They are coming through the walls Report

General Summary

    1489 DR - Summer - 9, Eleasis (8) - Sword Coast - Blasingdell
  • The crew is awakened by Oudman, Huden, and Llewellyn and warned of the impending attack on the town after the night raid.
  • The crew is gathered in the inn and the townsfolk are armed and sent to the walls.
  • The zombie, man in rags, and the robes stunted figure are nowhere to be seen, but Sabyn assures them they are doing their parts.
  • Outside, the morning light darkens, and a light not unlike moonlit evenings covers the day, shrouding the town in darkness and covering the visibility to the assault.
  • The crew splits into three groups to try and tackle the forces attacking from all sides: A: Lucyan, Oudman, Zul / B: Huden, Damien, Yasen / C: Sabyn, Llewellyn, Xifor
  • Three distinct approaching enemies are heard upon exiting the inn, unholy screams of pain from the west, an army of footsteps to the east, and thunderous crashing from the north.
  • The crew splits to tackle these, with group C heading North, group B heading West, and Group C heading East.
  • In the east an army of footsoldiers approaches, with Schattenwretches emerging from the alleys and shadow stepping into a surrounding position. The Schattenwretches are noticed to be not like the others, these are merely teenagers, but no less dangerous combatants.
  • A captain and his guard stomp down the main thorough fare, with tumorous goblins rushing in front toward the crew.
  • Oudman shares out acid vials to the crew for throwing at assailants.
  • Lucyan covers the entrance with Spike growth, and several zhentilar die on it while charging, including a couple of the raging goblins. Where the goblins fall, from their corpses emerge huge fiendish forms, wielding glaives and whipping their tentacled beards, seemingly unaffected by the spikes on the ground, these attack and break Lucyans concentration, and start a large melee in the center of town.
  • Oudman focuses on poisoning the Schattenwretches and throwing acid vials at the devils, while Zul rages into melee, dismembering enemies with abandon.
  • Lucyan summons a mass of snakes to help in the fight, taking off the pressure and turning the melee to their favor.
  • To the North, Llewellyn runs into a dead end, realizing that the sound is coming through the building, she sees a form of her father (who doesn't exist, since she is an orphan) and resists the charm, losing sight of the figure above the battle on the roofs. She is pinned by devils as the goblins around her explode and has to fight up close, while the sound is breaking through the buildings in front of her.
  • Sabyn transforms into a giant and wades into the main melee, providing crucial aid to the surrounded crew.
  • Xifor summons a murder of dretches, which are then 'mostly' commanded and ordered into the melee, ripping at soldiers and devils. His concentration is broken and the devils are loosed, but then banished by an unseen enemy. Xifor is taken down by a devils glaive, and must be healed, but then manages to backup the melee with some damaging spells before succumbing to his wounds.
  • Huden and Yasen head east to head off the screams, and discover a small group of soldiers and a priest who seems to be summoning unholy effects to ravage the townsfolk defenders. Strange shadows are tearing apart villagers with black tentacles.
  • Damien charges in and is headed off by a goblin, who explodes into a 7' tall devil covered in barbs with flaming eyes, and he is pressed into the attack, holding it at bay for Yasen and Huden to provide backup.
  • Huden Shatters the backup group of Zhents, slaying to priest and ending the unholy cacophony and turning the tide to the west. Yasen slays the soldiers around Damien, and joins the melee with the devil, collectively bringing down the large threat.
  • The crew moves back to the center of town to aid in the ongoing large melee, where the snakes are whittled down and several devils remain, with someone firing spells from the blackness above.
  • Through the northwestern buildings a huge form crashes in, dropping corpses as it moves. It holds up the remaining dretch and tears it apart, then suddenly disappearing and reappearing in the midst of the crew, large trident and insectoid claws flailing. It larges beetle head and eyes seeming to target many targets at once.
  • It then summons a cloud of acidic death that floats int existence over the crew, but quick movement and action by Damien breaks its concentration and the cloud dissipates before it can cause too much damage.
  • The creature tries to summon backup, but fails, and then teleports out of melee next to Huden, but the crew focuses their efforts and it is laid waste by an onslaugh of blades, magic and arrows.
  • Th snakes are mopped up by the devils, but the whole crew has recovered and collectively makes short work of the remaining forces.
  • Sabyn captures the last living goblin for study, preventing it from changing/summoning or whatever seems to be bringing the devils into the prime material.
  • The light seems to be fading and in the new clarity several Soldiers and some strange faces are seen retreating with the darkness. Unable to be found when giving chase. a large batwinged humanoid flies away above the town.
  • Just then a small army of walking dead shambles into the town, seemingly dragging the last dead zhents screaming to their deaths. They all stop. The intelligent zombie enters town with all zombie eyes following his every step. Sabyn thanks him, he nods, and they all fall lifeless where they stand, right in the center of town. The corpses are of townsfolk and Zhents alike.
  • Sabyn also thanks the bloody man in rags, who promptly runs off with a quick wave to the rest of the crew, claiming to have pressing business elsewhere. Sabyn says the robed figure was most helpful, but had to leave before battle began to take care of a problem ahead of them in Maztica, and the crew will likely see him again soon.
  • The crew debates the next best course of action, and Sabyn asks some questions that the crew is unable to answer. The first about the Tenth Lord, the second about these devil-like monstrosities (like the insect) that aren't devils or demons, and why they are helping the Zhents. The last question is about who the dreadlords Avatar may be.
  • Sabyn doesn't quite know enough beyond the portent, and believes that being wary of allies is always prudent, and asks the crew to also learn more of this Keezor name that Abigor seems to be screaming about. Huden hears the name in his head again as Sabyn mentions it, with an uncomfortable cry/giggle and moaning voice.
  • Oudman, Huden and Yasen are able to answer some devil questions but they are not sure about the Tenth lord or other poignant questions Sabyn asks. To themselves, the crew is collectively wondering about how much they really know about Sabyn and her relationship to these monstrous allies, and they feel they might want to research this as well.
  • The crew decides to separate, with Yasen, Oudman, and Huden planning to use their two unique tombs and Yasen's familiarity to gain access to the library at Candlekeep in order to do their research. The rest of the crew begins moving what supplies they can scavenge from Blasingdell and move these into Khundrakar. The crew makes notes on where things should be on the map of the mountain door that Huden made, while the others arrange for travel to Candlekeep.

The Chosen

Lucyan Kilndar

Level 12 Shadar-Kai Neutral Evil Druid
79 / 79 HP


Level 11 Tiefling-Abraxus (Mephistopheles, MTOF) Chaotic Evil Wizard/Forbidden Lore (COBW)
(Raised by Fiends (Raised by Evil, COE))
/ 54 HP

Sabyn Talamoth

Level 5 Human... CE Cleric
(Herald of Strife)
/ 36 HP

Yasen Luzar

Level 11 Aasimar CE Hexblade - Warlock
(Expropriated One)
60 / 74 HP

Oudman - Fonkle

Level 9 hobgoblin chaotic evil artificer alchemist
/ 80 HP

Damien Crane

Level 4 Human (Amn) CE Warrior
/ 45 HP

Huden Golman

Level 7 hooman chaotic evil bard
/ 38 HP
Report Date
30 Mar 2020

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