Episode 16, The Superb Owl pt. I

General Summary

QuestfinWhat's up with that?fin
Defeat the Thunderbirds Big statue
Delve deeper into the Millich Mines Planeswalkers' Folly
Kill Incandus Carthelian Chess pieces
Chart the Stars Arcane wards in the crypt
Pathfinders' Legacy
Pyrem Carthelian may return


Dorian arrives in Millich (days) 17 of 28
Andromeda's Nature proficiency (days) 6 of 35
Lorelai's Medicine proficiency (days) 1 of 70


Lunaris 14 to Lunaris 15, 3032: Year of Fire

After a day of practice, the Omens, now the Phoenix, took to the field in the Minerva Colosseum to face the Thunderbirds at the climactic conclusion to the Chromaball season. After the rest of the Phoenix, Dorian's team, were struck with a bout of the Verdancy, that left the team down four players. Facing them were the Thunderbirds, consisting of:
  • Sir Reginald (captain): Fighter type, very bombastic. But that personality didn't seem to hold up on the field.
  • Morgan Styx: Snarky, sarcastic roguish young half-elf. Plenty of combat tricks that made her a pain to face on the field of play.
  • Fyn: Archdruid, played defense. Seemed sage, offered Andy a chance to get to know the moon druids in the Red Forest.
  • Unknown: A monk who had taken a vow of silence and has not said a word.
  • Stinky-Man: A warlock who talked a load of smack before the game but whose performance did not hold up.


Report Date
24 Feb 2024

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