2023-11-02 - Paper and Ink 2 Report

General Summary

A dispatch of thugs from the local Corvids flop house responded to the custom house Guard's whistle. The crew deciding that discretion was the better part of valor dropped a smoke bomb and hopped a fence.
Once away the crew take stock on what they found, realizing they were still missing the official stamp. While riffling through papers in the customs house, they found a memo stating they were taking work home with them that night, and some business cards that had their home address. Deciding to finish things this night they headed for the nicer part of town.
in the early hours of the morning the crew started to investigate the house. Spotting a balcony above the front door they decided to let the rogue do his thing. Kurag got a boost from Ah-tun and crept into what turned out to be the master bedroom. Holding his breath as he crept ever so slowly past the sleeping dog he managed to find the home office, and in a satchel the stamp. Loot in hand Kurag decided the front door was probably a better option than trying his luck with sleeping dogs, he creeped downstairs and disabled an alarm on the front door, slipping out and making haste with the rest of the crew away from the scene.

Rock the Bral Campaign
Report Date
13 Jan 2024

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