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Mendacium -- A Wicked Land Unknown

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Mendacium
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Supporting Cast
  • "Lifegiver"
    Apart from his pompous looks and oddly chipper and unprofessional attitude, little is known about this mysterious magician...
  • Queen Baernera Faraday
    Queen of Reinland and mother to both Vickar and Chazanow. She feels an overwhelming sense of duty to serve and protect her people above all else, even if it means abandoning her own family to do so.
  • Bhelmund Glathenarr
    Legendary artificer and craftsmen, bound to a spell book for eternity. He's apparently responsible for the creation of the Heart of Thelrik and an unknown weapon subsequently created using the gem.
  • Celtash
    Handsome kalashtar noble from Roa, Zrul's capital. He's a charismatic man with a myriad of local connections. He apparently owns slaves...?
  • Chazanow
    The fat, unkempt brother of Vickar, complete with an abnormally large bag of half-consumed dates.
  • Clutch Pinelawn
    An outlier of Uriqen's Elite, called upon only for smaller tasks or those which require more men at the ready.
  • Galerash
    The leader of the Tribusian Orc Mafia. This half-orc mongrel is obsessed with gold and collecting various wares from the people of his city. His belligerency is second-to-none.
  • Gideon Everhart
    Godfather of the Tribusian Human Mafia, largely regarded as the most dangerous organization in all of Tribus. Cunning, ruthless, and seemingly obsessed with his daughter.
  • Gugenhala Czechoslovakia
    Clinically insane bounty hunter located in Roa. Famously bipolar in his behavior yet undeniably brutal in the face of combat.
  • Hunter Elio
    The leader of the Hunters, life dedicated to Lady Victoria. A skilled swordsman and a loyal man to his virtues.
  • Jessica Flowerchaser
    A friendly bartender at the Naught Dog Inn and Tavern that is amicable with the locals and impressively social toward newcomers.
  • Kathy Buchanan
    The gorgeous daughter of Captain Vaska Buchanan. Blonde hair drapes over her pretty face, which sits above a large necklace which looks almost identical to a compass. Although sensitive, she has her rare moments of bravery.
  • Loreley Senzatimore
    The youngest and only-ever female member of the Nubilum High Council. Loreley consistently subverts the outdated ethnocentric dogma of the people in Cloudtown and has her voice overshadowed as a result.
  • Prince of Zrul Mako Killinger
    Prince of Zrul and grandson of the famous Cocytus Killinger, one of the four leading generals who signed the Treaty of Caeruleum in 573, ending the Rebellion Against the Silver Moon. His method of rule appears somewhat totalitarian in nature.
  • Pepper Coraline
    Angsty young pyromaniac with psychopathic tendencies
  • High Chancellor Platinum Jubilee
    The tabaxi leader of Pacifica, dead set on spreading the influence of Cthulhu through war and violence, particularly to the "heathenistic" neighboring countries.
  • Raiden
    Former samurai of note turned bounty hunter in Zrul's capital. Supposed mentor to Kuromatsu and insulant drunk.
  • Stinky Turner
    A young harengon with beady eyes and oversized spectacles decorating his face. He is the shopkeeper of a local magic store, which he established shortly after his father went missing and his mother took her own life. The various knick knacks within often remind him of his family.
  • Tello Ticklemonster
    Chillest pet store owner known to Mendacium. May exhibit questionable ethics at times, but clearly has an undying love and passion for animals and monsters alike.
  • Uriqen Junglequiver
    A handsome elf with hundreds of years of age on his belt. He is a skilled warrior in close combat but presents himself as an even more serious threat when mounted on horseback. Personality wise, he can seem quite closed off from his allies at times, even to his own detriment.
  • Uxitidesh Xarjhan
    Weirdly pathetic for as powerful of a wizard as he is. Although highly skilled in the School of Evocation, he is markedly unwise and is crippled by sacral pleasures.
  • Captain Vaska Buchanan
    Captain Vaska Buchanan exudes the rugged vibe of an old-souled sailor loyal to his home city and addicted to the sea. His presence is commanding, yet is socially amicable to those around him, especially in his better moods. It would be unusually rare to spot him without a pipe stuffed with dry tobacco in his mouth.
  • Second Lieutenant Yeldan Ashriver
    A seasoned veteran of the Cloudtown local militia and Nubilum National Defense. He's characteristically seen on horseback with lance in hand and trail of long, uncut blonde hair following in accordance with the wind in his face.

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 22nd September 2024 2:00

Session XVIII: Gone

Following a somewhat anticlimactic encounter with a still unidentified man of the deep jungle, the party now keeps him restrained and their journey halted if only temporarily. The members of the Golden Ocelot stand idle following the battle, surrounded by the ambient sounds of the wet forest and the inner machinations of their own thoughts as they continue to process and piece together the newly revealed information from the day's journey. The mecca to Scale's Edge continues.

