A Boon, of a sort Report

General Summary

1490 DR - Winter - 20, Ches (3) - Maztica, New Waterdeep  

  • The Chosen are choosing their boons as part of some demonic agreement they apparently were a part of unknowingly, as Frogmouth explains.  They carefully phrase the things they want.  The demonic goblinoid steward offers up a box they may remove their boons from once requested.
  • Xifor takes the opportunity to toss the tooth of the demon he had a pact with, fulfilling the agreement but avoiding loosing the demon.
  • Yasen feels like things are going well, but he doesn’t feel the fear he wants from people. He wants to be more feared/fierce on the battlefield, and possibly recognized. He states “I thirst for more power and prowess on the battlefield”. Demon looks bored/judgy. Reaches in and feels an arc of power into his being. His wisps become tinged in red/fiery effect before dissipating. Feels as though his aura is affected and lawful creatures and fiends seem affected.
  • Xifor would like his arcane research abilities to be unparalleled in the prime material plane. He reaches in and feels something to grab, and starts to pull on it. It fights him, but he is able to pull a large ornate magnifying glass. Seems to be crafted from the demonic crystal and will scribe hidden notes and secrets in blood.
  • Llewellyn feels that she has proven her worth, and wishes to never be bound again. She asks to never be under another’s control again. She reaches in, and nothing resists, but her hand is dripping with ooze. It feels slippery. She thinks she oozes now and can slip bonds easily.
  • Huden would like a weapon worthy of replacing Black Razor. The steward snickers as he reached in and pulls out a very small knife made of solid gold with no guard, and a stark red gem in the middle. It speaks in Hudens mind and seems dangerously sharp.
  • Lucyan asks for the power to rebuild nature from humans who damage it, and is giving a hollow pick that seems to fabricate natural structures from a plane of fungus.
  • Oudman asks for a pot that can cook anything.  An artifact is revealed but seems to have some quirks, as it requires blood and stinks like the dead while cooking, but turns anything into like tasting mush.
  • Frogmouth asks if they are ready to return to their plane and they agree.  He opens a portal and leaves them back at the temple in Maztica.  They notice the black taint and abyssal corruption is gone, but it's damage remains, and no animals live.
  • Llewellyn tries to get advice from her patron but gets nothing.  After some back and forth, they decide to find and brigade a ship to take them home. Llewellyn discovers a previously unnoticed path, and they decide to follow the path, heading north. When they reach a fork in the path, they choose to continue heading north in search of a boat.
  • The Chosen bunker down for the night. Huden feels something watching during his watch shift, but doesn’t hear or see anything. Llewellyn had the same experience. Primeval Awareness found nothing. Yasen has a similar experience. Xifor identifies his magnifying glass.
  • In the morning, Huden (and everyone else) is awakened by an annoyed loud voice. Huden proceeds to have a weird ass conversation with his knife, before he attempts to sheath it. Knife slid right through the sheath. He decides to tie it to his wrist. After more questioning that goes nowhere, Xifor agrees to research the knife and learns more about Cain. “Take Caution when using this weapon. It has an extremely long will and intelligence, and does not brook competition for it’s owner’s attention”.
  • They continue north and come upon what looks like a port city, on the other side of a 600ft wide river. Llewellyn runs straight into the water and a few minutes later pops up on the other side amidst the wreckage of several boats. Xifor then builds a boat for the rest of them. Llewellyn hides from the boat until she’s sure it’s the party. 
  • The port city is completely decrepit and ruined, as if by a storm, but with one intact dock that seems to have been recently repaired and used.  Tracks lead off into the wilderness from the dock but do not return.
  • The Chosen decide to keep following the coastline, and eventually see a light in the distance. They fire lighted arrows as a flare, and Huden disguises everyone but Oudman, as the ship appears to be coming closer.
  • As they wait a flying crew of War Wizards approaches on the head of a magical storm, and they are beset by the Wizards and dominated by their superior position and evocation mastery.  Lightning and fire force them to surrender and they are taken prisoner within an anti-magic field of some kind.  They thanked the party for telling them where they were.
  • The galley ship they are taken to is the flagship of the Calaunt Explorers guild, and Ender is ordering around the deckhands to return the large ship to the port on the island by the portal.
  • They are held in the hold with a constant magical guard inside the anti-magic field.
  • The crew pulls out their inner maniac and begin mentally axing their captors.  Xifor draws demonic circles, Oudman cooks nasty smelling wood snacks, and Llewellyn hides from them setting off their guard and the captors are kept awake and alert to their own discomfort.
  • They plan an escape but know they have limited time before they are returned to Archon.
To be continued...

The Chosen


Level 11 Tiefling-Abraxus (Mephistopheles, MTOF) Chaotic Evil Wizard/Forbidden Lore (COBW)
(Raised by Fiends (Raised by Evil, COE))
/ 54 HP

Yasen Luzar

Level 11 Aasimar CE Hexblade - Warlock
(Expropriated One)
60 / 74 HP

Oudman - Fonkle

Level 9 hobgoblin chaotic evil artificer alchemist
/ 80 HP


Level 8 Half-Elf (Moon) Chaotic Evil Horizon Walker (Ranger)
85 / 70 HP

Huden Golman

Level 7 hooman chaotic evil bard
/ 38 HP
Report Date
26 Mar 2021

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