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47-48 Report

General Summary

After defeating Titania, the party was summoned to the council to discuss the events of the week. Despite the party trying to convince the council of potential danger still in the city, the council decided it would be best to seal Ariel from the outside world. Folke's brothers would remain within council care until they could be reunited with a proper guardian. Word would be sent to the remaining sea elf settlements that Krastrid's agents were active and dangerous. The H.M.S. Enterprise would journey out of the Grecon Sea to a remote sea elf colony that might have survived Titania's plans, and investigate Krastrid's connection to the The Assembly of Arcane Advisement.
  Enterprize, however has not forgotten its primary directive and a stop to investigate the city of Auruma ruined or not.
  Current in-game date: 8th of Midyear, 446IIE

Expedition Enterprise
Report Date
21 Sep 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Grecon Sea

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