Sun 8th September 2024 4:00

Session XVII: Homestuck

With the party's journey now seemingly coming to an end, Abel is awaked by a knock upon his door only to be greeted by ominous news regarding his beloved home village of Scale's Edge.

Fri 30th August 2024 18:00

Session XVI: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

"There are many who don't wish to sleep in fear of nightmares. Sadly, there are many who don't wish to wake for the same fear."

Sun 25th August 2024 11:00

Session XV: Flip the Bird

Last night, the party was reunited with Cyan and Ysera, engaging in combat with several bounty hunters in the streets of Zrul, two of which remain sitting in the dungeon's of Celtash's inn. The party, awakened fragmented, is treated to a brisk morning in the capital city of Roa. The members recall their goals of both returning to Rezendell and finding help for the tormented Kuromatsu who lay awake all of the night, restless.

Sun 18th August 2024 15:00

Session XIV: Seein' Red

Combat breaks out in the streets of Roa upon the arrival of dusk. The party finds itself boxed in by two unknown threats with great danger still lurking elsewhere under the guise of thick night. However, hope for survival isn't yet lost as reinforcements begin to unexpectedly pour in.

Sat 10th August 2024 15:00

Session XIII: Two-faced

The party wakes up and peers outside the windows of their residence. A warm breeze wafting the salty smell of the ocean meanders across the faces of the Golden Ocelot's members, accompanied by a view of colorful ribbons strewn across the streets and buildings of Rezendell's capital. Although they're tasked with traveling to Zrul, many of the party's members have their own agendas to follow.

Sun 28th July 2024 16:00

Session XII: Boom

A small mushroom cloud pierces the atmosphere as the members of the Golden Ocelot commit domestic terrorism in Scoria. Shrapnel and splintered wood from the destruction of the small house rain across the city streets, and a thick cloud of dust and black powder radiates from the epicenter of the explosion. Among the debris, the party spots the burning body of Hestia soaring across the sky of now billowing smoke.

Fri 26th July 2024 16:00

Session XI: From the Pinnacle to the Pit

Laying lifeless on the now blood-stained floor of the sewer are the nameless elf assassin and Hunter Elio. Vickar regains consciousness and lays eyes upon the damaged and gore-stricken corridor, looking at his battered comrades and slain ally.

Fri 12th July 2024 18:00

Session X: The Hunt

Following a deadly encounter with a mysterious elf assassin, the party finds rest in the palace of Queen Baernera Faraday. Vickar groggily opens his eyes to find himself firmly seated in the same chair of laminated pine wood that he fell fast asleep on the night before. He glances off to his peripheries, seeing Chaz and Queen Baernera fast asleep in their infirmary beds, but then glances down to find a thickly weaved hemp sack placed upon his lap. He unties the coarse string holding it closed as Abel and Hestia make their way into the infirmary. As the three of them acknowledge one another, Vickar reaches in and pulls out the contents of the bag.

Thu 4th July 2024 21:00

Session IX: Retrograde Amnesia

The pitter and patter of rain can be heard from above as cold droplets of water strike the roof of Hunter Elio's hideout. As the ambient noise of precipitation outside begins to swell, Hunter Elio's dumping of the lore of Lady Victoria finally comes to a halt after several hours. The party collectively sighs a tired breath of relief and remembers its objective of recruiting the powerful dwarven military of Reinland to the fight against "Lifegiver" and his army.

Fri 21st June 2024 17:00

Session VIII: Erik Thornberry

The bodies of Apollo and Ember lay still upon the elevated platform. Still beneath the city of Cthulhia, the party picks itself back up after defeating a number of ambushing mind flayers in the hot, humid dungeon. The next order of business is to help the unconscious survivors and begin finding a way back to the surface.

Fri 14th June 2024 1:00

Session VII: Disciples of Cthulhu

A strange gurgling sound emanates from the corner of Sir Apollo’s Chambers. Kuromastu awakes from his sleep and sees the shadows of two dubious figures standing over Apollo’s bed. The two figures perceive the awakened samurai, and shift their attention to the sleeping group at the distal end of the room. A scream from the kenku alerts the members of the party, adrenaline jolting each of them out of their low-rising cots. In a still dark room in the middle of the night, the 6 protagonists look upon two tall, tentacle-faced figures adorned with black metal armor across the room, all with belligerent looks in their eyes moments before life-or-death combat is set to begin.

