Find it, Destroy it: Part 1 Report

General Summary

1489 DR - Summer - 4, Flamerule (7) - Sword Coast - Khundrukar

After clearing out the Trogolodyte nest, the crew retreated back to the Ogre lords room, and barricaded themselves in to recover and recoup. Honing their skills for the next descent into the Glitterhame. • The crew took turns resting and keeping an ear and eye out for denizens, but it seems that with the Trogolodytes and orcs all but wiped out, the upper leves were deathly still. • During the watch, Damien hears whispers moving around, only to find them coming from a dark crack in the wall. The darkness then startles him by shouting to “Release me”. • The orb in Huden’s pocket also seems to sporadically vibrate now and again, humming like it’s full of insects. Damien tries to break the orb without success, only to hear responses fdrom the darkness when the orb is interacted with. • The crew descends again into the Glitterhame • After finding the trogolodytes secret weapon (a giant subterranean lizard chained up) and trying to communicate with it and realizing it was a beast, they finish looting the chests it protected and continue into a sloped room slick with Slime. • Huden nearly slides into the pit but is caught by Fallen • The crew then carefully passes the room and heads down into the sinkhole by the safer stairs route. • Exploring the blind fish and critters in the pools below, the team explores the rough path of the river, and the old empty looted storerooms. Searching a flooded stockroom and rooting through other piles of junk. • They encounter a ledge with a strange stalagmite, that is still until approached, and then sprouts tentacles and attacks, trying to devour the party. The roper is nearly the end of the crew but is slain through some luck and persistence. • The cells beyond are empty save a trapped dwarf skeleton who had an iron key. • Returning to the Glitterhame, they explore the large cavern that includes the cliff edges and a stone door with Durgeddins mark, which the key unlocks. Fallen is nearly ambushed, but then runs for his life from strange creatures that then retreat back to the rocks. • They enter the great door and climb a long staircase back up into the mountain, entering what must have been Durgeddins secret foundry. • The entrance is shown to be two doors that end up being false doors with axe traps that carve part of Fallens flesh and pride. A secret door is then revealed climbing up further into the Foundry. • Up the stairs a mouth appears in the ceiling, shouting “Intruders” at a deafening volume, surely alerting the entire complex. • On entering the grand hallway and throne room, they are threatened from the shadows by a mysterious gruff voice. They convince them to let them pay passage for their surfacer entry through here to Durgeddin’s (“Filthy trash fortress”), and are then cooly welcomed by Duergar, who sell them some supplies and repair their gear for a fee in the rekindled bladeworks forge south of the hall. • After restocking and leaving the Duergar, they explore the dining hall, only to be attacked by an animated table, which they turn promptly into kindling. • The north side of the hall contains a door with an orcish warning of the defiler within, but refuse to be frightened and enter anyway. • The desecrated shrine contained an Orcish Wight and two ogre skeleton warriors, who seem to all attempt to target Huden in their assault on the crew. Barely surviving through some collective tactics, the crew rests up a bit. • They find a Secret wall on the rear of the shrine and enter, only to enter the main Dwarf halls of Khundrakar. • To be continued!

Rewards Granted

Documented treasures and wealth, but not yet what they seek.

Missions/Quests Completed

More whispers from the dark, and an intelligence in the orb.

Character(s) interacted with

Nimira, the Duergar, was made indifferent and paid for passage and repairs.

The Chosen

Lucyan Kilndar

Level 12 Shadar-Kai Neutral Evil Druid
79 / 79 HP

Sabyn Talamoth

Level 5 Human... CE Cleric
(Herald of Strife)
/ 36 HP

Damien Crane

Level 4 Human (Amn) CE Warrior
/ 45 HP

Huden Golman

Level 7 hooman chaotic evil bard
/ 38 HP
Report Date
04 Nov 2019

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