ruby eyes of the serpentine throne arms, they descended. After defeating two stone guardians, they passed a door emblazoned with artwork of a powerful wizard in Carthelian robes holding a scroll case in his left hand. Parting the solid brass doors, they found a nearly empty chamber on the other side, entirely barren save for a chair supporting a decrepit, near-corpselike individual clutching a scroll in his left hand. Incandus was the first Carthelian to enter the pact with Aspen, and still carries the scroll containing the original contract. As an addendum to his contract, he wished for eternal life from Aspen. However, while he was blessed with eternal life, he lacked eternal youth, and has wasted away to a husk of a man in the more than 500 years he has spent in the subbasement. Incapable of lifting himself up, the party carried him up to the grand hall, where he met Ember Carthelian, and very quickly became a little less proud of his lineage.   Returning upstairs, the Omens parted the next set of doors, this time cast carefully with a devilish figure set into the center of an audience chamber, surrounded by hellfire. And believe it or not, on the other side of the door, they found an audience chamber filled with the ghosts of Carthelians past. Pressing the call button, they met Aspen Carthelian in the flesh. While as he was summoned, hellfire filled his circle and a dark sillouette of a terrible, devilish figure took shape, when the flames cleared he was a normal man. Cut jawline and high cheekbones, medium long black hair filled with streaks that appeared as burnin, fiery highlights, he took a moment to greet his new warlocks. He explained briefly that he doesn't quite know what to do with them, but will figure something out. In the meantime, the sacrificial altar is open to their use. He also warned them that Pryam Carthelian may be coming for them; he is now a deathlock, having broken his pact, but he is no longer beholden to it. Should he claw his way out of Manto, he may come for the party as the new Carthelians, seeking to end the line once and for all.   They set Incandus on the throne in the gathering hall and began to make their way to the second secret staircase behind the throne when he asked the question that was on none of their minds: "Well, aren't you going to ask me if I want to die?" Obliging him, they asked if he did. And he does. His bargain with Aspen decrees only one weapon, something called the Morningstar, can kill him. And though he wishes to die, his contract could only allow him one small morsel of direction:
Your journey begins where mine ends
The party mulled that over while investigating the crypt that was through the alternative secret passageway. There was something strange about the area; the gate locked from their side, torches that ignited green when someone entered the room, and coffins filled with treasures and patriars that warned not to put out the light. At the far end of the room, a coffin designed with Incandus' likeness on the outside was protected by layers of abjuration magic. Not only was the abjuration magic strange, but it was also noted that Incandus, while pitiful, is notably not dead. The suspected false coffin was left alone after Andy discovered the abjuration magic and Lorelai noted that it may be locking something in, not keeping the party out. I'll get you next time.   Departing the estate with plans to research what his cryptic message could have meant and return to kill Incandus (and maybe use the Sacrificial Altar. Just a little bit), the Good Omens began their journey northwest to return to Millich in time to meet up with Dorian, who they will take on an expedition into the deep expanse below their mine and hopefully leverage into helping them learn more about the Morningstar and where it hides.

Rewards Granted

  • Ring of Evasion
  • Cube of Force
  • Bracers of Archery
  • Belt of Hill Giant Strength
  • Missions/Quests Completed

    Investigate the Carthelian Estate: The Omens explored what remains of the basement and subbasement of the estate—their new estate—discovering what secrets lay behind each intricately cast door.

    Created Content

    The Lamplighter: Goldcrest 29, 3031


Report Date
04 Feb 2024

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