Pandora Report

General Summary

1490 DR - Winter - 20, Ches (3) - Maztica, New Waterdeep  

  • After arriving back at the Temple of Tamoachan through the winds, the Chosen first destroy their bracelets given by the War Wizards with acid.
  • Descending into the shrine, they find the portcullis they left closed behind them and are forced to pick the lock and reset the trap to enter.  When Llewellyn misty steps there are numerous eyes and things watching them in the ethereal plane, as if expectant.
  • The Shrine is not like they left it, there is a sulfur smell, burnt creatures and corpses, black fungus and other abyssal signs of a leaking portal growing.
  • They wander the halls, not quite remembering the way to the gate, so Llewellyn asks her patron, who surprisingly responds with a clue: "The gate is thin here, Something is trying to get out, The area is weakest in a place of light"
  • They explore further and find an area they hadn't before, triggering a Wight to rise, which they quickly dispatch without incident.  They consult the hermit crab god in the basement, who exclaims his disappointment at food not tasting like it should and it being their fault (noticing he is now undead).
  • They eventually find the light well and the place where the Oni once resided.
  • Climbing to the top they find the Oni alive once more, in a manner though only as he is now an abyssal undead creature, and welcomes them back.
  • Huden enters the portal first and is seized by the avatar of Bane, but Black razor seems to prick the deity incarnate and Huden is dropped.  
  • The others force their way through after several failed attempts and the crew finds themselves in some manner of demonic tribunal room, with hundreds of demons at desks and a Balor with a Gavel presiding over the conclave.
  • Someone familiar now stands here, seemingly free, but not able to traverse from their location.  Keezor gives them a knowing smile.  
  • Keezor welcomes them back, his voice grating against their souls as he speaks:
"I felt you approaching with the keys, and even now they squirm in appreciation of their impending freedom." He is still behind some kind of wall of force and shows that with his hands.  "I have been able to shift this prison to a location more conducive to getting some work done in preparation, but I'm still held. But you are here to help me change this yes? The purple skull demands my physical presence to channel his power. I am happy to oblige, but he may get more than he bargains for. " He smiles a cruel smile and giggles uncomfortably, a horrible chattering sound.  "What more about this prison I know as such: The twins of the elements must be bled on each wing, then the wall may be cut with the soul of the king. I'm sure you understand. Now, impress me again by GETTING ME OUT."
  • They bring out to wield the three artifacts, but each takes control of itself and they are transformed into a dwarf made of stone (Whelm), An Elf made of Water (Wave), and a man of black obsidian with blood red ruby eyes (Black Razor).  Black Razor seems to be outraged at being brought here, and directs the others to join him in assaulting the party.
  • The Chosen direct their assaults on Black Razor, but fail to deal significant damage, and are thoroughly smashed by the trios counterattack of magic and death.
  • Llewellyn sticks arrows in their foes, Huden casts chain lightning to minimal effect and is almost slain by Black Razors counter-attack, Lucyan summons locusts to control the field, Yasen begins countering as many spells as possible, likely saving everyone from death.  Oudmans Scorpion lands a lucky blow and cripples Black Razor, who then heals, prolonging the fight.  Whelm delivers earth shattering damage and summons walls of blades.  Wave controls the weather and drops sheets of lightning on the party.
  • The battle grew dire, but eventually the Chosen manage to get their attacks focused and bring down Black Razor first, then Wave, then Whelm.
  • The crew then sacrifices Wave and Whelms Avatars on the flanking cauldrons, and black razor is lifted by Huden to cut the invisible wall and handed to Keezor, screaming protests the entire time.
  • Keezor then wields the blade, forcing it to confirm it's shape to that of the holy weapon of Cyric and uses it to cut the chains at his feet.  The demons in the room are all seemingly thrown to frenzy by the action, and destroy their desks and tools in a riotous uprising, bounding off into the abyss behind the tribunal, save the Balor, who slams the gavel in finality, as if a bargain has been sealed, and departs in flames.
  • Keezor laughs and laughs during the riot: "A Dreadlord he says, hahaha, I am the twisted form incarnate, his servants see In me only a god, you will know this soon..."  He continues in the thrum of wild destruction, raising his voice like a prayer, black swirls of smoke rising about the demons of the room who repeat the chant with him in a cacophonic shouting: "I am the Liar, the wicked, the Cruel, the dark one, the great one, the omnissiah, the Aperture of Chaos, the emperor, the Channel of Ending, the One who reigns, and the One who needs not reign, The Ender, The Overlord, and Avatar of the Dreadlord. See me, and weep... In your case, tears of joy."
  • The Chosen find them selves uncontrollably weeping hot tears down their cheeks, and the flames in the room turn purple and lash out at every demon in the room remaining, leaving husks that crumple to dust.  He then flares in a flash of violet flames and is gone, and the tribunal is silent.
  • Llewellyn confirms they are on a layer of the abyss, with no clear exit in a still graveyard of demons.
  • Then suddenly Frogmouth appears and speaks up from the corner of the room. "Impressive, no? I think so, and I've seen power mad tyrants on many planes. The great one will have his hands full steering him to his ends, but it is so much more the interesting for it. About your exit though, I have a couple things for you, one is only found here, so let me introduce it."
  • A squat reddish goblinoid is there, by a desk, small chest at his side. He beckons the team. "Part of the articles force to grant you a boon" it says. "Name it carefully and withdraw it from the box, use caution, or don't. But be snappy, I've places to be and won't tolerate winge-ers."
To be continued...

The Chosen

Lucyan Kilndar

Level 12 Shadar-Kai Neutral Evil Druid
79 / 79 HP


Level 11 Tiefling-Abraxus (Mephistopheles, MTOF) Chaotic Evil Wizard/Forbidden Lore (COBW)
(Raised by Fiends (Raised by Evil, COE))
/ 54 HP

Yasen Luzar

Level 11 Aasimar CE Hexblade - Warlock
(Expropriated One)
60 / 74 HP

Oudman - Fonkle

Level 9 hobgoblin chaotic evil artificer alchemist
/ 80 HP


Level 8 Half-Elf (Moon) Chaotic Evil Horizon Walker (Ranger)
85 / 70 HP

Huden Golman

Level 7 hooman chaotic evil bard
/ 38 HP
Report Date
19 Feb 2021

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