Tue 28th May 2024 18:00

Session VI: A Few Small Armies of Exceptional Arrogance

After an intense night of events, the party wakes up the next morning to the cool, dewy breeze of Rezendell wafting through the windows of The Naughty Dog. However, this momentary tranquility is set to be interrupted by a dark series of events shrouded in anxious mystery.

Fri 24th May 2024 19:00

Session V: Disorderly Conduct

Seemingly stuck in the city of Cloudtown, the party is escorted by the seasoned Yeldan Ashriver and his guards into a room upon the highest floor of Fort Tragoldor -- the central governmental stronghold of Nubilum. As they walk through the thick, mahogany doors of the center room, they are met with a near blinding light from within.

Wed 8th May 2024 19:00

Session IV: The History of the World

In spite of the early, nearly universal praise of Renascitur on the continent of Mendacium, others soon began to adhere to the various other religions of the world, whether they be minor cultist faiths of the teachings of major Gods and Goddesses like Eris or Cthulhu. While fighting was initially uncommon, further division intensified as many did not view Renascitur as having the same omnipotence as what was initially claimed. Thus, 507 years after the birth of Mendacium came the first truly horrific war – a religious war. It first began with the genocide of the followers of Renascitur by the hands of the many disciples of Khonsu in what is now Caeruleum of Mesentarium. The slaughter began with the senseless killing of those brandishing symbolism of Renascitur during nightfall, but the killing eventually spilled over into broad daylight. While these people were certainly evil in their own right, the teachings of Khonsu preach that the strongest will always rise to the top and are the ones who have power over the weak to treat them in whichever way they see fit. In this regard, this fighting wasn’t just based on religious prejudice, but was propagated by an entire ideology.   The government of Mesentarium along with the followers of Renascitur waged war against the disciples of Khonsu. The fighting spread across the entire continent and tens of thousands died. 64 years of fighting later, in the year 573, a pact was signed which ended the war and honored the great losses felt by Renascitur’s followers who emerged bloody and victorious from the lasting conflict. The pact forced all followers of Khonsu to move out of their homes and travel north, where they settled and founded what is now Frater Bonus. This war was known as the Rebellion Against the Silver Moon.   Although this war represented a dispute between two religions, it grew far beyond that. Many other countries used this as an excuse to expand their territories and exert their influence in other areas. Thus, although some countries have their borders divided based on religion, most countries are separated based on other factors like race, ideology, and how aggressive they could conquer territory. These factors zoned the borders of Mendacium’s modern lands, including that of Frater Bonus, which has become a country notorious for its incredibly high demographic of criminals, low-lifes, and followers of Khonsu.

Thu 25th April 2024 19:00

Session III: Heart of Rusty Steel

The party finds itself on the other end of a gargantuan portal facing a beautiful city and an even prettier sun rising over the backdrop of a blue sea. The city of Tribus is bustling with people, and the group soon joins the crowd in search of a wizard named Uxitidesh. However, the path forward is a tumultuous one, and the party anxiously takes their first step into what is untrodden ground for some, and an uncomfortably familiar land for others.

Mon 15th April 2024 20:00

Session II: Rezendell

Following the travesty of witnessing all of Georgia become mindless undead beings, the party cautiously follows Uriqen Junglequiver and his legion of horseback rogues to Rezendell where they seek safety. Now the party must decide their next course of action.

Thu 11th April 2024 19:00

Session I: The View of Georgia from the Sea

The land was nothing more than ashen Earth, scorched far beyond the topsoil bed. However, from this barren landscape suddenly came mosses and grasses, then sprouting weeds from the black soil. Eventually, flowers soon sprouted from the dirt and trees germinated into sprawling forests that recoated the land in life. Soon enough, various creatures joined the land from as microscopic as the bacteria that inhabit the ground to the enormous giants which guard the greatest mountains. The world’s creatures began to grow and populate the continent of Mendacium. Such miracles were attributed to the almighty power of the Kind and Charitable God Renascitur.   Ancient texts credit the birth of the land to Renascitur’s divine craftsmanship. While the great mountains of Uulur Krabek may have been sculpted by the hands of the Goddess Terra, it was Renascitur who commanded her to do so in his vision. While Nobanion may have crafted the flesh of every of the world’s beasts, Renascitur spoke their designs into reality. Thus, based on these old manuscripts, all of Mendacium began to worship Renascitur as the “One True Lord.”   However, as Renascitur’s influence has faded over the years, conflict has grown long and painful. While some countries live in peace and prosperity, others are locked in a seemingly endless cycle of war. The year is 791 and despite the brutality of modern belligerency between differing countries, the overall state of the entire continent as a whole will quickly worsen into a completely novel type of evil if someone doesn’t step in.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Hestia Everhart

Abel Myrski

Cyanide Steingard

Kuromatsu Nomisuke


8 / 8 HP